The middle of June 2021. I was really waking up and remembering things only this time I was going to do it right, I was going to leave Chad, and I seemed to actually doing some good working within the game. I was working on something that has substance and was uncovering bad actions through continuing work I believe that I had been once working on, as it had a numbering filing system, and I was bettering myself, running every day but I was still determined to leave Chad, every time that he would realize that I was waking up to it he would try inductions and trigger phrases and snapping his fingers, sometimes it would work and I would lose my memory, sometimes it wouldn't and I had no idea what it was supposed to do, so I would just laugh, or if I was ticked off I'd point it out. I realized that I needed to be able to program myself to get out of it all, I would need to create a handler or lover except the steps I took kinda took on a life of their own and created an egregore which later Chad figured out and made connections and triggers with, that just made me wonder if I had just been speaking into an echo chamber... But I'm getting ahead of myself, back to June. Chad and I had $8,000 and I told him that I was filing for divorce and splitting the money evenly and first he said that he was going to just leave and never see the children again, then he fought to keep the house and car, so I was going to sell or fix our van and leave with the children. But when I went to handle my van, the tag agency said that they had to record of me ever owning the van, my name was never on the title, and that it hadn't been insured at all in the two years, I'd owned it. I called my brother that had helped me buy it. I sent him pictures that I had of the insurance reciepts and he spoke with them saying that they said the same, that I never owned it, nor insured it. I went to the store and came home to Jeanne and Terri Shon (both high on meth) at our house and they wanted to take my children, I had pulled in behind them, and they had started trying to move my children into their vehicle, I told my teenager to call 911, and tell them that some people high on drugs are trying to abduct children. Terri Shon said "Even high on meth, I'm a better mother than you!" and punched me. We started fighting and Jeanne joined in, I was doing decent fighting off both of them with them getting a hit in, until Chad jumped in. He held me back against the brick wall of our house while they both hit me with everything they had with rings, knocking chips out of my teeth, pulling my hair and pounding my head against the brick wall. I was getting woozy and my son showed back up with 911 on the line and Chad let me up and the women ran. I grabbed the children and took them in house, locked the door and grabbed a knife. The cops showed up, and started talking to the people outside. My oldest son took off to his friends house. Jeanne and Terri shon spun a story about me being crazy and getting a knife and they were trying to protect the children from me. I realized that I needed more witnesses, and I felt like I was going to pass out, si I came out to tell the cops that I needed paramedics. One of the yelled that I needed to get back in the house, I started to talk and they said something about that they would get my story when they got to me and I needed to stop interfering with Chad and Jeanne and Terri Shon telling their story. I went back in. Then I thought this is bullshit, what will get my message across where they can't deny me paramedics. I wrote "I'm going to have a seizure" on a piece of paper and walked out deliberately walking passed the cop yelling that he was going to arrest me for interfering and I handed the note to Chad. Now the cop had made such a scene, he HAD TO KNOW what was in that note, AND ALL THE OTHER COPS WANTED TO SEE TOO. So I went in and laid down. Along the way I told the cop that escorted me back, "The women are both high on meth and admitted it, and the man is high on illegal pills" "They came to my house and tried to abduct my children, and assaulted me, I want to press charges against them." I laid down and went in and out of consciousness and then the paramedics came. They had me sit in a chair in the kitchen and were checking my vitals. A cop came in asking for my car keys to move my car. I realized that my children were all in Jeanne's car and they wanted me to move my car so she could take my children. I reiterated that I wanted to press charges against them and that I was not going to allow them to take my children especially high on meth. The cops threatened me with all kinds of things, I turned the paramedic and said "do you hear this?" He shook his head and looked down. The cops went though my purse and got my keys, and handed them to Chad. I said "His license is suspended, you're giving an unlicensed driver the keys to a car." They said "Oh shut up!" I was taken off in an ambulance and they took off with my children. ......... The visit to the ER was labeled as "neck muscle strain," instead of "assault" like it should have been.
