Some believe that we are continually playing out the same dramas over and over, and history is made up of stories that need to be told. There's no question that mythical archetypes seem to repeat across cultures and time. The mainstream media we can guarantee is spinning things from all the evidence we've uncovered in the past. The MSM is WANTING us to think that there's something fishy: Using Knowles' laws for anything hyped by a corrupt media, we should definitely be looking at the language, symbolism, and rituals. Even more so, because this involves some of "them" the billionaire scientists philanthropists, transhumanists, global leaders that worship the Saturn death cult. So we should be on the lookout for mythos around vv that [sorry for the mistakes, my children won't let me type this, and what I'm on keeps royally sfollowscrewing up and putting words inside eachof other this is itwhat looks like iwhen don't edit, and it works my dyslexia supo that it's toreadhard, I think it has something to do with the keystroke copier whoever is using, I used to say it was my phone fighting with me, gremlin thes in machine the frustrating as hell], for anyone that needs a quick refresher the Titans: specifically the myth of Chronos and his children: I'm sure it's encoded starmaps, but astronomy/astrology is not my strong suit, that will be in later work..... Hestia: - Greek Gods & Goddesses, September 19, 2014 ... Poseidon: - Greek Gods & Goddesses, September 19, 2014... Zeus – Greek God Of The Sky and King of the Gods: - Greek Gods & Goddesses, September 19, 2014... ...Hades (Haides): - Greek Gods & Goddesses, September 19, 2014... Demeter: - Greek Gods & Goddesses, September 19, 2014... Hermes: - Greek Gods & Goddesses, September 19, 2014 Hera – Greek Goddess of Marriage and Queen of Olympus: - Greek Gods & Goddesses, September 19, 2014 ... , there'll be clues in the names, stock[]ton rush 10,000 miles! The amount of search efforts, and the publicity and that they are so rich begs for us to question it, I just like to question everything that I get my hands on because it's fun and sometimes interesting things pop up, or just piles of coincidences everywhere, hhhmm like that they are set to run out of oxygen on the summer solstice, with Saturn in retrograde. In your face "The Titan submersible" "ocean gate" going to the "Titanic" Just tossing things out there, Cronos(Saturn) is tied to CERN, there's the thing with Antarctica. They are dealing with the Titans. The people in the sub will represent Paul-Henri Nargeolet as Poseidon "The diver has decades of experience exploring the Titanic. He serves as the director of underwater research at RMS Titanic Inc., the company that has exclusive rights to salvage artifacts from the ship. According to his biography on the company’s website, Nargeolet completed 35 dives to the Titanic wreck and supervised the recovery of 5,000 artifacts. t, French diver" Hamish Harding: as Hades (HHH)[the trend of HHH is repeated A LOT in the articles] (888)[888 signals closing of a ritual, or closing of gate... oceangate?... Then there's Dream Variation Ventures mentioned..]
"Harding is an avid adventurer, having traveled to space on board the Blue Origin flight last year, [How the hell can you have a company on this level and keep a straight face with a name like "Dick Holdings" LMAO] and to the Challenger Deep in the Pacific Ocean, believed to be the deepest point in the world."So just cursory glance shows he's gone to the void and the deepest depths of the underworld.
It breaks down somewhat with gender bending, but that's common with archetypes esp. if there's a feminine aspect of a male figure that is being highlighted rather than the person themselves. Or like Hestia and Hermes, the myths already have some gender bending.
The pilot Stockton Rush represents Hestia as Hermes. Hestia Literally "Presides over sacrifices" the sacrifice of their lives is in his hands. Dawoods are Demeter and Hera because of their fertility and variety in business. "The Pakistani father and son were also confirmed to be on board in a statement by their family. The Dawoods are a prominent Pakistani business family that runs some of the largest corporations in the country, with a portfolio spanning energy, petrochemicals, fertilizers, IT and food and agriculture." So if theory holds they will be rescued. And they will also gather a lot more artifacts as well as possibly opening a gate? But, that fertilizer makes me think of the other recent news about fertilizer, so I'm going to see if the Dawoods have more than a passing link to dyno noble. (Dawood is phonetically the Arabic Dawud meaning David, and the son's name Suleman-Soloman) So we have all the archetypal children of Chronos swallowed up in a Titan, on the summer solstice. The question becomes, who's going to be Zeus to come in and save the day? Bets anyone? Musk? Who fits for Zeus? Dawood Engineering Their logo: blogger hasn't been letting me post any pictures at like NATO's flag: They claim to be "geo enabling the world" (there's also geo in Nar[geo]let This is some of the same waters that Terramar and Ghislaine aMxwell were in, hhhmmmm wonder if there's a link with Eppy: Oh boy, strap yourselves in for this, it's going to be a long night. I'm breaking out the caffeine! researching party at my .place folks! :) I sometimes feel a bit morbid for being talking about dirty laundry with a gleam in my eye.
Break it down now: So if you follow that thread, first here's the Poster and her story: This is getting big They have a point, (except they're billionaires with a B )is it about destroying evidence? planting charges? Or an elaborate fake death to avoid other charges? I still am leaning towards that they will be rescued at the eleventh hour in a ritualistic drama. Although, faking their death, and then pulling a Hundini and getting out past those 17 quote "dead bolts" would also fit for the Zeus drama, and the missing fertilizer that got past intact seals. Notice the Scott Pazanski that Keri links them through head of medical for Polar ops. Many of them have links to polar ops like Harding. Speaking of, let's get back to the idea of him being a Hades archetype, The Twilight Zone episode where death quits fits nicely here, but I can't seem to link it having some difficulties, you should watch it though, moving on. So according This article Hamish Harding is involved in the mosquito project in Africa, to eradicate Malaria. You know, the ones I mentioned here in OPERATION DROPKICK The ones involving genetically modifying mosquitoes. [recently here we've had the most mosquitoes that I've ever seen, but also the largest most gigantic, 5x the size of normal ones, I killed one on me and had a blood splat the size of a half dollar.] But not only does it mention that he's involved with that, but he's also involved with projects to bring extinct animals back to life like maybe dinosaurs? You can't make this shit up, oh wait you can, they called it Jurassic Park when they "made it up" now they're realizing their dream. Literally influencing plagues and bringing things back from the underworld...Hades on the nose. Just an absolutely random thought, and take it with the smallest grain of salt, but could this c be signaling that recovery of something obscene [children or blackmail?] is now safe? They sure emphasize it a lot. for those that understand, this was another signpost, I found and bought a copy of A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR'S COURT when this news first broke. When I find where I put that one, I'm sure there will be more connections. I have more but I'm about to wrap this up and I want it out today, I'll go back and edit. Addendum Job 38:16
“Have you entered into the springs of the sea, or walked in the recesses of the deep? 17 Have the gates of death been revealed to you, or have you seen the gates of deep darkness? 18 Have you comprehended the expanse of the earth? Declare, if you know all this."Titan is a "cyclops" class vessel... The Dawood company is Dawood HERCULES corporation.... strange wording there: "they're not hotdogs" Now why in the world would anyone conflate then with hotdogs? Could it have something to do with PizzaGATE? While we're at it, I know there was Watergate first, but why do they keep using gate every time they get busted? PizzaGATE, deflateGate. Here they are already ahead of it. You know, they got out in front of Pizza gate so fast that at first I really did think that it was a load of bullshit, until I saw a documentary connecting it all.But then there's the Heavensgate, I think that has more to do with this. So they now say that the submersible "imploded" is something else about to implode? There was an affluent neighborhood in Paris that exploded from a gas leak on the solstice. The Sub took off from Boston, could it be this: Ted Kazinsky the Unabomber just committed suicide in jail. I'm reading HARVARD AND THE UNABOMBER by Alston Chase (I haven't gotten far, The book SAME SOUL MANY BODIES keeps drawing me more, an astounding book esp. randomly coming across it some time AFTER I heard that koan trying to progress myself.) Alston in the book makes the argument that Harvard radicalized Ted especially through some "ethically questionable super secret psychological experiments". It's no coincidence that I'm reading them both together. In the latter book Weiss shows how patients go through progression in hypnosis then see different future lives that are possible futures, that change and become clearer and more definite when they clear up and learn from past life regressions and the life review. In the first book Chase describes how closely his own life path aligned with Ted's. He lays out how they both went to Harvard within a few years of each other, and both moved to Montana within a year of each other etc. He lays out an astronomical number of coincidences. Enough that the thought crossed my mind of Ted being an Alter of Alston Chase, in some epic MKULTRA mindfuck, doubtful. I lean more towards it having to do with the stuff in the latter book. [06/25/23 one of the last stories in Dr. Weiss' book Same Soul Many Bodies essentially described the person Ted K. would have been if he had taken his optimal path, it's someone who went to Harvard and then moved out to the wilderness, then did altruistic work changing environmental infractions. I should see how the book THE MONKEY WRENCH GANG and the weather underground tie into Harvard, I bet they do.
We've had so much rain lately that I dug out trenches in my yard, little streams to redirect the flow of the water towards my awesome garden. While I was doing it, I was on my hands and knees in the mud, pulling out mud here, adding it there and watching how it changed the flow of the water. Sometimes blocking it downstream made it overflow upstream and create a different path. Changing things upstream made it go faster or slower or sent down blocking debris. It really made me think about the idea of time being like a river in all these same ways. TThe best laid plans of mice and men, the water overflowed my trench and flooded my shed worse than before I dug them.
