The Realities of War

A while back I found some things online claiming that so much of what we were shown even of the first two world wars was fake. It did have some damning videos in it of what looked like WWII footage of dead soldiers . And at that time the average person couldn't stop and rewind the footage to be sure, but it definitely showed live people lying really still pretending to be dead. Freeman Fly on his podcast The Freezone, has said for years that he had pictures of leaders on opposite sides of the Vietnam war sitting down to a picnic, while supposedly their men fought in the valley below. Recently, he had a war reporter on that claimed that there wasn't really anything resembling a war going on in the Ukraine, other than air raid sirens and news reporters spinning it. With all the fake footage that we've seen over the years involving that and Syria and the pandemic etc. I wouldn't go so far as to say that no one is getting harmed but QUESTION EVERYTHING. So the military invests in R&D and stockpiles weapons. These tools and weapons need constant upkeep and storage. Eventually, though they become obsolete in the face of new technologies and they become a liability that needs to be offloaded from their arsenal. Then they need more funding to buy buy the products that they developed in the R&D. In peacetime it is relatively easy to get the R&D funding but the actual equipment makes everyone uneasy, didn't they just buy so much weapons? So rumors of war in far flung places, that are over hyped serve the war machine well, just saying.... Outdated broken equipment went to the Ukraine.. ....
I'm not sure exactly which one it, was and everything he's put out for years is pure gold So dog through, I've got a lot to catch up on myself while I catch.. up on my laundry: The Freezone .. But, a fake war won't destroy the weapons and lessons from the Cold War proxies show that the people end up arming themselves with the weapons. No they need things that will really demolish the guns, equipment, old tanks, etc. Things like Floods, plenty of munitions and if you are destroying tanks weapons and equipment, not people, you need a larger supply of bombs than bullets (if there's too many images of atrocities committed to people, you completely lose backing for the offensive, if you didn't drum up enough support - and they didn't really try to foment the people like in the early 2000's. So yes, vwhile they might want to kill off as many people as possible, they do that with softer means while destroying the power that we the people have through our military. Remember we have already proven that the people who have us in the Ukraine are illigetimate usurpers, who already made questionable investments ni the Ukraine and have questionable links to China, the people are waking up to the vax....)armor piercing depleted uranium tank rounds So that we can have more of This I might take this down and add more to it, but I am so slacking on just living my life and have too many other rabbit holes to chase in terms of frequencies that go along lines of ancient runes, drones working magic, Saturn, Robert Sephre and that video OMID put up a long time ago of Saturn, frequencies, and the ancient world . random thoughts Hear, Hear, Preach it Brother! They should be mad that more deceptionists want to have parades and spin lies to foment the people towards being further enslaved. .... Reminiscent of Severance ... America hasn't historically overall been majorly Catholic aside from the Irish and Italian. Now we've got an influx of Catholics from the Hispanic immigrants. Catholics wrote THE book on creating Mafia and running it off Babylonian msurveillanceoney schemes, blackmail, guilt, fear, shame, etc. and some of their favorite playbooks is the institution ofa confessor priest that's trusted wholeheartedly that's working for the system (the role of the doctor, hairdresser, nail salon etc. serves this in a secular system)