Eternity Knows Not Past Present or Future ... Amazing... I remember some of my dreams, now, I saw all of this.Some time ago, but can't remember I dreamed that I met Michael Aquino in a Rose garden in the 1970's we were sitting in wicker furniture, and he was saying "I'm Jesus." and I laughed and said "You're Jesus?" And he said "I'm Jesus, you're Jesus, anyone can be Jesus if they let him." When I woke up, I couldn't for the life of me think of who he was. I knew I'd seen that distinctive face with widow's peak before , but I couldn't think where. Then not long after, he died, and I realized who he was. And when I was first telling someone about the dream, I felt driven to word it that it was a Man from MA that was telling me that he was Jesus. Then like a year later, a man from MA told me that he was Jesus. When I was incredulous, he said that it is like creating a Jesus alter.... When my dad died I was pretty out of it, I had aa flashback to when that girl from Arizona tried to burn my house down and was told in a trance dream, that her links with the Mexican Mafia would become important to note, and that someone I loved was going to try to go from Bruce to Brenda. Months later there was the things with the Mexican Mafia and her ex husband stalking me. Now the Bruce Brenda thing is happening, a family member I love is trying to change genders and they said that they dreamed that my dad came to them and said he just wanted them happy. At first I didn't want to rock the boat, because I still saw some of the old in him, and she was saying that she just wanted me to leave her be while she did what makes her happy. In my love for him, I did just want him happy. Then I thought about it, NO, in all the accounts of demons taking over people's bodies, since when do we say that must just be you, you can have this body in peace to destroy? IT IS NOT NORMAL AND IS DESTRUCTIVE TO SOCIETY AND CHILDREN ! WAKE UP ! WE NEED EXORCISTS ! After he/she said that I'm transphobic and demonizing trans I said: There's a long history of men and women breaking taboos when in comes to dress or men's and women's roles, and for the most part, I say power to them, they've fought against oppression by breaking taboos and showing how oppressive things really are. Prince wore high heels and was still an incredibly talented sexy man. But if someone is coming to me about ANY issue not just gender, and they are trying to blur the facts and definitions and say that what I know to be a lie like a man is a woman and then they are willing to mutilate their body to prove their illogical point, then I question what type of cult or demon or mental illness got ahold of their thought process and emotions. P Someone told me about a relative of theirs that got into this transgender cult in Seattle, and first he chopped off his dick, because he didn't think that it should be on his body. But it didn't stop there; he still felt like there were parts of his body that didn't belong. They found him passed out in a tub of ice water, with his leg partially chopped off because he said that his leg didn't belong. THIS IS MENTAL ILLNESS. It would be no different if someone came to me with a white kettle and told me that since they believed that the kettle was black no matter what, I then needed to be forced to say that the kettle was black, and if I refused, then they were willing to paint the kettle black in order for me to say that the kettle is black, while refusing to admit that they once also called the kettle white, and that it's only because they painted it, that I now have to admit that it's black. So the kettle is now black, but only through them covering up evidence of the truth. Our bodies are vessels, the bodies themselves have genders scientific observable facts of them being a male, female, or hermaphrodite. Now there are mentally ill or illogical people who are suddenly arguing against this scientific fact, and attacking people who refuse to let go of the truth of a male or female regardless of clothes or acting. AND NOW TO PROVE THEIR ILLOGICAL POINT THEY ARE ADVOCATING MUTILATING CHILDREN'S BODIES. GO TO HELL IF YOU ARE ADVOCATING TAKING CHILDREN AND MUTILATING THEM THAT'S DEMONIC. When he said that I'm a hypocrite for being ok with circumcision, but not gender change in children: Circumcision is a medical procedure to prevent known complications that can arise. Chopping off a child's dick completely is child abuse no if ands or buts about it and IF YOU THINK THAT ANYONE SHOULD EVER CONVINCE CHILDREN THAT THEY SHOULD HAVE THEIR DICKS CHOPPED OFF THEN PROCEED TO TAKE ANY MEASURE TOWARDS CHOPPING OFF CHILDREN'S DICKS ARE SICK EVIL PEOPLE I am against circumcision now, and I only did it because I saw the problems that men had from not having it young, but my son had complications from the circumcision and studying it, the modern circumcision is more invasive than the original, the original one only trimmed the outer ring so that it doesn't get stuck. And I've heard stories from OR's about sick doctors personally saving the foreskins and there the disgusting Jewish thing of sucking it. There's a history of things like Bruce and Brenda being considered unethical psychological, and medical experimentation on children that in the majority of cases led to suicide. THEN SUDDENLY THERE'S A BUNCH OF PEOPLE IGNORING THAT FOR 50+ YEARS ALL OF THE NATURE VERSUS NURTURE EXPERIMENTS WERE HORRIFIC ON ALL THE CHILDREN AND RULED UNETHICAL AND PARENTS AND PSYCHOLOGISTS WERE COMMITTING CHILD ABUSE. NOW ALL OVER THERE'S PEOPLE ADVOCATING FOR WHAT WAS DONE ON A LESSER SCALE TO KNOWN HORRIFIC RESULTS, THEY NOW WANT ON A MASS SCALE AND ACCEPTED AS NORMAL! FUCK THAT! CHILD ABUSE IS CHILD ABUSE EVEN IF DOCTORS AND PSYCHOLOGISTS ARE DOING IT. AND THAT SHOULD BE DEMONIZED. Whereas, I love you and I do want you happy but I know that getting in with a cult that advocates child abuse is not going to truly make you happy especially to continue to the point where you do irreversible harm to yourself in order to be loved by people who want you to harm yourself or people to harm children. And if cheering on people mutilating children makes you happy and mutilating your own body makes you happy, then I think I've already lost the real you. I don't think that circumcisions should be done now, and I think that it was child abuse and I wouldn't do it again but I was convinced that it was best for their health and happiness, but I did not have someone around me pointing it out. But going further is insanity! At what age do you think that it is appropriate for our modern day cult priests to create their eunuchs? Chopping off kid's dicks has a long history. It was finally eradicated thank God, now you want it to come back, look at some children that you know and tell me what ages do you think that it is a beautiful thing that they take a knife and start chopping