The Joker
"A Washington state woman who has been diagnosed with tuberculosis and refused numerous orders to isolate was spotted boarding a bus to a casino by an officer who had been tailing her and had a warrant for her arrest, according to a court filing obtained Wednesday."
A JUDGE ORDERED THAT SHE BE SEIZED AND TREATED AGAINST HER WILL!(emphasis mine) WE ALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT!!! DO NOT EVER LET THEM TAKE THAT AWAY, THEN WE ARE ALL WELL AND TRULY FUCKED! THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE RIGHT TO BARE ARMS, THIS IS THE ULTIMATE GOD GIVEN RIGHT! THE RIGHT TO OUR OWN BODY!!!! But this has been going on since January,.... They need a typhoid Mary to foment fear, but coronavirus is becoming a joke. Tuberculosis on the other hand.... coincidentally when they have a new tuberculosis vaccine. The first prototype mRNA vaccine for tuberculosis was developed in 2004, but scrapped because is wasn't even as effective as the current vaccine for it that is over a century old. The biggest worry between Marburg and Tuberculosis lies in the blood and bleeding, hence Yarrow and shepherd's purse. Yarrow has an interesting mythology around it. It grows wild almost anywhere BUT some people that don't study it close enough have mixed it up with poison hemlock. Shepherd's purse also grows wild and is easily identified with it's heart shaped leaves. You can make a tea or poultice of either. If you can't find it wild, order the teas, BEFORE they unleash what we have evidence that they are at least considering... Shepherds purse is really good to eat in salad's and recipes, it has a bite similar to kale. I cook it in jade rice with dill and chicken stock then top it with pesto or green goddess dressing. But I digress, what I'm trying to say is that we need to be working on getting ahead of them, seeing what they have planned for the future, stop it if we are able. Ole Dammegard showed that we ARE ABLE TO STOP THEM with the false flags. If we don't forsee stopping their plans, THEN WE NEED TO LEARN HOW TO COMBAT IT. As Eustace Mullins writes in THE CURSE OF CANAAN "I came to the inescapable conclusion that ALL CONSPIRACIES ARE SATANIC." Thus WE should know and recognize black magic and learn to combat it like those WHO TRULY WALK WITH GOD, OUR POWER IS GREATER IF WE CHOOSE TO ACCEPT IT. It is the snakes within 'religion' that get us to shun power, I fell for it and spread it at one time. If Elijah came today he would be considered evil or crazy by the majority of people. Now people and groups with immense power through technology are attempting to be our gods while our natural powers are being shut off or co-opted. How many people were completely surprised by 'The Plandemic'? How many people still completely believe that it was organic? How many people were in on planning it? How many people mindlessly carried it out? How many people were so traumatized by it that they won't remember things? What do they want people to block out because it is too terrible? How do we get the people to WAKE UP and REMEMBER? They have to see the mask.
We know (or you should by now) that there is evidence that they planned it, from DARK WINTER to THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC RELIEF bill being written the year before. So that means that we can identify HOW they did it and WHO did it. But then we need to recognize that things like this do get a mind of their own. This will go down in history as the largest experiment ever done on humanity. How did everyone handle this? How do you handle being affronted with the evidence of a conspiracy of people around you? To elaborate that, let me tell you about what happened to me one of the first times I had it happen to me. When I was in grade school, my brother and I tried out for the the school play and got Jack and Jill. We practiced a lot and knew all the lines and our mom made sure we were making our voices as loud as possible. At every rehearsal the teacher said that we were doing great. Then when it came to the actual play; when we started to say our lines, the whole school joined in together and said our lines with us. Surprising the hell out of us, leaving us with our mouths hanging open, until we just left the stage. We found out that the teachers had always pulled us away from the rehearsals for different things and had all the other children learn our lines "in case our voices were too soft and wouldn't carry". I went on to play the lead in my senior play but can't remember any of it. But it was a wake up call to me that we could be seeing these people daily and have countless interactions with them but that they would follow the leader even if it meant conspiring against us. That