Aahhh the Rainbow in the Sky or Flags, Lights, Buttons, and Operations

I think I'll start that rainbow with some purple skies. https://wedreamofdginn.blogspot.com/2023/04/what-is-reality.html...Prince's estate just posthumously released two new singles. https://youtu.be/cDVGv9YpaYc....https://youtu.be/2bAo4U41nyw ... Yes I know Prince was pretty androgynous. I don't have a problem with shaking up gender roles, I have a problem social and cultural deconstruction I have a problem with people trying to destroy logic itself. I have a problem with people twisting children's minds about reality and then after grooming them, mutilate their bodies and have full protection from society because they've somehow convinced them that it's in the children's best interest. I'm making a shirt that says 'Single Mom Pride, I'll fight off anything that isn't a sane human being" and on the back "I don't care what pronouns you use to glorify satanism and child abuse, for we know you are Legion" Back to the Prince songs, the first one was absolutely amazing. The second one was the only bad Prince song I've ever heard, it was absolutely atrocious sounds and the voice was unintelligble. Listening to it, I got the discinct impression that this was a deepfake AI generated copy from an amalgamation of Prince songs. I thought there should be tells, just like how when AI is tasked with creating pictures of people, and the disfigured hands being a dead give away. Funny it gives new meaning to all those weird shaped hands in the Sandy Hook photos. Plus Adam Lanza and other lone wolf's pictures distinctly having the uncanny valley effect and people saying that they seemed CGI. So listening to the songs I checked for tells, the ones I found were: One. extra noises, Prince had this distinctive and oh so sexy habit of adding in these little grunts and moans that made it sound like the music was orgasmic to him. these were missing, which AI would think that they were mistakes and try to fix them. Second distortion in the voice itself. So nowadays they have all kinds of different post production effects available, but a person sitting and playing with these tools SHOULD recognize when they've gone overboard with distortion especially if it is distorting the voice. My idea of what AI they would use would be like the image generator I imagine. That is if someone were doing it, I could be wrong, otherwise someone should be fired for butchering it. I imagine it having all of Prince's previous work and being told to create something new like it. [Do you see the connection back to macrodata refining in Severence? refining AI] to the AI it's all noise, sound, frequency, numbers. Sure it has identifiers in the programming of this is voice, this is drum, this is unwanted noise etc. but those parameters are only as effecient so much as the programmers forsee the AI encountering different sound signatures. I will be the first to admit it that I have no ear for music and know next to nothing about the production, and can't recognize a melody to save my life, so I could be wrong, OTOH I think, if even I can tell that something is SOOO NOT RIGHT then something is not right. Someone once told me that they went to some deep state meetings, they said "They were discussing a need to create events that invoked fear in the masses with news. They were discussing tampering with products to make people scared to buy it, corporate espionage, but it took a darker turn when they said that the tampering would need to harm or kill people. So I came up with the idea, that we wouldn't need to ACTUALLY kill people, if we only need the fear, then we just need to convince the masses that they were killed. Then the Tylenol tampering scare happened. I guess it's a win for the people, if they aren't outright killing people. But I thought it was kinda a lark at the time, these were college professors and the like brainstorming about shaping the world, but coming up with strange skewed ideas. The biggest giveaway when I stopped going to the meetings was when they had someone there to talk about the Africa situation and they outright said that they have been trying to kill them off! And the more they try, the more they keep reproducing, so they either needed to make them infertile or make them not want to have sex, then AIDS exploded there. But him outright saying to these leaders that they were trying to kill them off made me realize I that I was in waay over my head, I scanned the room for other people's reactions, I found one person that was visibly uncomfortable with this, we talked privately and came to the same conclusion that we needed to keep our heads down and slip away from this group, without giving them any indication that we would talk".
Man I wonder what kind of music, we would have if the likes of Barbara Streisand and Billy Holiday had been born 20 years later. Holiday broke all the rules, a true rebel, but paid dearly on a personal level for the times. Streisand though she was successful, there's a tiger in her voice caged by the times, her voice and character exceeds the roles she was put in.
I have an old music history book that claims that a good friend of Billie Holiday's visited her in the hospital, and Billie was seda at first, then as she came around said "you need to get me out of here, the narcotics officers are trying to set me up, They will say i had drugs and arrest me here in my bed" I'm paraphrasing, I'll find the book later. The friend said that Billie specifically said that she would get handcuffed to the rails and then was surprised when that actually happened. Online accounts don't have this: https://syncopatedtimes.com/adelaide-halls-secret-visit-to-billie-holidays-bedside-before-her-death/...https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billie_Holiday... Some things that I have found about things she says happened indicates that she was what we would now say as a targeted individual, crazy they called her. https://kfor.com/news/local/farmer-says-crops-suspiciously-destroyed-by-pesticides/.... the name means Rose..... chemical attack https://www.forbes.com/sites/richardkestenbaum/2023/06/14/bud-light-and-target-stores-got-caught-in-a-cultural-shift-more-trouble-is-coming/...Target, more trouble is coming....Baum... https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna85526... the reporter on the fertilizer Andrew Blankstein - empty vessel The Unabomber just passed away putting that in the forefront of people's minds along with Elon Musk saying that he agreed with the Unabombers writings.... https://www.foxnews.com/media/satanist-designer-says-target-set-dangerous-precedent-by-pulling-products... https://kfor.com/news/local/target-responds-to-bomb-threats-at-locations-in-okc/.... The smoking gun?! TMZ of all places reported the truth! that the email was actually from the LGBTQ satanists mad that Target backed down and pulled some of the pride merch down. quote "someone trying to set up a false flag" and lo and behold, the news reposts the emails leaving out that part and spinning it as if it were coming from a conservative =>https://www.tmz.com/2023/05/27/target-bomb-threat-lgbtq-ally-ohio-utah-pride-hoax/.... Here's Fox news exposing the media spin https://www.foxnews.com/media/washington-post-under-fire-misleading-headline-target-bomb-threats-buried-truth.... https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/06/12/target-bomb-threat-pride/... But on the local level, KFOR who had a copy of the email, cut out the part that it came from "the alphabet mafia" found that in a comment, I'm going to start using it;). Because apparently KFOR got triggered by the numbers at the bottom (because they are dates that will live in infamy [Chinese skip 4, important I still don't know why something (my soul)? keeps pushing that through, see I don't actually hear it as a voice, it's more like my What really gets me, is that the email included the okc date which was a false flag using the same fertilizer that just went missing, and it had a right wing patsy. So we have the missing fertilizer, the controversy, the signaling, the target, and a dry run to see which news stations will play along and spin. Remember this is after right before all this went down, the feel of the build up to nine eleven, and all the talking heads were saying "dry run" and "rehearsal" etc. And my favorite "a test of the system" They were saying it right before memorial day weekend in reference to this being the most travel since 'lockdown'. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/watch-live-buttigieg-previews-preparations-for-memorial-day-travel-surge... another recent test of the system https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/british-columbia/2023/5/9/1_6391202.amp.html.... https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2023/06/14/northern-bc-wildfire-nudges-key-northern-highway-island-route-still-cut-by-flames.html... While our national alert system is undergoing changes ... https://www.tlp.law/2023/01/23/emergency-alert-system-new-rules-and-many-changes-by-gregg-p-skall/... This seems to be a year for testing the civilian alert messages everywhere https://www.axios.com/2023/04/20/israel-test-civilian-early-warning-system-kyiv-ukraine... https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2023/apr/20/early-morning-alert-test-rouses-floridians-raises-/... https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-65178240 ... funny the stuff under 'concealed device' were my thoughts about having all the phones emit a siren. But readers here, should know from my only real worthwhile post, the mirror cave, there's other dangers from having all the phones emit a frequency.
"Currently, mobile phones are proving to be a useful feedback device in accomplishing data transmission f everybodyor communication, control, and energy supply inside the body."

