Can You See The Music? Feel it on the Air Tonight
In the past few years though, I've noticed that dream symbolism is not just useful for dreams. I've found important crossovers in reading omens in everyday life as seers throughout history, including Jesus has done. I've found that if you look at the patterns of everyday natural occurrences and the actions of animals as Native Americans do with dream logic and symbolism the entire world becomes a magical interlocking web. But outside of online, I haven't had any encounters with spiders recently, must be the cold weather. But I HAVE with birds and bats. Particularly an iridescent pigeon, though I know they're common on the East Coast, they're around here. So much that I hadn't seen one in so long that I can remember in 15 years and I couldn't think of what it was. Interestingly, it had a rolled white piece of paper stuck to it's leg making it walk funny I tried to help it and it wouldn't let me get that close, though it never fully flew off. Afterward, I realized it was a pigeon when I looked it up and it dawned on me too late about the paper, stupid. BUT, I said outside of online, I haven't had encounters with spiders. I find it extremely synchronous that this news article: Randomly came up on my phone the day that I met a new girl at work. When we got to talking and took off our masks we realized that we had been childhood neighbors and hadn't seen each other in 20+ years probably. But what makes it sychronistic is that in her grandmother's yard every year during that time was a huge Joro Spider (more closely resembled a Joro with it's silver and red [though my memory might be off] and not other yellow or golden orb weavers as I've had those on my porch, both I've watched very closely. I find spiders extremely fascinating). The strangest spider dream that I ever had was as a teenager, I dreamed that I went to put on a taboggan/beanie hat and realized that it was filled with spiders and centipedes! I screamed and threw it. Well in real life I screamed also and sat straight up in bed, my mom came running in to my room. I told her about my dream. She said "This hat?" And picked it up, one that we both had NEVER seen before but WAS the one from my dream, somehow my dream had crossed over... Once as a child I had a really high fever that made me develop synesthesia for a day. It was so beautiful I could SEE music in the air different notes on the organ shimmered across the air in different colors. Knowing that my brain has the ability to see sounds, just doesn't allow me to access it has always made me wonder if it's an ability that I could work to regain, without the whole frying my brain in the process ;),%22synesthesia%22%20has%20Greek%20roots. Synesthesia can also be a crossover between other senses and sometimes when I get a seizure aura I get EXTREMELY intense smells that no one else can smell. It's also made me wonder if it might be signs of crossovers with the spirit world as the smells are either really good or really bad. Some of these have been chocolate chip cookies, roses, cinnamon rolls, death, blood, and (sulfur, fire, death, and vomit, combined that was the worst and NO ONE else smelled ANYTHING AT ALL I had to leave the room [and I've got an iron stomach] Considering that there was an unconscious patient in the room, I wonder if there was a connection with his spirit So it's interesting that the way they describe how synesthesia develops after damage in an area of the brain it's built back better reinforced with new pathways just like a spider does after impacts to it's web. This is something that I've been wondering about for a while as to whether Covid affects the external sensory neurons or those in the brain. From reading this my guess is external. Though since my synesthesia was brought on by a fever, I'm surprised that there's not more reports of it being brought on by Covid though apparently covid doesn't stop synesthesia. On the strange questionable mind control science/tech front we have these: And my heart goes out out to them: And them A week after the eleven year anniversary of the Fukushima event, right before I was having premonitions about earthquakes and radiation. ELEVEN years ago when the first one happened, I woke up from a deep sleep saying "Turn on the news! Something terrible just happened!" Today, I couldn't remember my dream, so I tried to go back to sleep and didn't get fully asleep when I heard an unintelligible word screamed at me (in my dream) so loud that it made my whole body jolt.
I was trying to think of something to end this post with. I was down on myself on the lack of melody and imagery in my writing. Often I separate out the poetic and racey writing to be put in a place for only me to admire, yet being too shy to ever let anyone see it. I sometimes go through and take out anything too emotional in my writing thinking that this will help keep the hell hounds at bay. Those ravenous egregores eager to destroy, that tell me what I have to say, or how I say it isn't good enough to be presented. So I should delete it fast lest it be judged and found wanting. Though the other day I woke up from an unremembered dream with "I APPROVE" flashed across my mind. I often turn to either factual or the poetry of others. It was in this turmoil that I opened this, and I'm glad that I did because it fleshes out how I feel lately without me having to say it. Addendum 04/18/2023 I saw the last name of the girl I mentioned in this and was thinking about her, then saw a spider much earlier today. Then I was looking for a different post I made and opened this because I couldn't remember what it was about. Lmao, the irony of my last paragraph up there isn't lost on me btw. And rereading this it all sounds so immature that I wanted to redo it but I didn't want to lose the essence of it all adding up. AND What have I been saying about Oklahoma? then there's this: