Moral Dilemmas
I try to live my life in ways that there aren't many choices that I have made that make me lose sleep over them. But lately that's been getting harder and harder. I've been running into more and more people that are either bad people doing good things or good people doing bad things. Tonight my dreams about my current moral dilemma have woken me up. I was told that I risk losing my job if I write about what I'm about to. Why do I find it hard to write the next line? I've tried to oust malicious behavior in all areas, but am I now saying that I have a price and it's WAY lower than I ever thought that it would be? I've decided that NOPE, they haven't bought me. FIRST off, I work UNDER the mother of the DA that signed the order to take my children so it kinda feels like I have THAT hanging over my head constantly if I step out of line. SECONDLY, if this person stops working then it's not just my job on the line, our entire department is facing the axe. THIRD, he does GOOD work and legitimately helps people with his work, I've seen it. But I'm now working under someone that was caught on camera acting maliciously and from the rumors this isn't the first time only the first time getting caught. AND what he did, I've had done to me before (not by him) and I almost lost my life over it. So to ease my conscience until I decide how to move forward with this dilemma, I'm going to just post random news stories that may or may not be related and continue working. And tell you a story from about 13 years ago: I was with a friend at a bar in a hotel in Oklahoma City. she was moving and wanted to have one last harah with me before she left. We had dinner and she ordered us a bottle of red wine. We both had a glass of it and took the bottle back to the room with us. At the room she figured that the bottle might not be enough so she ordered us two double shots each (her vodka, me whiskey) and a bellhop brought them to our room, he was trying to get invited to our "party" of two telling us when he got off etc. We turned him down. Then my friend was asking me if she could borrow my car to get cigarettes since she was pulling a U-Haul with her truck. I insisted that she just smoke mine and put my keys up. We both drank most of our first double shot, Then the next thing that I knew, I'm waking up in our room in my bra and panties in a pile of my own puke in horrible pain. When I looked in the mirror I realized the source of the pain. My ENTIRE right side of my body was one solid bruise I looked like I had been ran over!
I woke her up (fully clothed) and she said that she didn't remember anything. I had one flash of memory of being picked up off the pavement by that same bellhop and it seemed that he had gotten out of the passenger side of my car.
The rest of the bottle of wine and our other shots were still sitting there untouched and she still didn't have cigarettes. I went down to get my car and it was no longer where I had parked it. When I did find my car, the entire left side of it was scratched up with rotating scratches on the hubs indicating that it was moving when it was scratched, not that someone had hit it in the parking lot. From what I can figure, we were roofied by the bellhop but it became more than he bargained for when she tried to take my car and I tried to stop her and she ran me over. We tried to get information on the bellhop and the hotel wouldn't give it. We decided to just cut our losses and go on, that's the last time I saw that friend, and it was the only time that I hadn't acted as her DD since we had a hotel room. That wouldn't be the last time that I got roofied,(not always with alcohol) but it was the worst. So understandably it would make my skin crawl to work with someone that roofies women.
How many of these do you think have the money to immediately bail out. That are just too important to lose their job and continue working over women then can turn around and tell the women that see YOUR job depends on .ME.
Also for anyone that has been following my story, I unexpectedly got an admission and apology over being handled if you catch my drift. But it just opens another can of worms.