.......... But here is where the strange comes in, the concussion, programming, having double memory... .... .....The double memory involves where my children were over this next sequence of events, in part of the memory, my children are in the car with me, in part of it, but part of it they aren't, I have a memory of asking my friend to watch them, that I can't place, but overall, I remember Chad having the children. I'm driving and "wake up" out of highway hypnosis and [while typing this the electricity started acting crazy, flashing off and on, I tried to get a video of it but my phone died] I've been driving and I don't know where I am, but I realize that I didn't fully wake up as in there was still a part of me that was actually headed somewhere and knew exactly where she was, so I kinda relaxed back into myself and let this other take control to see what was going on. She was aware that I was watching and was trying to hide her intentions from me. This is where I thought the children were with me because I stopped at a gas station on the pretense of getting them food. But she was really interested in getting a knife, there was only one there, with a piece of the decoration on The handle broken off. I figured with what happened with Jeanne, I needed it. Then I/she drove so far out in the country I wondered if I was in Texas, it looked like it. I drove up a very long driveway with big boulders on either side, I hadn't seen the house yet, but the drive and the gate oozed money, Old money, no wealth. I started to see the house, then I blanked out, next thing I know I'm driving back down the drive and I've lost maybe 30 minutes? Not enough time for much. I started wracking my brain, all I could come up with was that I had met someone there, and was made to forget it. Now I was driving with more determination and drive. I started investigating what was driving this. I got images of wanting so badly to kill someone, and I (my shadow self, alter) was having fantasies of killing this man, but I couldn't pick up who it was, So I sat back and watched. I drove for another few hours and things started getting familiar, I was driving into Manitou where Chad's Uncle Kenny lives. Now those fantasies became clear. My shadow self wanted to kill Kenny, WELL, this was going to be harder to talk myself out of doing than I thought, cause killing someone who rapes children and hides behind the Bible is a cause that I can get behind... I'm not going to lie, for a minute I fully integrated my shadow and started debating and plotting how I could kill him. I told myself, a knife, that was stupid, I have enough medical knowledge that I wouldn't need that except in an emergency. Then I drove to his house, it was about 3am the witching hour. Then I took over and shook myself and said what the hell am I doing? I still don't know who I met with. Then my memories of my dreams that I had in 2020 of talking to Cain came back, except in that moment, they didn't feel like memories of dreams, they felt like actual ancient memories. Memories of what he said that out took to move through the veil and past the scourge of being a cursed Man throughout history over murder. Though, felt like this wasn't murder, but justified killing to protect my children, they might lose any protection from me if was caught. [the thought also crossed my mind about South Park's "They killed Kenny" memes and I wondered if it was programming for Chad,(I can't stand the show), with Kenny being an abuser, and having trauma around him] I said a prayer and did a ritual saying "leave vengeance to God" then the burning remains I threw out the window. My shadow self thought, 'Good, maybe it will catch his yard on fire and burn him up with it." I enjoyed the thought, but I said "No chance, I'm not losing my children and going to prison for arson and manslaughter." I ran over the ashes and put water on them. I drove off, Driving home, I flagged down a sheriff and told him that I had recently had a lot of blows to the head, and had suddenly found myself lost with amnesia and a new knife. I gave him the knife. he got me in touch with a woman's shelter, and I spoke with them, which turned out to be linked with Toni Knisely who perjured herself in court, later. I drove to the hospital to get checked out, they confirmed a severe concussion and my eyes not tracking together, I was having vision problems and double vision, (though, earlier in the night I had seen fine).
