Purple Skies
I guess Oklahoma had purple skies that I missed? https://klaw.com/oklahoma-northern-lights/ Which makes me wonder if they brought on the latest weirdness in my life. Have you ever had days where the level of deja vu and synchnicity is so high that things barely feel read? I was reading, not aloud, and my children were talking in front of me. I read "Hey!" at the exact same time as my son said "Hey!" then next I read "Hey Cool It!" at the exact time that my son said "Hey!Cool it!" Then I put them to bed and I read some more and the radio, said exactly what I was reading. I did my reality checks just to be sure, but I could feel and smell everything. Then I went to bed and dreamed that I was a little kid running out my door and tripped on the door frame (the glass door broke the other day so the frame sticks up, until they get it replaced.) Just as I was falling from tripping over the door, I woke up with a jump. My foot hurt in the place where it hit the door frame. The next day, I thought 'I should make homemade pizza and donuts for dinner.' Then my son said "You should make pizza and donuts for dinner!" I was staring with my mouth open, and he took off running and tripped over the door frame in the exact same way that I had in my dream. And my foot started hurting again. He caught himself, then he said "That's funny, my foot doesn't hurt." WTF? Time Displacement : So then when I was making donuts, I reached for a untensil to stir it and saw this lime green paddle, I thought "That's strange, I remember this showing up broken one day and I threw it away." I tested it, it wasn't broken, I thought: "Maybe I had two of them? No, I remember trying to get more for this set, and they were out." just then the paddle broke from the dough in the same way as I remembered it being broken. Then I had my 7 year old teaching my 4 year old her sight words. He was giving hints about the word in sentences. My 2 year old was watching, and started copying him, then SHE STARTED MAKING UP SENTENCES FOR THE WORDS WE HADN'T TURNED OVER YET. like saying, "I like to JUMP!" Then the next card was jump but no one had seen it yet. She did this for 3 in a row, then I started making a big deal of it she did, one more then started babbling and running in circles ignoring me. Then my 4 year old had been struggling with learning her words, said "share your mind with me," and looked into my eyes. Then just started flipping over cards and immediately saying them, really fast, then started rolling on the floor laughing, children are fun. What is reality for it to all line up like that?
When I was growing up I had very vivid dreams, one thing I found was that noises that happen in real life often carry through into the dream, but different causes are associated to them. And that the dream has to somehow ANTICIPATE the sound happening in order to already have the cause for the sound apparent. One of the ones that wowed me the most was I had just gotten an alarm clock that rang and sounded similar to the school bell. I dreamed that I was at school talking to my crush and he said "The Bell is going to ring," and pointed at the school bell. Just then it did start ringing and wouldn't stop, until my mom woke me up.
Then there's the thing of apports, dreaming about something, then it showing up in real life, or pulling things out of a dream. One time I was dreaming that I was going to put on this hat and I realized that it was full of spiders and scorpions so I screamed and threw it. That woke me up, but I realized that I had actually thrown a hat. My mom came running in and I'm yelling about a hat and bugs etc. and she picked up the hat I threw, she said "This one?" We both had never seen it before, I think my mom still has it. Sometimes I end up with duplicates of things when I wake up. I was experimenting with it in 2019, so I would look at a box of food, make sure it was the only one in the house then, hide it, dream about it and then there were two, one slightly off.
When I was about 9 or 10 my brother and I got a book on hypnosis and practiced it on each other. I was really surprised on how colorful and realistic the images were of what he could get me to imagine. For my afterprom parties at school they brought in a stage hypnotist. I believed in hypnosis, but had a low opinion of stage hypnosis. That changed after I saw this one. One girl almost died during one of the shows because the hypnotist told them to all go to when they were 5 and she had apparently been abused at that age and it showed in how she acted and what she said. So the hypnotist put her back to sleep in a folding metal chair and had the other 5 year olds running around. Well two of them knew each other at 5 and started continuing a fight they had at 5 in front of her and pulled the chair out, it folded as she slid off stil asleep and it folded around her neck as she fell back. All the "5 year olds" were oblivious as they rushed her off She was ok and they finished the show.
