Eating Shrooms and LSD in the Precious Mirror Cave

Welcome to the the Adamantine Mirror Cave of the Awakening Consciousness.

Those morning glory seeds will work nicely for your offering at the entrance and add beauty to the drapes of vines covering the door. Here have some Cordyceps mushrooms, an ancient cure-all that will open your consciousnesses and connect to the source, far better than the ants and crickets that will soon be your sole nourishment along your path. If you stick with me I'll guide you down along the path of understanding as it is was shown to me.

So let's start with the mysteries that open the door to your curiosity; Glass like material found in 94,000 pounds of Beef


So I'm looking at the two curtains in this room and they're both shiny; but one looks like an oil slick with rainbow shine in it whereas the other has silver sequins in it so it's mirror like. It made me think about lipid nanotech (oily rainbow sheen) versus metallic nanotech (mirror like). One of my favorite lunch meats was thin sliced roast beef, then one day we all noticed that it had a rainbow sheen to it. That strange little observation, will take on new meaning as you go. But I relate it here before we start to ask those that believe to pray and meditate, send astrally project your spirit and an army of heavenly hosts to protect me and my family. For continuous protection over this house, with the crystal cave and morning glories draping the entrance. Because they have tried to silence me, they've tried to scare me, they've used me, they've taken my children, I got them back, they've tried - successfully sometimes (God forgive me); to destroy my morals and integrity. They've broken my spirit, but I've found the frequency to fuse the Adamantine shards back together. They've tried to kill me. They have killed people whom I've loved. They've enslaved and robbed blind the whole world. They have destroyed the lives and minds of so many that we love. They've withheld cures for things that we see ones we love suffering from all the time. They've withheld technologies and medicines that would be world changing and improve so many lives. While they insidiously push things that enslave, murder, and maime. They have withheld mysteries, technologies, spiritual truths, religious texts and relics, historical truths, genealogies, knowledge, scientific research etc. While force feeding us SMUT, pushing pornography, drugs, meaningless dribble, convincing us that worthless things have value. All the while robbing us blind of our real wealth in precious metals and minerals, libraries, hospitals artifacts, famous artworks. They convince us that the spiritual doesn't exist, while they use it against us. I could go on but I know you are thinking that this sounds like it's all just one big tirade about the mysterious ever present "they" is after us and it's all a big conspiracy leading to the antichrist. But I can assure you that it's not, and no one would judge you if you turn back now and label me just a conspiracy nutter; Hello, not like I haven't been called that before. But if enough of what I show you has merit and you stick with me through to the end and I show you who your enemy is and I show you how we've been at war and it is the be all end all of wars and there's proof and NAMES for ALL of the "they". Well what then? What have you gained and how are you obligated? I dare you, read on until the end, if nothing else then to be able to debunk this and be able to show that I'm somehow crazy.

Me? What am I seeking out of all this? To bring forth the heroes among us, while side by side we tear down their ivory towers. Come, my warrior monks and mystical princesses, these are times when legends are born!

WE CAN BE HEROES! But that battle lies at the end, first lies the hero's journey through the cave and a discovery of what we are up against. With that comes the second mystery: Sheep walking in circles for days! And it's possible explaintion: Sheep injected with Covid vax plug and play brain tech Now if this is true, think about the implications of it and how what if the meat came from covering up bovine experiments with this technology. If all this is true when we need the Ultimate War cry! HU WE'LL FIGHT AND OBLITERATE! lyrics

Arise brethren, we have the strength to fight this, but first we need the understanding and wisdom to see the enemy. How they are fighting us? What weapons are available for us? Seeing the enemy: what resources they have and how they obtain their resources and hold their sway leads to the next mystery:


3 dead in Bahamas resort. A brilliant young cryptocurrency pioneer named Nikolai MUSHEGIAN tweeted on Oct. 28 that intelligence agencies were going to murder him — and was found dead on a PUERTO RICO beach hours later.

“CIA and Mossad and pedo elite are running some kind of sex trafficking entrapment blackmail ring out of Puerto Rico and Caribbean islands,” Mushegian, a developer of blockchain-based decentralized finance platforms who wanted to end global banking corruption, tweeted at 4:57 a.m. “They are going to frame me with a laptop planted by my ex [girlfriend] who was a spy. They will torture me to death.”

That mystery takes on new meaning in light of these current events with the FTX and SBF Oh but that's just the tip of the iceberg, this is big, REALLY BIG. Now don't get lost here in this next link, because there's still SO MUCH MORE of the cave to explore but this details quite a bit: The FTX collapse touches Ukraine, The WEF, Silicon Valley and DC

All the next information will both infuriate you and get you gleeful that it's COMING DOWN!

All the othe kids, you better RUN!