Since I had no idea who this new player was, who I had met with, and who had blocked the memory. I continued a process that I had started some time before of developing a quantum criss crossing system between players and agencies, good and bad forces. Chad came back with the children and only $3,500 left on my debit card. I told him that he had just spent his half and I was taking the rest and the children and car. He talked me in to paying the next few months in rent, as it turned out that when he said that he had paid them, he hadn't and wouldn't explain where the money went. He begged me to let us have one more 4th of July together. And I bought a new fridge for what was now going to be his house. I had a feeling that there was something that would be going down on the fourth of July so I was very on guard. I got up early and took the younger children and drove out to get fireworks and to get a feel for who might be involved. I watched for tails and had picked some up. One was being especially obvious so I drove up and circled back and waved at her. She took off peeling tires and covering her face. My oldest son and Chad were very adamant about wanting to go back and get more fireworks. Then they were very adamant about wanting me to go EXACTLY where I had gone that morning, I couldn't be sure, but it felt like they were being as persuasive and hypnotic as possible without actually putting me in a trance. We got the fireworks and came back home. I dressed everyone and myself really nice and had Chad take pictures, it gave me so much heebeejeebees to feel like the type of stepford wives I abhor, looking beautiful and smiling, making good pictures all for show while there's dark secrets brewing underneath. I told myself that I needed pictures and whatever evidence I could get, yet, I also felt like Chad had plans too and wanted these pictures. So in one of them, I'm flipping him the bird. Right before we left, I grabbed a knife, and brass knuckles and I tucked away some cash. We got McDonald's and went to Elk City Park and were by the Carousel. My teenage son didn't come, and had gone to a different town with friends. Chad got some beers and had started drinking. Which should have been a red flag, because he had been an alcoholic before we met, and in all the time I knew him, he rarely drank and usually never opted for it himself. But I was just thinking that it would be harder for him to pull something off, drinking and me being sober. I had my girls in a double stroller. Chad started setting of strobe flashers fireworks all around me and the stroller, suddenly I didn't feel so sober, I felt dazed. I asked Chad why he was doing strobes, because he knew they could send me info a seizure. He said "I'm sorry, I forgot, the kids really wanted them." I thought, "Not a chance, his ex wife had much worse seizures and would've already been out, he ALWAYS knew that he couldn't do strobes. I thought, THIS is it, create a seizure and "reset" me as he's said before. I felt like I needed to get away from him if I did have a seizure. I said that I was going to the bathroom. I pushed the girls in the stroller toward the porta potty, very aware of the seizure aura coming over me and a blacked out van driving too close to us. Here's where things get weird again. So next thing I know, I'm in the porta potty waking up from a seizure and I don't know how I got here. I get flashes of being picked up from behind by men and pulled in the van, and someone pushing my stroller away. A flash of being threatened and dropped out at my stroller and pushing it to the porta potty shaking, but the stroller won't fit inside. But I don't want the girls to see what I know will be a bad seizure. I prayed that my children were still outside the door. I opened it and came out. My daughters and stroller were still there. But apparently I had been out for some time as there was a crowd of people around them calling 911 about abandoned children. I freaked out and explained it all to them. I started to go back to get my son, and the car and run. Then I felt guided by something higher. I thought, I need to hide for 48 hours and keep my daughters safe and there too be enough questions about my disappearce that there will be plenty of eyes on my sons that they will be safe. And then maybe I'll be too hot to be used or abducted. I left with only a knife, cigarettes, water and some cash. (The brass knuckles had strangely disappeared.) At first I was still following some sort of programming though and thought that maybe some good forces would sweep in. I jokingly imagined Doctor Who sweeping in, in the TARDIS. I walked through town and as far as I could tell, wasn't being followed. I started praying and calling out psychically. I heard, "You're in the end zone now." then I came upon a sign that read "THE END ZONE." a bar. I sat down to rest behind it. The voice in my head saying that and then coming across the sign. I thought surely I was to meet someone here. I laid down to rest. Suddenly again, I had the flashback of being tied up lying on the floor with a red light, and water dripping, just like I had while driving the year before. I freaked out and started walking again. a couple saw me and asked me if I needed anything and they brought me out water and blankets, the woman saw my knife and threw a complete hissy fit about not getting anywhere close to a knife and my having it around my children. I said excuse me, this is for me to be able to PROTECT my children. Her husband was more clear headed and started talking to me about different thing to protect our children from, obviously digging for what I was running from. So I threw caution to the wind and said something about protecting our children against government agencies not caring about families and morals enough to be willing to burn though them at any cost. He said "apparently" and I went on. I started trying to find a