Afterwards I asked some of my friends that had gone up about it. One of them, a beautiful singer, that I never knew to lie, was wracked with sobs because she was hearing people talk about it, but had no memory of it at all. Another, had been up on stage and not long into it, the hypnotist woke him up and sent him off the stage. He said that he had just felt kinda woozy and felt like it was fun to play along, but that he still knew where he was at and everything that was going on, apparently the hypnotist spotted this that he didn't get fully inducted. Another said that she felt great and it was so real, she said the audience disappeared completely for her and she remembered all of it, but felt like it was so exhilarating.
I've heard before a number of times "You have to be programmed yourself, to be a handler," yet so often no one really knows the source. it's a Gordian knot. My dad was admittedly very good at hypnotizing people, yet he was also admittedly easily hypnotized, when he realized this, he took steps to learn to recognize it and break out of it. He said that one time he was working at a rope factory and they put him in a position where he was standing over watching these giant mechanical arms that spun the rope. My dad told them that he couldn't do it, because it was "too hypnotic" he said that he could feel himself going into a trance watching it and was afraid that would make him fall in. He told them, that they need to find someone that doesn't go into trances as easy. They didn't listen and the next guy fell into a trance, fell in and was literally torn to pieces, and it was a fairly regular occurrence there. [I know I'm kinda jumping around here, but wanted to say it and too tired to think of segues] Today, My son and I had a great conversation about consciousness. I was shucking chickpeas for hummus and I explained how I put my hands to work doing it automatically, while I'm talking to him, thinking, and playing music in my head. He has what he calls the quantum world, kinda like Janet's void in The Good Place, or the loading place in the matrix. We've been working on building mind palaces. I recently had a memory come back to me of when I was young, and my dad had walked me through making a mind palace, then protecting it against him as he tried to 'break in' to it with his mind, I remember saying that a wall was crumbling and him saying "Picture sandbags to throw up against it to reinforce it." very, very, strange things for a little kid, but when you're that age you don't ask questions. Funny that now I see the necessity of teaching my children the same, even though it sure sounds crazy. I believe that I've gotten lost in the wilderness of my consciousness, I thought about sitting down right here and building a new castle, but Castles sound exhausting, they would take slaves to upkeep. Over the years, I saw my dad try to piece together his life and try to get to the bottom of why they were doing what they were doing, what they might have had him do etc. One story he said that he believed that it was testing out psy ops, and he believed that the alien abductions were (not that aliens /entites/ demons weren't real, but essentially creating the propaganda about them) Or that they are hypnosis stories in order to discredit people. He said that he was walking down the street and got jumped by some people and they threw a black bag over his head and got him in a van, then they (I can't remember either injected him or inducted him) He said that then he was on a UFO with another guy. He said "I realized that I was on this stage set and they were hypnotizing me, But I realized that I could actually see that this was a stage and the UFO was cardboard and stuff, but in-between I was going into a trance and kinda believing that it was real. So I grabbed some stuff and knocked out the aliens and started flying the UFO, Now I don't know if the other guy with me was actually hypnotized or a plant, he's looking over my shoulder saying "Do you think that you can actually fly this thing?" "So I'm flying this thing but I'm going in and out of my trance, one minute, I take a sharp turn, and I feel the ship tilt and roll and I have to hang on, then I realize that I'm hanging on to fake set pieces. I was getting into it having fun flying, finally they called a halt to it and hypnotized me again, in the van one of them said "No one has ever done that before, we'll have to rethink it." But then there were also stories that he told me of actual ops
Compare how the woman (Winona Ryder) next to the speaker in this acts with other cases of stage hypnosis. And the hands on the shoulders, the suggestibility, of acting out or overacting the feelings like "excitability." https://youtu.be/c996ra7Wqn0 https://youtu.be/DoCLxccsXgw