yes planned conspiracies happening right before my eyes just not noticing the signs can surprise me. A similar thing happened to me with me when there was the time when I was getting prank calls, and after getting tired of it, I read the lord's prayer in Latin and then started speaking in different languages. Only to find out that it had started with so called 'friends' of mine prank calling me and then they had started a phone chain and every one had called every number they could think of so everyone believed I was a witch lmao. Some of the other conspiracies against me in school weren't so benign and involved being set up to try to get me put in 'juvie' or expelled. Or they (along with my 'friends') severely hurt me and could have killed me. BUT, I also can now see that THERE ARE karmic ripples to these 'conspiracies' just as I went on to play lead in the play. Years later the events surrounding them trying to get me put in juvie were mirrored in enough ways to recognize it, and the idea of jubilee... So if we recognize that there is evil in this world, that has power, and is planning and committing evil and conspiracies against us in increasing scope, and we are sworn enemies of evil, then yes, there are people out to get us. What we need to do is identify who is who, their methods and motivations, the powers behind them, and gather our forces and powers. In 2020 I had a massive download [the best possible way to describe it] of gnosis that a group had studied the patterns in which the universe repays curses then had created 'magical' paths through ritual working and curses and spells to try not just avoid being inflicted by bad karma or curses, but to step in and recieve blessings and good karma due other people. Then I had a 'wake up call' of all of black magic and ritual and curses all around me then saw more and more confirmation of it. But I could also see that this could lead to madness, and because of the timelines that they work on, if you don't keep track of it, then you lose track of it and you can easily think that it was all in your head or that you saw connections where there weren't any in a fit of pareidolia. After questioning my reality and sanity and memory A LOT I developed ways to evaluate myself and organize my thinking. For a while I shut out the supernatural and spiritual. when it first came all at once so fast along with the idea that ANYTHING and EVERYTHING Could be possible, my mind flooded with possibilities. I could see that this could lead to madness, so I came up with systems of checking for illogical thinking and finding the source and verifying it. the thing was that I found a large number of related memories that all connected in a storyline, yet it was illogical thought. I labeled it "the illogical storyline" in my head and then hypothosized about it. I still had to go about my regular life and did, but there was this underlying current whenever I ran into anyone involved with the illogical storyline that we were speaking on a number of different levels. But it kept coming down to empty vessels, possession, black magic, agencies, MKULTRA, prophecies, technology, and entities and forces outside of normal human existence. In 2019 I was talking with my siblings, and I was appalled that they would not recognize how many conspiracy theories were proven true. I said "What if you woke up tomorrow and found that the government and media said "You know what all the conspiracies are true, but we are your complete leaders now, so we're going to open it all up and reveal it, human experiments, sure here's our secret research, UFO? here's all our technology and interactions with them etc." They said "I thought that is what the world is already like for you. You believe every single conspiracy is going on everywhere." I said "No just the ones I've researched and have seen evidence for." Then 2020 happened, they're still masking up, one planning on uploading their consciousness to the borg, another transitioning, etc. What I hadn't really researched was the game and black magic... The thing is, that so many of the good people don't know what they are doing and are conditioned to see talk of magic as either evil or crazy. This in itself is a conspiracy against the good people amassing power. See MKULTRA and black magic, etc. all tap into innate power that is there that not only can be used for good or bad, but innately has light and dark aspects. The dark allow evidence for their magick working which convinces people of the power of the darkness, while also convincing people that the power is evil and discouraging good people from using it, AND convincing people that it doesn't exist and encouraging people that speak about it to be called crazy.
Before I saw this video, I had a dream in 2018 that I saw giant fallen Angels breaking out of their chains, then walking through the world now, completely foreign to them. The ways that we might receive 'power' might seem like madness, if fact if I had not had my dream, I might at face value say that his vision was madness from religious fervor. What systems do you place on your brain to protect it from madness, how are these systems preventing you from accepting the power you need to combat what we are faced with? How can you rewire your brain to stop throwing away illogical storylines or dismissing maladaptive daydreaming and dreams and see ALL OF THE TRUTHS? Stab a sorry heart with your favorite finger Paint the whole world blue And stop your tears from stinging Hear the cavemen singing Good news they're bringing Seven seas Swimming them so well Glad to see my face among them Kissing the tortoise shell A longing for some fresher feeling Belonging or just forever kneeling Where is the sense in stealing Without the grace to be it Seven seas Swimming them so well Glad to see my face among them Kissing the tortoise shell Burning my bridges and smashing my mirrors Turning to see if you're cowardly Burning the witches with mother religious You'll strike the matches and shower me in water games Washing the rocks below Taught and tamed in time with tear flow There was a time when I thought I needed you, needed you to save me, to save me from the danger that I'm in, speaking to you put me in danger, I did what I could to get out of it. There was a time when I thought I needed you, needed you to for my sanity, to show me that I'm not crazy. Speaking to you almost made me lose my mind. I reinforced it and found my sanity, then integrated my shadow. There was a time when I thought I needed you, needed you to be my friend, When I thought that I had none, Speaking to you made me not trust any friends, But I know now who I want for friends. There was a time when I thought I needed you, needed you to fix my heart, When I could see curses put against it, Speaking to you left me with me with a heart torn apart. I picked up the pieces and saw it from a new perspective. There was a time when I thought I needed you, Needed you to whisk me away to a new life, Then I realized that I don't belong in a life i don't recognize, with a mind driven to insanity, around people I don't trust with a cursed heart torn to pieces. I sure as hell don't need you, , is it pitiful or brave that I still want you? After all that, I want to talk to you, I want to be friends with you, I want someone to call me out on my insanity, then lift me up to new heights in understanding, but I don't want my presence to do to you, what your lack of presence, yet influence, did to me. Though how ironic, now reading me gives me influence, yet lack of presence in your life...........I finally almost finished reading and clicking links and I have to say that I don't feel any need to put out much of my own blog posts right now when I know that it can't compare to things like this recently: The thing is that I never say never, I know that I'll be back like a moth to the flame when there obviously is so much truth there. But it's looking more and more that I'll just being the weirdo that flipped out a few times in the comments until we ran her off. How stupid and petty it is of me to try to justify anything by explaining everything to people that I'm upset with because they won't explain anything. (out of order paragraph, that blogger refuses to let me move) Our government is changing our social contract that we conditionally accept to live in this country. The people in our government are commiting acts that harm OUR VERY CHILDREN through child porn and vaccines, and brain machine interfaces on children. WE AND OUR CHILDREN ARE BEING USED AS EXPERIMENTS. THESE ARE OFFENSES THAT WARRANT OVERTHROW! OUR COURT SYSTEMS ARE CO-OPTED AND COMPROMISED THROUGH OPUS. WE DO NOT HAVE ANY REPRESENTATION ANY LONGER IN OUR GOVERNMENT AND SOCIETY, BETWEEN THE REGULATED WOKE JOKE THAT SOCIETY HAS BECOME TO THE STOLEN ELECTION, TO THE REMOVAL OF BASIC RIGHTS TO ALL THE FOOD BEING POISONED. OUR SYSTEM IS FUCKED AND IT'S NOT HEADING IN ANY GOOD DIRECTION UNLESS WE DO SOMETHING! OTOH I still stand behind that from researching all this, some people can't get away with saying that they do not know what they are doing. Once someone is leading a community, as a public leader need to explain some things to the people over and above any individual complaints. And a leader that calls out other people, but refuses to answer to the people about their own actions is being a Hippocrate that cannot be trusted. A leader that is not seeking to have healthy trust of the people but is acting in ways that create blind trust in him while saying that "people need to be paranoid" and "trust no one" and deletes anyone that questions trusting him, is acting in a nefarious way. And having seen enough people do that and exposing it in others, then I question how they don't recognize that they are doing it. Then on top of it, thinking that saying one word of signaling or wink should clear it all up and we're fine until next time, is disturbing when we're researching people setting up triggers like that... considering that setting up the triggers involves trauma and emotions and trauma bonding. Being ostracized from a group is traumatic. To not get answers or apologies, but having the perpetrator of the trauma try to create new connections using trigger words and encouraging that "we just forget this conversation happened, mmmmmmmkkay" After trying to get someone to feel something then telling them that it was all in their head. employing other gaslighting, ARE ALL THEIR PLAYS, THAT'S WHY I STILL DRAW A LINE IN THE SAND. But from what a number of different people have told me, and I've seen evidence for, is that handlers have to be programmed to do it, and it's an alter carrying it out, they don't even know that they are doing anything, so you can't fight the perpetrators unless you fight on the spiritual level.