Nothing to See Here, Just Some HUMAN/MICE CHIMERAS!

 So I start this tonight with the shock treatment the Chinese military creating human chimeras, you know to save the world from that dreaded deadly pandemic, let's become God's in the name of science:

But wait, here's U.S. grants from the NIH using these same chimeras, and Coronavirus and bats, in 2014!

Grants prepared in 2014 to be completed in 2020 studying bats and Coronavirus the same guy and company got billions to study Nipah virus from bats which is WAAY more deadly and weaponizeable at over 70% lethality...

So yeah there's THAT to potentially look forward to...

With the Fauci emails coming out, there's some interesting fallout:

"Eleven Days before leaving office President Obama’s administration re-authorized funding for the creation of biological weapons using SARS viruses. However, essentially this re-authorization was only kickstarting funding within the U.S. because the funding of weaponization of SARS-CoV-2 never actually stopped in 2014"
Which brings us back to the top article.

Here's a must watch ultimate complication video of those violent rioters storming the Capitol.

Now we have Dr.s saying that they are treating more patients for complications from the Covid shots then actual Coronavirus patients, who doesn't realize that's bass ackward?