Solomon Files 2
Anyway, Summer of 2020 I was driving down the road, listening to music, when suddenly the car around me disapeared and I was laying on my side in a room with red light, water dripping and my hands were tied behind my back and my ankles were tied together. I was cold and wet, and I started doing my reality checks that I do in dreams. I could see details, i could feel the floor I was lying on, hear the drips, I started to move and suddenly, I was driving again listening to the music. When I got home, I was sitting on a stool and my husband said your bleeding on your leg. I looked down and I didn't see any blood. He said "tell me about the Solomon Files." I said "I have no idea what you are talking about. he said "you really don't feel that? and rubbed his finger down my right leg" with that I felt the blood but didn't see any. Then later there was blood there. When I was typing that I got startled by the glass of my front door breaking, from the look of it someone had shot through it but there wasn't a gunshot sound, then I realized that it was probably my son with his slingshot. It was. but when I cleaned it up I cut my left leg in the same spot, and had blood dripping down it. Time is not linear but there is patterns. mirrored, cracked glass of the mirrored heart? Adamantine shards? Someone was trying to get me to type the Solomon files before it was time, then they figured out that there's a clock to it, like a time safe. The question is, which came first, the Chicken or the egg? did writing this here now lead to me being tortured in the past, but my future? In that case should I continue the Solomon files? Again it is a thought experiment like Roko's Basilisk. Do you continue something knowing what you are facing? Feels like Jesus in the Garden. And a question that has been floating around my mind. If you see things through prophecy, how much would you try to change, how much would you be standing in God's plan? How much would God want us to? To fight to be on the right side of ideals and values. I can think of no better way for this vessel to go than to provide a way out for my children on every level... There's doors and windows accross time where information can transfer especially if someone is in an altered state. In March of 2021 I connected again to another "me" getting tortured in another dimension I guess. It was really strange, we were at a hotel and I was laying on the bed and my husband was walking around the room, but my consciousness connected to myself calling for help while I was getting tortured and my mind was trying to find somewhere to stash information. I kinda dismissed it as a weird daydream, but it made me remember being asked about the Solomon Files and Solomon's temple.... BACK TO LL'S SITUATION: Come up with a list of all your resources money, friends, alliances, family etc. And develop a plan. And take down that post and reword it, if you are running don't put it like that, that number doesn't work, and let us know how things are going... Profile your wife and find out what would get her to sign your son up for this? i it's early in the game, what connections does she have that would make her sell her loyalty to her own children like that? Bodysnatchers? Alter egos, monarch programming? Empty vessel. Trust me I know what that is like from my experiences. Rewatch all of the martrix. and nowhere man. And read my sssoo crazy post. My ex husband told me in 2020 that he was going to either drive me crazy, or convince everyone that I was crazy and get me committed to a mental institution and take my children. I didn't believe that he could. Then it happened in 2021 and he was behind it. But now I have them and LARRY NOW HAS NO LAWFUL CLAIM TO ME OR MY CHILDREN AS HE GAVE UP RIGHTS AND DEFAULTED. YOU CAN WIN THIS AND SAVE YOUR SON.
DO NOT GO TO THE PSYOP MOCKINGBIRD MACHINE THAT IS THE MEDIA THAT DID THE COVID PSYCHOP DOWN TO THE LOCAL LEVEL. RELY ONLY ON FRIENDS THAT YOU KNOW. My story they said was on the news. YOU KNOW NOT ONE REPORTER WOULD TALK TO ME? MY ADVICE? GO TO YOUR LOCAL INDIAN TRIBE ASK FOR SAFE PASSAGE SPIRITUALLY IN A WAY YOU FIND COMMUNICATES IT. PARABLES, RITUAL. ASK SPIRITUALLY FOR BOTH YOU AND YOUR SON. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING, RECORD EVERY CONVERSATION, AND PRAY BEFORE EVERY INTERACTION. There's a standing invite for any of my friends to come to Indian Territory, though it's here that I had everything happen to me, We are under different jurisdiction under native law. I'm currently following a joker card through timespace. kinda like Bad Wolf in Dr. Who...Let me explain, when I was getting tortured in the future I put something in a book. In the past in 2020 I got the message and went and got the book and there was a message put by a past me, not future me. So now I have the book and I opened it and a joker card came out. And I wouldn't have that book now, if I hadn't went to get it in 2020 And beside it, is the book that I was listening to online at that moment in 2020. But what makes it even trippier is that I came across that joker card last time JB was talking about the joker and my ex husband handed me a joker lighter. That joker card was in a book that was about re education camps and the page across from it said "ladybug, ladybug fly away home your house is on fire, your children are in danger." Ritually I moved it to the shadow line. 1/29 words are, numbers, it's all just an EPIC mind fuck;) 88 88 88 Cynthia California loop closed? triple core, trinity. AA BBB CC DDDDDD EE stop Ll the plan is to just avoid zephyr I.e. plan Z