safe place to hide out. I found an abandoned building with the first floor boarded up, but the second story open. I climbed the wall and drainpipe and jumped to the escape. The second floor only looked open, there was something blocking it from the inside, and the fire escape was barely holding on to the wall. I climbed and jumped back down. now it was getting close to daylight. I remembered that I had programmed myself to hide different things that I had trained for. I wondered if I already had a safe house. I remembered then, driving through places profiling houses. I sat back some and I was led to an open house, with electricity for showing, I almost wondered if I had actively rented this, ,nah, it was nicer than my house. I laid the girls down on the blankets and we took a nap. When I was sure that the stores were open, I walked to homeland and bought some food and stuff. I saw a cop scoping out the store and asking a clerk questions. I wondered if they were looking for me. I walked right past him, and felt as if there was a spiritual shield, where he didn't see me. I went back and we ate corndogs and green beans and sang songs , and took a bath. I was very careful to not be too loud or walk by any windows. When it was getting close to the 48 hours, I decided to go buy a phone at Walmart. I got us all a change of clothes so we wouldn't look like we hadn't been taken care of. Then we stopped at Wendy's for food on the way. A cop spotted us and picked us up as the having been reported missing. ... don't know any of the perks commenting, I had eerily few people approach me and NEVER ONCE SPOKE TO ANY NEWS. The Elk City cops asked me if I would go with them to the hospital to get checked out, I said sure. They had me wait in a room at the precinct. Then Kyal Oliver from the Burns Flat police (the same one who has taken point on everything even when he's been off duty or out of his jurisdiction.) I told the Elk City cops that I did not want Kyal on my case at all. They said that they had to as he was the assistant chief of Washita county and he was heading up the investigation and told them they had to pass me off to him. (Which is Bull, Beckham county had jurisdiction.) I said that I at least wanted one of the Beckham county police to escort me too. Kyal complained and we argued. In front of everyone there, I said "This cop told me to delete any evidence I had of death threats or crimes. I do not feel safe being alone with him." We finally all agreed that a Washita county sheriff Kevin Rozell would come. We got to the hospital, except things were really off about it. The doctor did not seem like a doctor at all, having worked in healthcare for much of my life, I'd be surprised if he had anything to do with medical. I noticed he didn't know the first thing about checking out a patient, he put on a little bit of a show checking us for cuts or sunburn, of which we had none. To test him, I said something about the kids ear or something to get him to get out the light, it was apparent that he didn't know how to use it. When everyone left the room and it was just my children, me and the sheriff deputy, he actually turned to me, and said "something feels off, this is weird." I said "How many times have you seen someone get checked out in the ER and they don't do any blood pressure or ask questions about my awareness and mental state." As an answer, he started asking, what doc should've, such as "Who's the president? What year is it? How many fingers am I holding up? Track my fingers etc." All of what I'm sure he saw doctors do thousands of times. Months later I supoenaed him when I was acting as my lawyer. He testified that I was only speaking unintelligible incoherent babble the whole night. A lie, that directly contradicted the lies Kyal Oliver and Toni Knisely told. Back to the hospital, the nurses seemed to be legit nurses and were following their protocol of getting me cleared through Red Rock crisis evaluation to be released with my children, this was to be done over an Ipad in a video conference with a psychiatrist, but there was a hold up on it getting set up. In the meantime, a social worker named Toni Knisely came in. She started asking me questions (that she later twisted around completely in her court testimony. I'll include them side by side in brackets with TK CT for her court testimony) So she asked me what I thought about being a mother. I said "It's overwhelming sometimes but rewarding"[TKCT she said that she found motherhood overwhelming and can't handle it] She asked me if I have someone that I'm close to that I feel understands me and I can talk to about anything. I said "It was like that with my dad, but he's dead now." [TKCT She said that she talks with her dead dad all the time] I could go on but it makes my stomach turn. One thing though, is that in court she testified that [TKCT She said that her family had came out here because her dad was running from the mafia in Massachusetts and they moved to a safehouse in Rocky where they grew up.] Not something that I would ever say for a number of reasons, but the most glaring being, that we've NEVER lived in Rocky... Back to that night, they got the ipad working, and Kyal Oliver got into it with the nurses because he wanted to see me talk on it and the nurses said that he couldn't and, I wasn't there under arrest so he needed to back up. After doing an online assessment and talking to the psychologist, she came up with a safety plan: That I was to get the children and go home, and Chad would get the car and a hotel. In the meantime, Chad had showed up. I could hear him saying "So was she in Canada? Like I said, She was talking to some guy in Canada I think she was going to run away there" [JB 😂🤣] I agreed to let them take the children to the waiting room with him, while I was on the tablet With Red Rock. After doing an assessment They came up with a safety plan that I signed.