which reminds me, this got lost in the mix and relates back to that post: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-01-27/perella-weinberg-london-hq-searched-in-insider-trading-probe#xj4y7vzkg... On another side note, pertaining to the terminator tech post and the inferometry and gps. Someone once said in the Den, that "They wouldn't risk their manufactured heaven by having any of us in it." I thought this was entirely right and especially goes as a warning to all the ones playing fun and games switching sides. My dad told me a story that he heard from someone that(sadly I don't remember the country) they would take three men and line them up in front of a wall and dig their own graves with a firing squad facing them. Then two would be taken around to the other side of the wall. The one left would be told 'deny Jesus' and when he said 'no' the firing squad would fire and purposefully miss then someone would rush in and cover his mouth and take him away. Then they would fill in the grave. This was repeated until someone actually did it and denied Jesus. Then they were killed. Because no one wants someone who will flip back and forth on their side, and killing the ones that won't deny Jesus sends them to heaven first, But killing those that do gives them more for hell. We are headed for a technocracy where they will have electronic means of knowing who's on their side, and who's mind controlled it is something that they will use to advantage over us. We already see this on a smaller scale with all the gangstalkers being able to identify their own. In many of the 80's and 90's dystopian sci fi movies, the resistance always had pirated or handmade tech that they used to fight and identify who's side they are on. We need to collectively be working on making THEY LIVE glasses. Their technology is so far advanced from what we are allowed that it HAS become like magic or aliens. We need to reverse engineer their tech except there's the advantage of knowing that it's human technology that built off of other human technology that we have all the blueprints for. https://phys.org/news/2023-05-topologically-position-nano-objects-atomic-resolution.html....God help us, but I know if not I, my children, will be faced with needing to identify if someone has nanotech in their brain without harming them. Just like needing to know how it can be interrupted by frequencies.

I kinda got off course, so now we have quite a bit about so many actors involved with nine eleven especially from that explosive mind blowing video that laid it all out, that reinforced that I still want to read for intellectual reasons even if they can't stand me personally. History has shown that they continue to do these things and use the same playbook and players. So we need to evaluate all the known players and funding and look up all their latest projects. There will be nodes of connections that normally we find afterward, this time we need to find them beforehand. If it helps to all those that spent time researching conspiracies, normally we start with an event, then question it, then look at all the players involved and their connections and money etc. Then work back and get motives and methods. Police detectives when they are going after someone look over all the past crimes and try to apprehend them before they commit the next crime. Since our criminals are top down sanctioned, the apprehended part is denied us. And they encourage us to remain in the building evidence against part looking into the past. History has also shown us that the people who find out beforehand and try to warn people end up becoming a victim of the event after they were seen alive post event. So how we need to be operating, goes along with how Ole Dammegard was able to stop some false flags. Unfortunately all of his stuff is taken off YouTube and others. History has also shown that "they" do not care about any social justice or children issue these are just triggers to control the masses. So there's a few ways to go about this, one is complete ignorance of 'the event' and look into what triggers that they are using such as right now the alphabet mafia and then find overlaps in the people and money because at it's core it is a mafia and then work out from there finding connections between the types of agencies and forces they would need, and narrow it down. The second is to come up with a hypothetical event and profile the resources needed to pull it off. Lastly is working of prophecy, intuition and synchronicities, and continuing until you get to the concrete stuff. My dad used to say "There's prophecies of 'this will happen' that cannot be avoided and then there's prophecies of this could happen but can be prevented or changed, if you look at many of the prophecies of the three wars, they say WWI and WWII WILL HAPPEN but when they get to WWIII they say that it will happen, IF it is not averted, that's why there's some prophets that only prophecied about 2 wars." Sadly all the online and my hardcopies of all those prophecies side by side compared to each other disappeared, A while back I started trying to dig them up individually and I couldn't find most off them even with exact wording. Almost like the algorithms were sent after anything about prophecy, now it's all speculation on Bible prophecy. Many of the prophecies mentioned Syria and Damascus and the Balkans being involved fighting in the