Seeing that these people are THOSE KIDS, the kind everyone hated in school, the spoiled brats that got away with everything. The kind that lied, cheated, and bullied; yet, could always put on a good show. The kind that weren't beneath manipulating and pulling strings to get ahead, or the worst kind; where they for all appearances seemed like really genuinely good people, and everyone liked them so much until you find yourself useless to them or standing in the way of something they want. Then they become a ruthless, merciless, truly evil adversary. Once you out a person like this, they become insidious and petty. They do everything in their power to strengthen their support system and destroy yours. Spreading lies and rumors about you, while making themselves look good. Then there's the really spoiled brats that are used to getting whatever they want just by being pushy enough or crying loud enough that they need it. They rely on the truly good kind people in this world to take care of them.

Hell these CEO's are around the same age as me and probably still seen as "kids" to many of you. Though I resent that, if any of you think I'm "just a kid";SEE THAT TIGER JUMPING OUT OF MY MOUTH?! It doesn't come without being tried in the fire, the fire of TRIBULATION of a life of struggle and resistance. I'm not that straight A anymore. :)

THIS FIRE is ready to spread out and spark fires OF RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION IN ALL OF YOU. But the hero's journey through the precious crystal cave is about spiritual awakening as well, and doesn't come without it's victims along the way. People losing their mind in top positions especially crypto because it's like monopoly money.
Make sure that you find ways to stay grounded, know that as you search for the real treasures 'cause every heros journey involves treasure. You might become entranced by gold fever or scared away by the dragons and the skeletons of the knights that have gone before you, but that's the thing, SOME HAVE GONE BEFORE YOU. And they've left as many clues and symbols and cryptic writing, so that something will carry through to those that come after them.

So we'll come back to the first and third mysteries at some point, but I'm going to start with the sheep that have been circling. There's a video claiming that this is a form of mind control that comes from a covid injection and is ran off of the 5g network. Now we could stop at that and say that's just conjecture, it's not possible, etc. And dismiss it. Or we could break down the claims and research if it's somehow possible, like MYTH BUSTERS. So mind control has been extensively researched and the base elements though possible are not the type of thing that we are seeing in the video. What we see is more of a neurological muscular control. And since we're talking about injections we need some sort of bio nanotech that can override normal functions. The zombie ant fungus seems like a good logical place to start. Those fungus's are types of Cordyceps that attach to the ant's chitosan (exoskeleton) and then break through and spread to the muscles and nerves. They control the calcium channels which mechanically control the muscles and the energy creation centers, then spread them to the brain overriding behavior.

Here's a breakdown of the 'zombie fugus' It's being studied for being able to fight cancer.

So it says that the Cordyceps can't infect humans normally because they have heat labile (breaks down in heat [fevers]) enterotoxins that are a main method of action. And our immune systems fight it off better. So that's out right? Not so fast, they have been working for decades at hybridization of the Cordyceps and things like E. Coli to create heat stable enterotoxins. Think of a form of E. Coli that produces the Cordyceps enterotoxins. (Also HIV and immunizations tear down the immune system and makes you susceptible to all kinds of fungal infections.)

Now this isn't without precedent. Normally E. Coli lives in the gut and our immune system fights it off from causing illness because the enterotoxins are heat labile, but in 1994 they hybridized heat labile, and heat stabile enterotoxins in E Coli using Shiga like enterotoxins, the actual shiga toxins from dystentry (which has been known to be virtulent for centuries) and human adhesins (which cause fatty scarring adhesions). (of which bromelain combats it the best) This new strain of E. Coli became virtulent and is now recognized as Shiga toxin E. Coli and is the source of almost all E. Coli infections. Though it isn't acknowledged that it was created in a lab through hybridization.

Shiga toxin E. Coli infections

I'm sorry per this timeline of the first recorded outbreak of E. Coli it was probably completed around 1993 or before, but they published their papers on the hybridization they created in 1994.

History of E. Coli Shiga Toxin inexplicable Genetic mutations in adhesin encoding genes

Notice that it was done in Brazil, someone I took care of once, told me with tears in his eyes about how from the trenches in Brazil in those days, they were experimenting and killing people - mainly children - BY THE TRUCKLOADS!

Colony hybridization of E. Coli and Shiga and the effects on adhesin encoding genes Headline: Fungal infections are on the rise [due to climate change] as their ranges expand. not because their stabilizing the infectious agents against our immune system Headline: Climate Change Made Zombie Ants Even More Cunning That begins with:
"Raquel Loreto is a zombie hunter, and a good one. But traipsing through dried leaves in a hot forest in Sanda, at the southern end of Japan, she needed a guide. Just a few months before, she’d been on the internet and come across the work of artist SHIGEO OOTAK [emphasis mine] , whose fantastical images depict humans with curious protrusions erupting from their heads."

HUMANS WITH HORNLIKE ANTENNAE hmmm makes me think of the depictions of Moses and Jesus with horns. So the horn that you see growing out of the ant is called the "fruiting body" and it's a mushroom that produces the spores that attach to the chitosan (the exoskeleton of the ant or catepillar, There's classifications within the genus of universalis and militaralis, I have a hunch that these came about because of their plans to weaponize this).

This fruiting body has been modified in some cases to make larger scale production of the mushrooms as shown here. According to these two papers, here and here the mechanism of actions that they studied are driven by heat labile enterotoxins. which can't handle heat. Headline: What if you were infected with the cordyceps fungus So we've got a possible ingredient that can control muscles and mind that has been being studied and experimented with in order to make it weaponized. But just because it's possible, the claim is that it's from a covid injection, there's no link to it. Or is there?... Photo of fruiting body

Interesting that the spores from the fungus seems to resemble the spike protein. Remember Chitosan is what the spores bond to in the bugs exoskeleton. Chitosan is derived from bugs and shellfish etc. It's the specific element that typically causes people to have a shellfish or bug allergy.

Now why are we using chitosan to make the spike protein?

Click on one of them,scroll down, you'll see The spike proteins for sale developed from insect cells. Oh, here's why they are making the spike protein out of chitosan.
"A novel concept for treatment and vaccination against Covid‐19 with an inhaled chitosan‐coated DNA vaccine encoding a secreted spike protein portion."

Dustin the Wind

Previously we were seeing nanotech that was graphene oxide based, why do you think that they changed over to chitosan? this explains it. Study of the uptake of chitosan oligosaccharide nanoparticles by A549 cells When they were making nanorobots with carbon it's completely non reactive, yet it caused hypersensitivities allergies, why? Sometimes this effect is seen in surgical implants, not that the objects were contaminated, but that the body recognized them as inorganic. So a biofilm of bacteria, or protein or sugars is put on the outside.

Now the dust makes me think about how the CIA back in the 70's or earlier had a powder developed from datura that they could blow in someone's face and get control over them. They got it from investigating voodoo practitioners witch doctors and shaman who had it much longer. It's called devil's breath for a reason.

Now that scopolamine is interesting because I've seen that before, where have I seen it... Oh I know it's a patch that they apply as a medication now. It's an amnesiac and antiemetic that we use in surgery to create a "twilight sleep," where you slightly lose touch with reality so you can handle the pain that you are in leading to the surgery and the antiemetic part prevents vomiting from the opiates that will induce a deeper sleep. Sometimes people take it for motion sickness.

When I was growing up, my dad was vehemently against us drinking kool aid, as a child, I didn't understand why. He always said that it has something in it that is made from ground up beetles. It was enough to gross us out to not drink it. Later he would tell me that it was because of what happened at Jonestown, with the Kool-Aid. But it wasn't until NOW that I fully understood. Ground up beetles IS CHITOSAN Jonestown was the epitomy of the CIA's experiments in mind control techniques. At the process church in the United States before they moved it to Guyana, they were experimenting with different techniques down to frequencies in the air conditioners. What if it wasn't that the Kool Aid was poisoned so much as it was an attempt at DNA rewriting mind control?

At this point though, it seems they don't need Kool-Aid, we need toWATCH THE WATER! And while we're at it, THE MILK TOO

"The aim of this work was to predict possible bovine miRNAs - human gene expression regulatory networks in silico. The obtained results will help to use exogenous miRNAs to purposefully change the expression of human genes."

Can we trust the food? I would stay away from ANYTHING that says BIOENGINEERED, because now that encompasses, but goes beyond just the old "genetically modified." It can include inorganic nanotechnology and mRNA and miRNA. Headline Grow and Eat Your Own Vaccines [spike protein mRNA bioengineered lettuce] Your meat might soon be leftover BIOENGINEERED HUMAN ANIMAL CHIMERAS FARMED FOR ORGANS More links for the intredpid researchers: And a study saying that even after cooking the miRNA in beef can still be absorbed by the intesines, and REWRITE YOUR DNA

But I digress, so the other claim in the video was that this is a type of tech that can be remotely switched off and on by 5G. Let's dig into that claim. Headline: With Magnetic Nanoparticles, Scientists Remotely Control Neurons and Animal Behavior

"Clusters of heated, magnetic nanoparticles targeted to cell membranes can remotely control ion channels, neurons and even animal behavior, according to a paper published by University at Buffalo physicists in Nature Nanotechnology."
Control of neurons through remotely changing the TEMPERATURE of the membrane and bypassing active control for reactionary control through instincts. And it uses the same pathways that they identified in the Cordyceps.
"From the National Institute of Health: In Ophiocordyceps-infected ants, our lab has shown the development of an extensive, interconnected, fungal community around individual muscle fibers in host mandibles, suggesting that fungal cells may work cooperatively to consume host nutrients and induce the biting behavior seen in infected ants" Cold? Could it be malfunctioning? So according to this, the technology would be activated remotely by Low frequency AMF (Alternating Magnetic Fields) Which is 5g and electric cars, but also the type of natural magnetic fields produced in the world that things like birds and butterflies respond to. Nanorobots for medical use that run off C++ programming
Prototypes of medical nanorobots. and Programmable Nanorobots Integration with Magnetically-Driven Neuron and Brain Tissue Regeneration So then these magnetic nanoparticles brings us back the first mystery of the mirror-like substance in the meat. Headline: Tyson Using DNA to Prove Pedigree of Premium Beef Tyson is using DNA tracking through IDentiGEN to track it's ground beef, but they can't tell us how almost one hundred thousand pounds of ground beef got contaminated and what it was contaminated with. In fact I seem to be running into dead ends with the beef, seems after the initial reporting, there was no follow-up.types of nanotechnology in our food, usually unlabeled. headline: "Novel nasal-spray nano-formulation enables nose-to-brain delivery of biodegradable nanoparticles that can encapsulate psychedelic substances, such as psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms" Treating mental illness and PTSD with a nanoparticle nasal spray THAT DELIVERS LSD, MDMA OR PSILOCYBIN DIRECTLY TO THE BRAIN. Now who thinks THAT is a good idea? There was an article I read a few years back that the majority of the scientists and engineers in silicon valley are daily taking psychoactive substances. Our society is being eroded by drugged out evil crazy geniuses that think they'll solve all of the world's problems by drugging us and controlling us.

So now for the third mystery of the crypto currency stuff. It's a tale as old as time, of follow the money. I'll show how it's a story of a young generation of ancient families used algorithms to game the global banking system using embezzled money. Once this money was laundered through crypto, it was used to fund and install a form of voting system that they could hack, bribe politicians, mainly Demoncrats. [alternatively this was done in China as well] This political leverage was then used to get them to install policies that terrorized the people of the world, starting with fake shootings and crisis actors and ending with the Plandemic. All the money and donations coming in from the shootings and medical fearmongering and vaccine funnelled into the venture capitol and banking institutions that started FTX and Alameda.

Then when I'm done we will bring it all back to this through Epstein. FTX was started before Epstein was arrested. Next, I'll show how it ties into all the mafias that they took down in the plandemic through operation Trojan shield and now plan on Building Back Better. My dad was asked one time, in reference to the Irish mob, the Italian Mafia, and the Jewish syndicate,

"If you could push a button right now and tear them all down in an instant, would you?"
He said
"Even though I'm often fighting against it, no I wouldn't, because it serves a purpose and there's familial ties and codes of conduct within them. If it's torn down, something else that we don't recognize will grow up in it's place without the rules and codes making it all the more ruthless"
"You don't know how many of us in it would like to push that button, but don't for that very reason."
Well that button WAS pushed now we need to identify what is coming up in it's place.I'm willing to bet that if I plugged away at this long enough, I could also show how it all ties back to CERN and DWAVE. Like in the movie travelers, if they are going to use time travel to manipulate the timeline, then they would need to use local mafias and identify all of them or replace them. Afterall these algorithm's that they've used goes back to Babylonian banking and Solomon's Temple.

So how would we identify the groups? My dad taught me how not only identify groups but to watch them and figure out how they were operating. It's not always like you think, but you can identify patterns and playbooks. My Spidey sense is going crazy lately with what the hell is going on in Oklahoma. First we have four white men go missing and are found dead riddled with bullets, then we have four Chinese killed and we're told 'it's ok, the public isn't in any danger, it was just Chinese carrying out executions.' WTF? Anytime there's an equal number like that close to each other, it seems like a 'tit for tat' gang war. We've got Russian's guarding fields here with machine guns. The highway patrol and police so corrupt that it's no longer a secret and people talk about and brag about it standing in line at the store. We've got wind farms installing tech that's not supposed to exist yet with superconductor batteries etc.

So I made some pretty wild stretches above about how FTX ties in to everything. Let me break down exactly how I came to those conclusions. First that FTX and Alameda are backed by old families and old money that are directly tied to the Plandemic. Let's break it down: Let's start with Sam Bankman-Fried

"Bankman-Fried was born on March 6, 1992, on the campus of Stanford University, into a Jewish family. He is the son of Barbara Fried and Joseph Bankman, both professors at Stanford Law School. His aunt Linda P. Fried is the dean of Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. His brother, Gabriel Bankman-Fried, is a former Wall Street trader and the former director of the non-profit Guarding Against Pandemics and its associated political action committee."

SBF's mother is Barbara Fried is a Standford lawyer that came, not from CA but MA, graduated Harvard, and worked for Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, and Garrison.

"Paul, Weiss advised the casino operating unit of Caesars Entertainment in its bankruptcy proceedings, taking over the role from O'Melveny & Myers in 2011. It later became known that Apollo Global Management, a private equity sponsor of Caesars, was also a Paul, Weiss client. Paul, Weiss was found to have a conflict of interest in the matter, although an investigation found no actual harm to Caesars or its creditors"
Do you see what I see? Don't worry, I'll walk you through it, it's all about the PLAYBOOK, and nexttime that I say PLAYBOOK, come back here, and see if you connect the dots then... SPOILERS :) They were also involved in a case involving China, high tech medical, the Cayman Islands, and wire fraud. circumstanial, I know, but it sets a precedent.
[Barbara Fried] is a co-founder of the political fundraising organization Mind the Gap, which advocates for Democratic Party candidates and funds get-out-the-vote groups.In 2018, Fried donated $75,000 to Mind the Gap. Mind the Gap was described by Vox Media as "Silicon Valley's secretive donor group" in January 2020. In November 2022,[immediately after SBF was arrested] Fried stepped down from her position with Mind the Gap

SBF's father Joseph Bankman is a clinical psychologist and THE foremost scholar of tax law with degrees from Berkley, Yale and Palo Alto.

