How Can I Save My Children, When I Cannot Save Myself
In the middle of the night last night, my youngest son woke up screaming and crying. I asked him about it and he said "It was a nightmare, or more like a memory of when men were doing experiments on us." I said "What do you mean?" "It's probably a nightmare, but it feels like a memory, they were injecting us all with things and doing experiments and I could feel the pain." I said "Please describe it in detail." He said "I woke up to some men coming in our house one time, I could see where you and dad were sleeping and they went to you and injected you and dad with something, and I think the girls but I couldn't see them. Then they injected me. They did experiments on us.
To top it off, I didn't tell him that a few weeks ago, I woke up with my upper left arm hurting and a dream that someone had pinned me down and injected me with something....Or that I've had that dream before...
Last night Before I fell asleep, I was calling on Jesus and my soul for help protecting my children because I found this post I'd made this time last year.
And I believe this time next year we will need to worry about war with China....The past few days I've seen a lot of symbolism of a rope breaking. My older son got his truck stuck in a dried up lake, and was showing me a really thick rope they broke.
I asked my son about it again today. He said "It's always the same, they start doing surgery on us." I said "Surgery? last night you said it was experiments." He said "Yeah experiments is a better word, they shock us with something and inject things in us. They are dressed all in white." My dreams are all the same too, except the locale and positioning. I wake up to men holding me down covering my mouth and eyes, and they inject something in my arm. Once they shocked me and I peed myself and I woke up in cold urine, THAT "dream" definitely didn't feel like just a dream, but it was in the middle of all the other weirdness a few years ago...
From something like that, short of hiring a bodyguard 24/7 there's not much physical things I can do or make booby traps that wouldn't be harmful to my children, I can't go to anyone with just dreams, albeit shared dreams with strange lingering circumstancial evidence... The fight has to be on a spiritual level...