lead up to WWIII. During a time of spiritual awakening and strange things happening along with stress, I was given a prophecy that goes along with Ole Dammegard's work, which I now can't find. I'm off to go find something of it, but it involved Seattle and the false flag that was stopped in Seattle. So for anyone who doesn't know the story, Ole Dammegard came across this guy showing all these synchronicities that involved Seattle being the seat of a false flag, then a Chinese invasion. Ole and others took it a step further and had dates of March 11 and November 3, players etc. and found military build up etc. It gained traction, and citizen journalists showed that they pulled back their forces, the military left the day before the predicted date etc. Then Ole Dammegard started doing international lectures getting citizen journalists to stop other false flags, he had compelling evidence that they had in some countries. Now all those synchronicities are coming back to bear, along with a personal subjective prophecy and if not this year, next year, 3/11 or 11/3 and we recently saw Seattle's power stations attacked in November of last year. The news just says November, I'm not sure, but think it was 11/03 I can't check my email to verify because someone deleted all of them, because I'm a whackadoodle. https://abcnews.go.com/US/2-power-substations-attacked-washington-state-7k-lost/story?id=95812232... Look one of the original guy's stuff is still up. I got excited for a minute, but instead this was just some of the people who set up shop just filming on those days so they could catch anything realtime. https://www.youtube.com/live/HoWDY-amUHQ?feature=share,... https://www.youtube.com/live/kpNZDiSIyz8?feature=share... But what gets me, is the Seahawks and buccaneers played on November 3rd 2019, skimming those videos above, the guy puts on a mask, not just any mask, a cloth camo one in the style that only became popular AFTER 2020. https://www.espn.com/nfl/game/_/gameId/401128087 So I don't remember all the synchronicities and things that they pointed out, but there's the obvious RED TIDE movie, but there was also a Chinese music video that depicted the invasion of Seattle and even used those words. Along with Chinese synchronicities that pointed to it. I can't find that now, here's RED TIDE https://www.audible.com/pd/Red-Tide-The-Chinese-Invasion-of-Seattle-Audiobook/B01B6X42OE...Red tide, and red button have featured prominently in the signaling. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/developer-of-next-generation-nuclear-power-plants-pulls-plans-for-project-in-wa/ https://fireline.seattle.gov/2023/06/02/city-to-conduct-a-limited-test-of-the-wireless-emergency-alert-system-on-june-5-as-part-of-preparation-for-all-star-game/ ... Remember even wars are part of a game to them. And a lot of their signaling had revolved around the Seahawks games. Ole Dammegard had the researchers tracking drills as this was the most prominent easily identified aspect of their M.O. there were a lot of drills planned in Seattle that day. Then they cancelled most of the drills right before, signaling that this was something actually planned and stopped. Then they knew how people were figuring it out, and they changed their M.O. but from what we've seen, they haven't dropped the drills completely as some seem to involve tests of their systems. There were also signalling around 10/19 but people kept focusing on how that has nine eleven in it. https://www.shakeout.org/washington/...Now that makes more sense....ok now they're just rubbing it in: https://www.chenaniganfilms.com/documentary... The personal prophecy that I got was in kinda a trance, I got Chinese invasion, March ( in that state I didn't remember the Seahawks thing.) But there were different signposts that I got when I asked for more, it was coded, and I read it on a personal level, and felt sheepish and crazy for typing some of it and knew it would be taken wrong and dismissed it, but whatever I connected to reassured me that it was of the utmost importance, and contained multitudes. I didn't know how they related, until those signposts in history happened. I'll have to find that again, I filed it in a way that it would have timestamps, but I don't remember when.... I don't even remember what all that it had in it. The signposts leading up to it that I've recognized RailRoad https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/east-palestine-residents-live-in-limbo-months-after-fiery-train-derailment... Lightfoot https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Lightfoot...DC https://www.fox5dc.com/news/canadian-wildfire-smoke-haze-begins-to-wane-in-dc-area-code-orange-air-quality-alert-friday... I'm not sure if I put it in the same place or not, Code Orange, Douglas Green light, https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/2023/02/13/unusual-green-lights-were-spotted-above-mauna-kea-heres-what-those-were/... red button, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-54360998.amp in November of 2019 the red button was not pushed because it was stopped in Seattle...https://www.newsweek.com/lara-trump-explain-donald-trump-red-button-desantis-remark-1802752... https://youtu.be/cTouKoOV80g....https://www.fox32chicago.com/video/1235043...https://youtu.be/XCh6TREPebs.... Heaven or Las Vegas https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/100-theyre-not-human-witness-details-alleged-alien-encounter-in-las-vegas/... there