Now let's move on to SBF's girlfriend Caroline Ellison, (here she is claiming that she's a masochist into Chinese Polyamory)Whom he met at Jane Street Capitol, Which will become MUCH more important as the threads unravel.Caroline's story is of a savant polymath from MIT. Born in Boston to parents who were both Economics professors at MIT that studied GAME THEORY. Read more about it Here and Here SO SHE WITHOUT A DOUBT KNEW HOW TO DO IT ALL AND THAT WHAT THEY WERE DOING WAS NOT LEGAL. Which is why she pleaded guilty. But wait there's more...What if because of her abilities, and connections she isn't worried about the guilty plea. What if I can show that this same GAME THEORY and algorithm hacking and legitimate hacking that they used in the election, and cryptocurrency also stands to control ALL THE COURT SYSTEMS in THE MAJORITY OF THE WORLD. Now that's a bold claim for me to make. How could anyone affect control on all the court systems? Blackmail and bribes only go so far...Sounds outrageous. Because it is outrageous that all the court systems would stupidly make themselves vulnerable to ONE ENTITY that can affect them all. BUT IT HAPPENED! It's called OPUS 2 and through its 'cloud based' software through it's software and it's buy ups of 'barrister tech' it now stands to be a central 'brain' of ALL the court systems that use its tech across the world. Including Administrative access to court transcripts, and judgments!... And under American Law there's double jeopardy...Think about it...

But how does OPUS tie into all this? Let's start with it's funding, in the bottom right here see that it is funded by FIVE ARROWS CAPITOL (remember the name, will become more important later, SPOILERS ;) and in parentheses it says Rothschild Co. we all know the significance of THAT. Alas most of my links for this information seem lost or no good at the moment. I'll try to retrace my steps, but from what I found digging into this, is that the key players that wrote code for FTX, Alameda and Jane Street, previously wrote code for OPUS 2! Most of my links to show this came from their profiles on LinkedIn but are erased now. If anyone knows how to do the wayback machine, check out all these names on LinkedIn with that.

Let's get back to identifying those key players the next most prominent would be the CODERS Nishad Singh and Gary Wang From India and China. Now Singh, I believe will tie back to the insurance side of the Plandemic as India runs the world's insurance scam, for now that's a string I haven't pulled enough, But Singh is said to have made huge contributions to the demoncratic party as they all have. Gary Wang, though doesn't have a string, he's got a whole damn chain! Gary Wang, a computer coder and engineer from CCP helped fund FTX through SEQUIOA CAPITAL VENTURES

This website That you MUST READ! breaks down all the links better than I could that shows the other half of the circle. How the same people that backed by the Chinese Communist Party FTX's biggest client rigged our election machines which they own. Then through embezzling and laundering money through a plandemic hoax, that they and the CCP created; funded-read bribed- the candidates. Candidates that they rigged the elections for; in order to pass the legislation (Biden Reprogramming Cells) that allows them to implement the technology,[why do I find it hard to write the next line?] that will take us all over as slaves, to finally claim the deal made in 1933 when the American people were put up as collateral. Because of the propaganda and programming the people are lining up to get it. And all the same players also stand to control all the laws of the land. This is something CENTURIES in the making, AMERICA IS A CONQUERED PEOPLE RIGHT NOW.
Remember how when the lockdowns started since everyone was now wearing masks, suddenly there were sign language interpreters EVERYWHERE. When I did a teaching internship for special education, when I thought of doing it as a career, it was at a facility for children recovering from abuse at the hands of their family, one was a deaf mute that the parents had never interacted with so we were having to learn sign language as we taught it, I don't remember a lot of it, as it seems to have gone the way of all my language faculties, but much of what I saw during the lockdowns was completely unrecognizable. A few news articles addressed this, but when I tried to look it up, I couldn't find any from the past few years, what I found was THIS:
ASL Interpreter at Nelson Mandela's memorial that signed gibberish, attributes it to sudden schizophrenic break
The sign language interpreter widely criticized as a "fake" for his performance at Nelson Mandela's memorial service in South Africa says he suffered a schizophrenic episode while on stage, a South African newspaper reported Thursday. Thamsanqa Jantjie, 34, claims he "lost concentration, and started hearing voices and hallucinating," according to Johannesburg's The Star. He is quoted as saying, "There was nothing I could do. I was alone in a very dangerous situation. I tried to control myself and not show the world what was going on. I am very sorry, it's the situation I found myself in."
considering that Nelson Mandela's memorial is HUGE to the Mandela effect and the quantum manipulation of timelines, I find this very telling.
And this case from 2017
"An actual sign language interpreter was called in to translate what, if anything, Roberts was actually saying. According to Windy Rossi, Roberts “signed”: “Kill 55 million [unintelligible] please [unintelligible] arrest killed [unintelligible] work school work four one kill [unintelligible] three old two four now I will have ask want [unintelligible] about two times night.”
chilling right? We're all indentured servitudal slaves, overburdened and bewildered feudal knaves, who've lost our soul posterity through ignorance and apathy, and as long as we stay passive we'll succumb contented with some communistic crumbs. CONSTRUCTIVE FRAUD RISE UP! YOU ARE I LIVING MEN AND WOMEN VESSELS UNDER THE SOLE DOMINION OF OUR SOULS THAT ARE NOT BOUND BY THIS ENSLAVEMENT. WAKE UP!