off bits of them? We do need to call it what it is, child abuse is child abuse, murder is murder etc. Illogical thinking is illogical thinking. ... Everybody Hurts epitomizes the depths of emotional pain that someone can feel but there are times when it really is illusion or illogical, especially when it comes to hormones. Hormones affect the emotional self which is inherently illogical and needs to be governed by logic. The idea that because someone feels like, or identifies with being the opposite gender could be equated to a stalker or unrequited love, if not governed by reason or logic, the feelings are real and it might feel so strong iike a path to happiness, but logically if it doesn't equate, then it shouldn't be acted upon it should be resolved. No one has a problem calling out illogical thinking in stalkers that believe that they can make someone love them despite logic. But in Other areas like gender society is saying that it should rule over logic. But that's by design. In Early 2020, I was working at a VA long term care, they sure love the news, but one thing I noticed at the time was that the news kept saying "emotional" "emotions" "triggering" etc. And I thought that's strange and rather obvious that they are trying to access people on an emotional level so hard. Since I don't watch TV at home, I kinda dismissed it thinking that it was their regular programming, and since I hadn't seen it in a while I noticed it more. But in retrospect, it was the buildup to their plandemic fear porn. Then throughout 2020 I saw color coded news messages, and color coded videos, acoss numerous platforms, bitchute, rumble, YouTube, (there was another ione forgot the name) videos having a colored border around them and seemingly them falling into different categories. When the lockdown first started, I couldn't really find any information, but I figured that the bad side would still be doing their signaling. I sifted through Facebook thinking that if there were illuminati in the area that I could profile them. I thought about it and some really sadistic people came to mind, but two people really fit all of it, their families being into witchcraft, incest, beastiality, and government, their children having questionable injuries, (one little boy 'fell' and was impaled up the butt with an iron rod, survived, but the family got a huge outpouring of support for this horrible accident, I can only hope that it really was) One had the joker as a profile picture, in school he gave me a number of injuries over the years, usually just walking past him in any capacity, (I wasn't the only one, he randomly punched a guy then kicked his teeth out, that kid went to Juvie, they wouldn't accept all the witnesses that the victim never provoked it) he'd punch me or throw things at me, I still have some scars he gave me when I was in first grade. Anyhoo, at first, I was ,thinking nah, I'm just wanting to go after some of my personal bullies when there's bigger fish to fry. Then I noticed something, that these two had started a few rather strange thpings that had then gone massively viral, like millions of views and shares that seemed so pointless, yet it very much looked like it was the key to the color code. One of them was pictures of a stupid little jingle that someone had made about the pandemic and allthe different things like the buying toilet paper written on car windows, but specific words were written different colors and matched up with the agenda that the videos in that color border were pushing. I don't remember the specifics, but for instance the words toilet paper, matching the borders on the videos trying to cause buying out toilet paper. Put your glasses on, they live among us, profile them, watch them, they have to get messages out to each other. Find the most sadistic people that you know and watch them, (safely unknown to them) if not just for the reason that these are the people who are admittedly waiting for the ,purge and we will need to watch our backs around them if anything happens. That is the other thing, this faction wants Purge, especially because they are deeply sadistic while relatively low on the totem pole. I was talking to a witch a while back, I guess from my interest in the occult, she took me for a liberal, witch myself. With them recently banning abortion again. She said "You know why witches had a reputation for eating babies?" "Because they would perform abortions" I didn't tell her that I believe that it's sacrifice, granted if there's only the choice to sagood,he mother or save the child, I do believe that the mother should be able to choose to save herself, and it is still sacrifice, but it's the logical choice, do you blindly send your baby into the world without being there for it, or do you survive to bring in more children that you are there for Especially in instances of large families. If a woman has a number of live children relying on her, and she and the new baby die. But there could've been an intervention where only she survived but it wasn't done... That's not the greatest good, which should rule over do no harm. I believe that doctors should take oaths to always take the path that leads to the greatest good because "do no harm "is inherently flawed. We as a people are trained to trust our doctor no matter what, which put us in this predictament, doctors are not weighing the risks. There's a new thing of "wellness infusions" that the hospital I used to work at is pushing for anything for hangovers to "just a pick me up". I stood in front of all the doctors and nurses and pointed out that the risks way outweigh the benefits. First, it's been proven that we absorb fluids and neutrients better and more effectively orally. IV's are supposed to be used for emergencies because they work faster. So for mundane use, it is not more beneficial than eating and drinking better. Secondly Any time that you get an IV you literally risk your life and limb, it can cause leaking capillaries, Third spacing, and compartment syndrome which can lead to immense pain, loss of mobility in the limb or having to have your entire arm removed. And you can have contaminated needles or fluids that can give you infections or diseases that can kill you, or you can havehave air in the line which even if it's not enough to kill you right away, it can create bubbles in your veins and arteries leading to aneurysms and strokes. Even though all the doctors and nurses agreed that the risks outweigh the benefits, they said "Well this isn't covered by insurance, so if people want to pay out Of pocket for it, we'll take their money." DISGUSTING... DOCTORS CLAIM THAT THEY WEIGH BENEFITS AND RISKS BEFORE DOING ANY TREATMENTS. So I stopped taking their money, I had been getting paid leave while they were remodeling, then they wanted me to come in and assist in these Russian roulette sessions.