Out of the Mouth of Babes
I just wanted to share some profound wisdom that my 2 year old philosopher Grace said: "I am nothing, I am a part of everything, I am a piece of my dad, I am a piece of my mom."
And here I thought she wasn't listening when I played Alan Watts.
And more wisdom from my 4 year old "Mom, I know how dreams are made," "How?" "Your third eye inside your head here sees your dreams."
It's almost worrisome, that my children are so beautiful and intelligent that I've actually had people ask if they are 'real' or 'angels' or 'aliens' in all seriousness. When my son was 18 months old I took him to daycare and when he came back he asked me, "Mom, what is wrong with all those kids in my class?" I said, "What do you mean what's wrong with them?" "Well when I try to talk to them, they all stand there drooling, it's like they don't know how to talk.""Oh sweetie that's the thing, they don't know how to talk yet." I'll add now, "Their parents all took them in to be repeatedly traumatized into a stupor by people stabbing them with needles and injecting things, then plop them down in front of things like teletubbies that spews gibberish at them"
When I was in 8th grade, I was giving an oral report on something, but we didn't get graded on the typed version of the report, never being one to do work that I don't feel like I need to, I didn't type anything and just stood in front of the class talking off the top of my head with blank papers. The teacher noticed and asked for my papers. When he saw they were blank he said that I wouldn't get in trouble over that, if I would continue to stand in front of the class and let him and the other students question me 'to get to the bottom of why my siblings and I were smarter than all the other kids in the school.' It was beyond awkward, but I agreed. They asked me about how we were raised, what we ate, what we did etc. then compared it to themselves. They came down to the major differences being that we didn't vaccinate, didn't eat any fast food and got sick when we did for school functions, didn't watch TV and we had conversations with our parents about a huge variety of things. My brothers and sister all went out and got their vaccines and TV when they were grown. they're all masked up and I sometimes can't have intelligent conversations anymore with them. When they're saying things like "maybe it's just normal in Biden's family for his granddaughter to kiss him on the lips and shower with him, we shouldn't judge people for having different family culture," or "It's unintelligible mumbling that Biden is saying to that girl, there's no way that anyone can claim that he said that he's horny, I can't make out any words." or "Yeah, I didn't even click on any of those links, because I looked up what snopes said and they said that it's not true, so there wasn't any point in me looking at your false evidence." or "Satanic ritual abuse does not exist, it was proven false after the satanic panic according to wiki so I'll stop you right there, if SRA doesn't exist then you can't try to tell me about things that happen because of it." It feels like they are in a different dimension.... I think that it comes down to that if you don't fight to have strong opinions and beliefs that you have endeavored to root in truth, than you will be told what your official beliefs will be. My siblings went from doing what my parents did without question, then rebelling, then doing what society tells them without question. I endeavored to learn Why And what the truth was. (One can hope there's a social rebellion coming, but patterns in history show that it's more than hope, it's due.) A good example of this is George Orwell, did you know that before he wrote Animal Farm and 1984, he wrote for a communist newspaper for a while? In his autobiographical book Down and Out in Paris and London, he writes about how he was homeless and starving and he was told about a paid job writing for a communist newspaper. He wrote that he had no real political views of his own at that time. So he wasn't against it, but that he didn't know how he could write for them when he didn't know what they were about. His friend came up with the idea that they would get the anticommunist newspapers read them, then write the opposite. Completely laughable circular reasoning that he was leading people through, but he wrote that is exactly what he did for a while. But we see the evidence of the great man that he became with strong grounded political views that surpass most people's understanding because he looked at issues from opposite viewpoints then weighed them.
WORD of warning, TREAD CAREFULLY, in light of what WM said, that has been going on for years with me and started in the Den, I've got detailed emails and comments that I dreamed of writing and sending, then they didn't exist, sometimes I end up writing or receiving the gist of it in real life. Unless it's in a cross, loop, or open door time (there are ways to know, but it sounds crazy) they are always slightly different. When I cross myself, then it's exactly the same but I don't always know why I'm doing it and some of those times I type it but I don't know why I type it exactly, then I have a dream that has the other parts of the conversations. When it first started happening, I had people commenting with the gist of entire dreams I had, and things I wrote in emails.