Back to SBF,The demoncrat on house financial services committee investigating him, hired HIS BROTHER he head of the house financial committee overseeing the investigation into SBF hired his brother, it's all the same PLAYBOOK reminiscent of Whitey Bulger and his squeaky clean political lawyer brother. Afterall, he went to Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I was told that the Irish mob had some moral code and vehemently against child abuse eespecially sexual. But from iwhat saw the California Irish mob is all about pedophilia and incest and had already infiltrated the Oklahoma factiom and made a devil's deal between the CIA, Mexican Mafia and Mossad to supposedly hold off the Russians and Chinese, but instead killed off or discredited the good ones and handed it over. I'm making some generalizations here and some points might be slightly off, but it sure looks that way.

You didn't think that I was done did you? This is multi-faceted, see the CCP and India will get the people, they are well versed in handling a large mass of people. But the monies that they are dealing in with the crypocurrency and insurance are just numbers. The actual wealth in precious metals, jewels, artifacts, estates and the like that the American people have amassed in their short history, well that is and has been being funneled back to Israel, an estimated $40,000,000,000,000 that's FORTY TRILLION DOLLARS! I'm having trouble with my links for it. But there's videos and books on how starting in the 1970's onward intrepid investigators have been uncovering how the same groups of lawyers, doctors, and psychiatrists have been involved in an syndicate that sickens wealthy people to get them to sign over their estates through Power of Attorney POA then they are institutionalized or killed. The people doing the legwork in this are paid through the insurance companies. Then the wealth is funneled back to Israel.

That might be most of the connections on the legal and money side, but how does all this tie back to the medical part? Aside from the glaring thing of Sam's brother Gabe. Let's go back to FTX's sister company Alameda Research it was cofounded with SBF by Tara Mac auLay who worked in a hospital and is the CEO ofLantern Ventures. Lantern Ventures was the biggest creditor ofCelsius a cryptofirm that failed in July 2022.Sensing a pattern. Celsius is tied to Pharos funds which fundsBiotech and Oral Gene Therapy Pharos is now requesting TEN BILLION DOLLARS to fund their gene editing vaccine that can go in your Kool-Aid!

So there's companies that used an algorithm system to game the currency exchanges, using mainly embezzled money then used it to bribe politicians who they are asking for them to use government money to fund the medical companies that put in the real money that was gained from terrorizing the people and then coming up with the "solution" interesting that this also links to the gun/shooting problem reaction solution because they don't want us to fight back. I hate to put that part in with nary a link, but if you pull these threads long enough like I have, you remember the connections but not always where they fit in, somewhere in this I found funds from the fundraisers for the victims from shootings and for the anti gun campaigns going into these same entities. We'll have to come back to it. But remember, NO SLAVE OWNER WANTS SLAVES TO HAVE GUNS!

What happened between FTX and Alameda Research was eerily similar to a movie titled The Other Guys. In it they used the lottery to cover their $2 billion in Losses. SBF was really confident at first that he could get his own $2 billion in losses covered within the 2 weeks that he had. Other people have posited that the lotteries are being used for payoffs with the false flags. There HAVE been some VERY strange lottery winnings lately...I'm not going to link all of them, but the Lotteries operate on Random Number Generators. Which is what Blockchain also runs off of. The random number generators are not completely random because they have algorithmic constraints.

Jane street Capital (which is where SBF and Caroline Ellison, the savant polymath, met) ran algorithims based on Random Number Generators and stuff on creating "Pseudo Random Number Generators" or "splittable Random Numbers" gaming the system, making it look like it was a functional RNG when it wasn't. LOADED DICE

There's this curious case which no one else has really been able to figure out but when we PIERCE THE VEIL, you'll SEE) SPOILERS;) of why Alameda Research invested $11.4 million in a tiny bank that then changed it's name to Moonstone and joined the Federal Reserve, other than it's connections to Tether a cryptocurrency tethered to the U. S. dollar.

I said that FIVE ARROWS would become more important? The kingmakers are tired of living in the shadows apparently they want to step out become king, that starts with recognition anf celebrity status through a television show for one.

But I said earlier that the button was pushed to take it all down. That button was OPERATION TROJAN SHIELD and ANOM Operation Trojan Shield was a multi Jurisdictional Task Force effort ACROSS THE WORLD to route out organized crime. Stretching From Italy to Australia, from Africa to North and South America. though I see little evidence that it was carried out in Asian countries, you know what that means Darkness fills a vacuum. Mara Nairobi Kenya

Puerto Rican pedophile ring Operation trojan shield Puerto Rico Ties to Hollywood and cryto
Brock Pierce reached fame through his role in the Mighty Ducks movies. It seems likely that he was abused as a child, as his childhood photographer was a pedophile arrested for abusing his subjects.
Pierce also seems to have continued the cycle of abuse, fleeing the US in 2001 when his 90s-founded tech company Digital Entertainment Network (DEN) was revealed to be running a child sex ring. The company was run by Pierce, a man named Mark Collins Rector and his underage boyfriend Chad Shackley, and all three executives fled accused of kidnapping, trafficking, prostituting, and threatening with guns the children the DEN was designed to lure in with promises of TV fame. The company was otherwise gaining traction and set to receive $70 million in an IPO. They were arrested in Spain in a house full of weapons and child pornography. Rector eventually became a convicted sex offender, but Pierce was never charged, going on to become a billionaire through his cryptocurrency investments and even chairman of the Bitcoin Foundation. Now he lives in Puerto Rico where no capital gains tax need be paid on investments. He lives with dozens of other entrepreneurs and as their leader is proposing to the government to build a new city from scratch based on bockchain/cryptocurrency technology and incorporate it into the US territory.
The proposed name was 'Puertopia,' but has been changed to 'Sol' after it was revealed that the original name translates in Latin to 'Eternal Playground of Boys'. As a high-profile individual Pierce's past is incredibly under-documented, and the majority of articles about the Puertopia project portray it in a positive light. The government have openly welcomed the entrepreneurs.
The documentary 'An Open Secret' briefly deals with Pierce's life with the DEN company, and our article on Pierce can be read here.


PIERCE was the cofounder of TETHER In 2018, Pierce converted a former monastery in the Old City of San Juan, Puerto Rico into his headquarters.
"In 2020, Pierce acquired Dwight Howard's Pierce School Loft in Washington, D.C. Originally built in 1893, the Pierce School Lofts are located in a former schoolhouse named for US President Franklin Pierce.The Pierce School Loft is currently in use as a meeting place for national and local leaders and politicians."

Exactly like the Old Fort House in the Bahamas... "In January 2022, Pierce purchased the W Hotel on the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico, which shuttered in the aftermath of hurricane Maria. ... Pierce is the vice chair and spokesperson of the U.S. Marines Toys for Tots Foundation of New York, Long Island and Puerto Rico."

Brings us to Jean Chalopin who was in with Pierce on the film front, who owes Daltec back in the Bahamas and is the CFO of TETHER and owns the MOONSTONE bank. ANOTHER MUST READ, HEADLINE WHERE'S THE $69 BILLION

But there's a new twist within this cave of mysteries and it looks familiar...

The Crypto currency guys that were hiding out until SBF got nabbed
As crypto exchange FTX continues its demise, a few certain ghosts of crypto collapses past have unexpectedly crawled out of the rubble. Take Zhu Su and Kyle Davies, the now-maybe-not-missing cofounders of the notorious Three Arrows Capital (3AC) hedge fund. After months of radio silence, the disgraced hedge honchos have made a sudden re-emergence into public — or at least, digitally visible — life, seemingly in an attempt to set the record straight. The two have taken to Twitter in a firestorm, explaining in long, winding threads how their own firm's demise wasn't their fault, actually — it was former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried's, thanks!
These Other Guys 3 ARROWS CAPITAL Prior to that they worked at Credit Suisse which prides itself in "client confidenciality and secrecy."


Credit Suisse built the Gotthard railway and the electrical grid that CERN uses.
they intend to create their PRIVATELY OWNED SPIRAL GALAXY

First Boston Bank is part of Credit Suisse where the Three arrows guys worked before starting 3AC FTX's restructuring

The group of companies, calling itself the “FTX Debtors”, have engaged M&A and restructuring specialist investment bank Perella Weinberg Partners LP as lead investment bank and commenced preparation of certain businesses for sale or reorganization. The company noted that the engagement of Perella Weinberg Partners is subject to Court approval. Interestingly, new FTX CEO John Ray (who came in to oversee the FTX bankruptcy after Sam Bankman-Fried left)
John Ray is the same one who oversaw the restructuring of ENRON. SAME PLAYBOOK Perella Weinberg is from,.. who guessed it? FIRST BOSTON
"First Boston sat at the top of merger and acquisition league tables in the 1980s, thanks to the team led by Bruce Wasserstein and Joe Perella, which orchestrated such transactions as the leveraged buyout of Federated Stores, which earned First Boston $200 million in fees,and Texaco’s hostile takeover of Getty Oil. A 1985 Fortune Magazine article called First Boston “the archetypal deal factory”, a year in which it did $60 billion in M&A deals placing it second after Goldman Sachs. By 1987, M&A advisory work contributed half of First Boston's profit and Wasserstein asked the management committee to divert resources to his unit from bond trading. After being rebuffed, Wasserstein and Perella quit and set up their own firm, Wasserstein Perella & Co.
(Capricorn this is why it skips 4,5,6, more later. i think it's through a code that crosses quantum timelines)

go through and connect the dots from Bruce Wasserstein, co-founder of Wasserstein Perella & Co. Joe Perella, co-founder of Wasserstein Perella & Co and Perella Weinberg Partners Richard Handler, CEO of Jefferies Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock Scott Mead, Artist SAME PLAYBOOK

So rivals of SBF/FTX had their company collapse and blamed it on him, yet the company that they used to work for is taking over restructuring his company and has been involved in aggressive takeovers for A LONG TIME and Black Rock is involved on all sides. The sister firm Parella Weinberg PartnersWorked on THE CARES ACT. Can't make this shit up, they're all in bed together.