was more but I saw all the personal synchronicities in the words, dismissing the forest for the trees myself. just got this:https://youtu.be/Tos-D3nM0qc.. A Jimmy Saville lookalike with Rainbow tape around his camera filming Helado's which is a what? No not what it means[though maybe also what it means] what it is, it means the glow over his head, and we know what it means old men from the alphabet mafia like to film ice cream , and what the reporter said specifically about "We have the shot let's take it" this sounds racist and could be a completely irrelevant fact, but no coincidence should be ignored, especially when it comes to these clowns, Cuban's in America have shall we say more practice than most trying to take down leaders from Castro. Of all places https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Versailles... https://www.naco.org/resources/signature-projects/operation-green-light-veterans, get this, in November buildings will be lit up with a green light for operation greenlight for veterans. But Florida itself has it's own operation greenlight held in March... https://www.flclerks.com/page/GreenLight...https://hernandoclerk.com/news/hernando-county-clerk-of-court-operation-green-light-2023/... the comptrollers were intergral on nine eleven just saying.More green lights https://www.bigrapidsnews.com/news/article/gotion-inc-gets-green-light-continue-green-18150313.php...Gotion is you guessed it Chinese. Remember the estrange explaination or rather non explanation given for the green lights shining on Hawaii? lasers that came from a Chinese satellite and they were shining down on Chinese real estate.https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/2023/02/13/unusual-green-lights-were-spotted-above-mauna-kea-heres-what-those-were/... monitors greenhouse gases that links back to another greenlight given recently for a worldwide greenhouse gas emissions tracker using satellites: https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/05/1136992 Then not long after that there was the big controversy about the Chinese weather balloon claiming to be tracking greenhouse gases, while actually having different type of tech. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Chinese_balloon_incident... Then we start having orange skies like they do in China. This is hilarious mixed messaging: https://www.virginiabusiness.com/article/richmond-riverfront-amphitheater-gets-green-light/...Redlight ventures and red light management got the green light. The Red Tide had me thinking about my red Waves post, it was small and unfinished, so I added it here. Red rain is coming down, red rain Red rain is pouring down Pouring down all over me I am standing up at the water's edge in my dream I cannot make a single sound as you scream It can't be that cold, the ground is still warm to touch Hey, we touch This place is so quiet, sensing that storm Red rain is coming down, red rain Red rain is pouring down Pouring down all over me Well, I've seen them buried in a sheltered place in this town They tell you that this rain can sting and look down There is no blood around, see no sign of pain Hey, no pain Seeing no red now, see no rain Red rain is coming down, red rain Red rain is pouring down Pouring down all over me putting the pressure on much harder now To return again and again (Red rain) just let the red rain splash you (Red rain) let the rain fall on your skin (Red rain) I come to you, defenses down (Oh, oh) with the trust of a child Oh, red rain coming down, red rain Red rain is pouring down Pouring down all over me And I can't watch anymore No more denial It's so hard to lay down in all of this

I think that the Unified color theory fits the da Vinci Code more for the programming. there's a scene where they are searching through a red tide mist for an antimatter device, from CERN. I Florida, Red Tide Brings Burning Eyes and Thousands of Dead Fish https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/jacs.0c12406 E coli engineering to produce carminic acid Pantone color of the year Carmine red (viva magenta) https://www.elle.com.au/fashion/pantone-colour-of-the-year-2023-carmine-red-27990 https://youtu.be/iBNySB2jpVg Pink PiNC OCEAN I had more and lost steam with this when it disappeared. How fitting that tonight at Sundown we had a very red sun, so much so that you could stare at it with the naked eye just a gently glowing red ball, not even shining, my children asked me if they were mistaken and it was the moon and not the sun. https://www.koco.com/article/oklahoma-tulsa-tom-hanks-letter-magic-city-books/44200707 interesting choice of words especially referring to Tulsa around Juneteenth https://katu.com/news/nation-world/eighth-grader-who-asked-classmate-how-they-could-identify-as-a-cat-called-despicable-by-teacher-report-says-rye-college-england-telegraph-gender.....It used to be understood that if a person lost their identity of self so completely that they didn't think that they were human , then someone had completely broken down their psyche by dehumanizing them, the worst thing to do is for society to encourage the further breakdown of their identity and building it up as a dehumanizing animal even if they believe that it's actually coming from the dehumanized person not that the ideas and behaviors were instilled by a torturer that broke down their psyche!