Rozell saw that the safety plan was set up and I had signed it and agreed with it he said his work there was done and left.
As soon as he was gone. Kyal Oliver started flipping out about the safety plan. He said that Chad didn't have the money for a hotel. I said "He has my debit card with a few thousand on it." He said "No, I'm not letting her have her kids, they are not safe with her. I'm overriding the safety plan!" He said that Chad was getting my children, and the car and going home, and Toni would take me to the women's shelter. I ran out to get my children and he held me back saying that he would arrest me. He and the nurses held me back, while Chad drove off with my children. I resigned to my fate and calmed down.
[Notice, she says that I refused to sign the safety plan, yet I got a copy of the actual safety plan, that I DID SIGN and they overrode against the safety of my children. Notice, that she is supposedly interviewing me, yet when she describes the altercation that I mentioned at the beginning of this, and instead of describing it as I saw it, that Chad held me down while his mom and sister attacked me, she descibes it as that Chad was shielding me from them fighting me, but that they got a few punches in. Notice, she says that I smoked weed on July 4th. I WAS NOT HIGH and if I was, I wouldn't have told her that I was. (On the wasn't sure if I'm being paranoid about having Chad around the children, I had said that for a while, I had thought that maybe I was overreacting about wanting to keep the children away from him, but now I had enough evidence, that they were safer away from him.) (The first highlighted part about bonded, Chad had been trying to say that I didn't bond with my son and had kept stressing about that he thought I hadn't bonded with my son. So when SHE brought up about my bonding with my sons, versus daughters, and the way she said it, was a red flag that she had already been talking to Chad.) As well as saying that I said that I'm OCD about cleaning, no, I never said anything to her about cleaning. Yet, Chad would and has deacribed me as OCD about cleaning, since I started having more children, I've just had to come to terms with that my house won't be as clean as I'd like for a few years. The stuff under Circumstances, doesn't make any sense, but is spot on for plans that I had made and things that I was doing. I did say that I had had credible death threats that had spooked me and when I had asked the police for help, they told me to delete the evidence) that these death threats might be part of a larger group like a mafia. She asked me what had brought them on, and I said I don't know, but it probably has to do with my dad dying and interactions that he had had way before I was born, but that it was things that I hadn't understood that he was involved with. (only partially true, and it's eeerie that what she has written there comes closer to the truth than what I ACTUALLY TOLD HER....(It was kinda funny that in court, she related that I had supposedly gone on and on about the mafia to her in all these details. Cross examining her, I said, "And what mafia would that be?" She said "What do mean, what mafia?" "Italian Mafia? Irish? Mexican? Portuguese? I study mafias I wouldn't just be throwing around that 'the mafia' is doing all this without specifically saying which, because I recognize they are different." She was dumbfounded. Notice, she claimed that I kept asking for pain meds, I was not. In fact, the nurse had said something about that I wouldn't be able to get pain medicine since I was breastfeeding, thought it kinda strange that they were approaching me, about pain medicine, I said "I didn't ask for any pain medicine, but I wouldn't mind Tylenol. Chad is the pill addict, I'm not, it seems like they were going to try to say that, I was, and realized that it wasn't going to stick and would uncover too much about Chad. The part about the psychiatrists in Ohio, I had called a psychiatrist that Robin had referred me to in Ohio, though I don't remember telling her this, I had emailed Robin back telling him what he had said, which was that he stopped handling cases like mine because of the death threats that he had gotten over them, and that he would just pray for me.]
Notice that on 7/06/2021 DHS inspected our home and said that it was "clean and posed no safety risks." Then no one was in the home again until my children were taken, because Chad went to his mother's apartment in Norman, and didn't come back until he brought me back from the woman's shelter. Pictures of the house:
Note, we were in the middle of me trying to move out. Next, Toni was supposed to be taking me to the shelter. Outside going to Toni's car, I stopped for a cigarette and Toni and Kyal started talking about different cases and naming names, and talking about details, then about hanging out outside of work. Driving to the shelter, I asked her what her background was. She said that she had been a group therapist for people with trauma (red flag). I said "That's interesting, I have recently started looking into that. What do you think of the idea of them being triggered to do things?" she said "Oh yeah, I saw that all the time, we had one guy that was triggered to kill horses." I said "That's horrible, how did you get him to stop?" [TKCT she was running around going on about the voices , she asked me 'How do I get the voices in my head to stop?' ....She kept asking me "How do I get it to stop? Can you get them to stop?' I asked her what she was referring to, she said that it was the voices in her head] She didn't tell me how they got the guy to stop killing horses, as we pulled up to the shelter then. After a day at the shelter, I asked if I could bring my children there, they said yes, and contacted a DHS worker who also said that I could get my children and bring them there. I called Chad and told him that I wanted to get them and bring them there, and he said that was fine with him, because he wasn't able to handle all of them on his own. Since I wasn't allowed to tell anyone where the shelter is, I walked to the casino (at the suggestion of the people at the shelter) to have him pick me up. (a fact that was later used against me in court, that they dropped me off at the shelter and got picked up at the casino) On the way home, I realized that Chad had been drinking and driving with my children, and had an open container. I made him pull over and let me drive. (and no driver's license, but apparently all this doesn't matter when you have a cop pass) I thought about leaving him on the side of the road while we switched, but he knew what I was thinking and made a point of climbing over the seat not getting out. On the way I told him what things that I was going to take with the us, he didn't raise any objections. On the way he had me stop at a store where he bought (I think it was a 20 pack) beer as he drank the four pack of Coors that he had in the car. When we got there he kept stalling me as I was loading the car. Then he talked me into getting the children a pizza. Later I would find in the affidavits that he had called Toni Knisely and told her that I had ran off, and it had been more than 30 minutes. She told him that I was not allowed to ever be alone with the children. He hung up as I pulled up. Then he told me that he had hired a lawyer and that he was going to try to get the children, just so I wouldn't have them. He said that DHS had ruled that I was never allowed to be alone with my children. I didn't believe him, as this was never put in writing, and never told to me. He called Toni back on speaker phone and she said that the children were only released into Chad's custody and were not allowed out of his sight and never alone with me. The neighbor's daughter (who I had only just met right before this) had came over to play with my children on the trampoline. And Chad was working his way through the beer, I had only ever seen him drunk once (though he'd get messed up to the point of vomiting on pills). I ran back to the store to pick up the pizza. When I came back the neighbor who's daughter was playing, (a single Jewish women) was sitting and talking to Chad. She came up to me, (I had met her a couple times from Chad talking to her, and had watched her and her friends follow me on the 4th.) She reintroduced herself as Joni. She said "I hope you don't mind that I'm talking to your husband, he and I got close, when I was comforting him over you being missing, he was so distraught." The way she said"close" and "comforting" was intended to try to make it obvious that there was more to try to make me jealous. It didn't, it made me want to vomit, that the man now in charge of my children was sleeping with her while his daughters were missing. It was one of the creepiest interactions. I said "Well, he won't be my husband much longer, so have at it." Chad yelled from the carport "Hey babe, what do you think of me and Joni?! She's my type!" "Brunette, Jewish, and fake boobs, check. Definitely your type!" (Not being racist, one of my best friend's fits that) I nervously tried to laugh it off, to pretend to give the benefit of doubt, since they were both playing this. Joni backtracked and tried saying "not like that. etc. I said "I really truly do not give a damn. I'm just interested in my children." And started pushing past with the pizza. Chad started saying "Hey Joni, let's fuck! Wanna fuck?! I said "I think you should leave now!" To Joni and told Chad to shut up. I started rounding up the children and brought them inside, I came out to get the pizza and Joni had left her daughter at my house, and just went home herself! I told her that she needed to go home and she said "But I can't walk back alone!" I said "But you walked over here before her!" "But now it's dark." I gave her some pizza. Chad said "Hey, what do you think about having me as a stepfather?" I said "Shut up, she's a child! What's wrong with you?!" Then he started saying extremely inappropriate things to her something about fucking, I didn't hear all of it, as I was calling Toni Knisely back to tell her what he was doing.(remember, I hadn't had her perjure herself yet with lies on me, I didn't realize how deeply she was in) I got a voicemail. I left a voicemail saying "I don't see how the current situation I'm in fits for the children's best interest or safety. Chad is drunk and belligerent and saying indecent things in front of children. He's yelling at the neighbor "Hey, wanna fuck?!" and it is not in my children's best interest or safety, to have them around a drunk that is acting like this. Then I hung up, got my children and Joni's daughter and marched over to Joni's house. I apologized to her for Chad's behavior, though the duplicity, of her acting like that too, then feining innocence was oozing off of her. But I just played the ditzy oblivious blonde, over apologizing and acting embarrassed. I waited to hear back from Toni and my children played in her front lawn. After a short time I walked back to our house with the children. Our potted plant was in the road, Chad said that he was yelling and k kicked it into the road.
Burns Flat police rookies showed up I asked them why they were there. They said that they had been called out on a domestic disturbance (there's no record of a domestic disturbance call that night) Chad said that it must've been because of the plant. This is when the body camera footage starts. I explained to them that I wanted to take my children somewhere safe and quiet because Chad was drunk and belligerent. They said that they had already been instructed to not let me alone with my children. I said that I at least wanted to take them to my mom's and I'd take Chad with me, as I didn't think he would act like that in front of my mom. Chad agreed to this, "As long as I can take along my beer!" I told him no open containers. So I started loading my children into the car and the cops said that the issue was resolved and they were leaving. Kyal Oliver showed up and told them not to let us leave. I was looking over at him while I was putting my older daughter in the car, and I bumped her head on the door frame. They said "Oh now we've got her, call DHS she hurt the child." They told me to stop what I was doing and move away from the car. I said "What about the children?" they told me to leave them in the car and sit on my porch. Sitting on the porch, smoking, I couldn't hear, what the body cam tells, that he called DHS and said "You gotta get down here, she's off the rails, and she hurt her daughter. He's drunk, but she appears to be sober, which makes this all the more frightening." They said "look she's neglecting her children, she left them in the car and is just sitting smoking while the youngest cries. I got tired of "waiting" without explaining why. I got up and got my children out of the car. I sat on the porch with the children climbing all over me, while Chad wandered around the yard stumbling, sometimes yelling things out like "SHE THINKS I CAN CONTROL HER MIND!" "SHE BELIEVES I'M HYPNOTIZING HER AND HAS TRIGGER PHRASES SET UP!". [things that they all later testified that was saying, while the body camera footage shows that Chad was saying it, NOT ME. But the Entire body camera footage was not allowed as evidence in court, because the DA (who is now the judge, as she ran unopposed when Judge Kelly retired) argued that it was irrelevant, without seeing the footage himself, the judge struck the body camera footage out as evidence in court] I forgot how it got on the subject, but Chad started telling the cops about different times that he committed crimes that he tried to get me set up for, and that he was sorry for it. I was laughing, and the cops kept telling him to shut up. I thought, 'I can use this, I know Kyal is crooked, but are the other cops? Do they know?' I decided that I needed to show that he's not interested in investigating any crimes, but I don't want the blowback for having "ratted" someone out. I remembered that Chad's mom had a friend who went to prison for counterfeiting money and laundering it through the casino. So I started talking loudly about this. Kyal started threatening me and yelling at me to "SHUT UP!" He pulled me to the side and asked me if there was someone that I trusted completely, that I tell everything to. I laughed out loud and said "Yeah, but I'd need a burner phone, you got one?" laughing, He didn't appreciate my humor. I said "look, you hear Chad talking about crimes that he has been trying to set me up for, there's enough here for witness protection." He said "Witness protection doesn't exist, it's a myth." "But I can type you up an immunity deal." I said "Oh yeah, you'll type it up yourself, huh?" He said "Yeah I'll type it up myself." I shook my head and walked off. He pulled stumbling drunk Chad aside, and showed him this, that was later left unsigned on the kitchen table:
He told him that the plan was for him to sign this and get me committed and deemed incompetent to have my children and him file for full custody. I heard this, and then DHS showed up. She Introduced herself to me, and then Chad came up and said "She'll tell you, one story, then I'll tell you the truth." I and all the cops laughed at this, after watching the scene of him admitting to lies and crimes. She said "Good, I want to talk to you first." they went inside and sat at the kitchen table. I took my daughter to the bedroom at the end of the hall to nurse her, with the lights out. Kyal came back there with a flash light shining it on my breasts "to make sure that I was 'actually nursing her, not up to something!' I heard