In April 2020, the firm was hired to advise the U.S. Treasury Department in connection with the portion of the CARES Act focused on businesses critical to maintaining national security. In December 2020, Perella advised Northrop Grumman on the sale of its Federal IT and Mission Support Services Business to Veritas Capital for $3.4 billion.

Let me emphasize this as I'll show the importance later THEY ADVISED NORTHROP GRUMMAN (read most all of U.S. military ) on the sale of it's Federal IT and Mission Support Services to Veritas Capital, which already owns Raytheon, Dyncorp and most of Lockheed Martin

Thus putting all military contract monies under one umbrella.

A stray dot, that I haven't connected yet but looks like more cyrpto embezzlement with monopoly money. SBF himself Switched Lawyers from his mom's legal firm, the Paul Weiss linked with Barbara Fried to his dad's who had Elizabeth Holmes from the medical tech startup THERANOSfraud case in his home. If you ask me, it looks like Elizabeth Holmes was on to something legit that would prove VERY USEFUL TO THE NANOTECH MEDICAL INDUSTRY in all likelihood she was mind controlled, handled by the Standford group, then dropped. Not to brag but I got accepted to Stanford, then passed, guess I dodged that bullet. The old Fort House that Bankman, and now his parents are in, is of significance was a spy house for the British slave traders, then OSS, then CIA, was owned by a politician Brady,.. BRADY DEFLATE GATE, SILVERGATE... THIS IS MY TRUTH NOW TELL ME YOURS REMEMBER IF YOU TOLERATE THIS, YOUR CHILDREN WILL BE NEXT. WHICH BRINGS ME TO WHAT I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU FOR YEARS, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN OKLAHOMA?! Headline CHINESE NATIONALS BUYING UP LAND IN OKLAHOMA AND MEDICAL MARIJUANA GROW LICENSES AS FRONTS FOR HUMAN TRAFFICKING Headline CHINESE TRIAD IN MEXICO RUNNING FENTANYL LINKED MONEY LAUNDERING Headline Mexican Cartel using Chinese crypto to launder money. A DARK WIND is coming for that DUST.


Strange Partners Benally’s business partners include a man named Irving Lin – an LA Real Estate Agent who is one of his main partners and Dami Lin, a Las Vegas “international man of business” who helped create One World Ventures Inc. "This company also obtained funding from SPI Energy Co – which is a publically traded Chinese based company. This explains the sudden surge of Asian immigrants and according to some who live in the area, they suspect that it could also be part of a human trafficking ring. Some evidence of this includes locals spotting immigrants with suitcases on the side of the road trying to get back to their home country – not able to speak a word of English. The presence of these immigrants also is sparking clashes with local residents who sees Hemp as predatory to their way of life. And so, the locals have been strapping up mainly because these Marijuana-Hemp farms also have armed guards. According to the workers – the ones carrying the guns tend to be Chinese."
And Colorado for that matter, which prior to Oklahoma creating their medical marijuana laws, there was a huge trade in marijuana from Colorado into Oklahoma, that was fully tied up in the FBI and DEA according to a reliable source, but what then they just handed it over to the Chinese, Russians, and Mexicans? WTF HAPPENED? Headline COLORADO MARIJUANA INDICTMENTS OF CHINESE NATIONALS Headline COLORADO MARIJUANA BUST LEADS TO ASIAN PRIDE ORGANIZATION DARK WIND DARK WIND https://www.foxnews.c < https://www.foxnews.c <
"Currently, mobile phones are proving to be a useful feedback device in accomplishing data transmission for communication, control, and energy supply inside the body." DARK WIND <
"Currently, mobile phones are proving to be a useful feedback device in accomplishing data transmission for communication, control, and energy supply inside the body." There's no question that THEY KNEW THAT wasn't above board! 2/ DARK WIND <
"Currently, mobile phones are proving to be a useful feedback device in accomplishing data transmission for communication, control, and energy supply inside the body." In other news THE EVIDENCE WITH THE ELECTION FRAUD AND LOTTERY, WILL BE ANOMALIES IN THE CODE FOR THE RNG THAT MATCH JANE STREET PSEUDO RNG'S On the artificial brain front: Cobalt mononitride is also being studied for use in hydrogen fuel cells 73029 OK CASSANDRA LOOKINGGLASS

Signed, THE RESISTOR, Little Sister;)