There's things that consistently pop up across accounts of past lives, often people seem to have a ying yang. Meaning that they experience the opposite end of what they were involved in in a previous life. With some, it seems to happen in a repeating pattern until they learn their lesson. In 2020 after one of the dreams of talking to Cain I woke up with not the exact words (I couldn't remember that one as vividly,) but the impression of what we were talking about. This had to do with the idea that some people were tracking people throughout different lifetimes and watching patterns like this, then trying to get inbetween and essentially to grab up good karmic rewards due, and block bad karmic punishments due, by putting someone else in the spot, based on the idea that the universal karmic laws operate indepently. around the same time, I was talking to Chad's mom, she was getting particularly vicious about some perceived wrong that someone had done to her. I pointed out to her that this was exactly what she had done to someone else so maybe it was a lesson. She thought for a second then said qcnah, and went about planning her revenge. I again told her that would be perpetuating the cycle and if she wouldn't show mercy and stop, then it would keep going. She kept going. Then ironically, I was actually given the opportunity to do the exact same thing to her, and get away with it, I didn't do it. Then I saw her doing it to someone .else. Ironically, I don't remember what the action was, but I remember writing how it ying yanged like that. Then, a few months later I had the opposite of one event 17 years before happen, the first one being a punishment, the second one being a reward in way. . Speaking of ying and yang, and tit for tat how did I miss this: possibly A tit for tat Mafia action between factions? Back to topic, often they time the implosions alongside covering news of discoveries, changes in laws, or advances in tech that are unethical. There's been lot of news of rare things spotted in the ocean in fluff pieces, things often wash ashore in flotsam and Jetsam and it isn't until the foam and seaweed come away that you see it, but if you dig through it, you find it first. With Clinton's emails, there were different levels of what was in them and not many people know about the things that affect all of humanity, that we plebs will never a chance to ask about. Right from the start this sounds like this was a planned sacrifice of a scapegoat for one side and a lamb to another. This vehicle was designed for this. "hit a snag" but it was "obscenely safe" "they're not hotdogs" 18 A sacrifice is always about wanting something in return, what could that be? They have to warn you, is the only repeated rule everyone knows....(Though apparently they've "broken some rules".) When the 'you' is the whole world, they need warning to them all:" The Manned Underwater Vehicles committee of the Marine Technology Society said it penned a letter to Rush, the missing CEO, in 2018. The group warned of potential “negative outcomes (from minor to catastrophic) that would have serious consequences for everyone in the industry,” said the letter obtained by the Times. " What type of negative minor to catastrophic outcomes are we talking here? From the diagram they show, something that is deeper then anything from "The Twilight Zone", past the midnight zone to "the Abyssal Zone". Watch out, they are now catostrophic around:
“The debris is consistent with a catastrophic implosion of the vessel,” US Coast Guard Rear Adm. John Mauger, the First Coast Guard District commander, told reporters."What more is there to pursue after you feel that you have become Godlike and traversed the deep end the heavens? What Tracy Twyman said it's about breaking out of the matrix. Oceangate, opening of portals. 20,000 leagues under the sea, or what if the Titanic crashed into the invisible mountain because they didn't understand noneuclidean geometry?lol Some ancient sacrifices to the water, were to the water nyphm Egeria, who watched over everything with birth, (matrix womb breaking waters) she might be another form of Diana goddess of da wood. So it could be about the birth of the Antichrist? Any indication? How about that the name of the boat that launched the submersible is.. .. wait for it .. drumroll.. .. ..POLAR PRINCE! And means son of the Shah or king, which would be a Prince
13 The dragon[a] stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. 2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. 3 One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. 4 People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”SeVen heads, SEVEN HEADS, now where did I JUST SEE THAT?... Head 7, Obscene and appalling is right As for the horns, I was trying to link narwhale , as a horned-whale to the Nar in Nargeolet, but that kinda breaks down some when I looked into the root decide I guess it's no more transitory a link than David and Solomon. Polar PRince is under The SOI foundation decided to future global leaders... The icing on the cake: This from the New York POriginallyost: airing in 2006, Season 17’s 10th episode, titled “Homer’s Paternity Coot,” features Homer Simpson’s long-lost father, Mason Fairbanks, giving a rather chilling speech before going under the sea with his son.After exploring for a bit, the duo comes across the remains of a massive ship filled to the brim with treasure.Simpson, after radioing his friends to tell them of the find, manages to accidentally get the submersible stuck within a portion of the barrier reef. Starting to panic, Simpson attempts to wrench himself free only for the sub’s “low oxygen” light to begin flashing before he descends into a coma. Thankfully, it’s a happy ending for the character as he awakens three days later surrounded by his family." Paternity , rising from the dead after 3 days.... They were having trouble with the "control" of the "brains" mmmaawahah they're trolling us Did I mention that the Company RMS Titanic, which is at the head of all this going back to the Titanic that controls all the access to the Titanic is named APOLLO GLOBAL MANAGEMENT. Revelation 9:11
They have as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon.