My 2¢

Why does no one see the obvious? Homer was colorblind in a time when they didn't really recognize it. I had a friend who was color blind, for most of his life he tried to cover it up and did pretty well, I had known him for ten years before I realized it. He would say object A is the color of object B because they had similar textures, tones, and qualities but didn't really understand what color itself was. So Homer compares liquids together despite them not actually having the same color but because to him they looked the same dark liquids. He compared a shining gleaming sky to another shining gleaming object, copper, not because they ACTUALLY had the same COLOR; but in absence of color itself they have the same visual qualities. It's a red herring, we have plenty of other ancient mosaics that treat the natural world very much like we see it today. It bothered me when Ancient Aliens made a big thing about it, ignoring the possibility of him being colorblind, and that language has changed over time. Often secondary meanings to words get lost. Adjectives are the worst because often two meanings of an adjective will sound right, just one is more right. Some have said that Homer was using the ancient Greek word for a "wine faced sea" not in terms of describing the color, but in a way that he was describing how violent the sea was and wine faced is equivalent to a drunken sea, and that's more appropriate for the times when he uses it to describe the sea and they are in turbulent waters. Frothy turbulent waters kick up white foam, and even if at that time we had a red sky, the foam would still be white or light pink; not fitting for describing wine. A better modern translation would be "a shit faced sea" then we would recognize that they mean it's acting drunkenly. While someone translating that would say "Why would they say that the surface of the sea looks like feces?" ...... We thought our freedom of speech was under attack in the United States, just wait until they start allowing other countries to impose their speech laws on our soil. Malaysia is looking to put a Singapore national in prison because she said "Malaysians can't fly planes" making a joke about the missing plant at a NYC comedy club. ... thing with the pride and pronouns is mainly about being able to push sexual perversions on children, but it's also about completely destroying our freedom of speech. And it's already in the toilet it we aren't free to say the most basic of truths. The number one basic truth is that we should not attack or allow anyone to attack the innocence of children, second that someone should not be attacked for speaking the truth by mobs that demand they tell lies. Before the woke pronouns thing all those people were still around, and it was the truth to say that it was a man in women's clothing. But now speaking truth is literally a crime. What other times in the history of the world have we had where people are so attacked for speaking the most sacrosanct of basic truths of that we shouldn't convince little boys to chop off their dicks, and if person comes up to me claiming to be something that I absolutely know that they aren't, then I have the right to speak the truth of what they actually are, and they are apparently mentally ill, like if someone says that they are Cleopatra or Julius Caesar or a man claiming to be a woman or a full blood European claiming to be a Native American, or person dressed in furs claiming to be a furry requiring a litter box. I've heard from a number of sources now that the schools in this town put litterboxes in the bathrooms. Teenagers told me [secondhand granted] stories of coming into the bathrooms where 'furries' are butt naked, on their hands and knees digging in a litter box so as to not mess up their fur. I'm glad I took my children out. I can't imagine. My dad said that he took a job straightening out the worst school in Richmond, around the time of the Rodney King riots. He said that it was so bad that before he came, the last straw was a teacher brought in a briefcase from which he pulled a machine gun saying "I know all of you are packing, if anyone of you so much as looks at me wrong, I'm spraying the whole class." After my dad got things under control, he said to some of the students "I've confiscated more weapons then I've found in a biker bar, but I haven't came across any type of mind altering substance, no drugs, no booze, that's strange, why?" they said "We were all scared to death every day before you came, we knew we had to keep our wits about us. You won't find any drugs or alcohol, because everyone is to afraid to let their guard down." He said "Aren't you glad that you don't have to worry about your glock slipping down your pants and falling out anymore?" the kid said "You knew I was packing and what it was? Why didn't you take it?" My dad said "I knew you all were packing, hell, if I were going to school here I would be too. I identified the people that were holding everyone else in fear, I confiscated their weapons and made examples of them in front of everyone. I knew once the normal sane people felt safe, they would stop carrying their weapons on their own, I was right, you aren't packing today I can tell." What we have now though is baseless fears and paranoia about a faceless enemy that could be anyone (mad shooters, COVID) reinforced constantly. And the tools that the children are taught to protect themselves with masks and lockdown drills are blatantly useless. It's just like when they had the children doing the get under the desk for nuclear war drills, an overexaggerated faceless threat, and a completely useless defense. My dad said that his family trained him that the moment the sirens went off, while the other children were cowering under the desk; he was to climb out the window and run to certain places people and weapons. The way that they ate pushing fears that are impossible to fight, makes people feel like things are completely out of their control, which leads a desire for dissociation which spawns drug and alcohol use, and identify issues enabling the whole gender bender stuff. The Children know that their lives are out of their control, but not consciously. While they are given a false sense of control over their bodies with the transgender. In order to fight it we need show just how completely out of control that it really makes people. Right now the media is hyping up all the good stuff about transitioning etc. well hormones mess with your emotions and your thoughts, too much hormones make you irrational, irritable, emotional, etc. Sure let's give them all the limelight they want, but not shy away from when they lose it, and they will, because it's an unnatural mental illness, that is getting treated by hormones and steroids which is the worst things you can give people under stress and mental illness, oh, but let's add in microdosing psychodelics and methamphetamines and allergy meds cause you know they're all ADHD and that allergy season is killer whenever there's a reprieve of the mass synthetic opioids on the population and everyone starts yawning and sneezing (just a thought, allergies don't cause diarrhea, withdrawal s do, when slews of people come complaining of allergies AND they have diarrhea and restless legs etc, and the only ones who DON'T have the symptoms are on opioids, and. the medicines that they get prescribed for Chrons and allergies are non controlled opioids, it makes you go hhhmmmm, FYI there are types of opioids that are can be mass dosed on a society that you want to put to sleep, almost impossible to truly overdose and narcan doesn't remove it, and it doesn't show up in drug tests Buropenephron, methadone, [or caseinate based synthetics). I don't have anything to go off of other than seeing people who I believe, or sometimes absolutely know, aren't taking opioids seeming to be experiencing opioid withdrawals and they believe that it's allergies, (sneezing watery eyes, yawning diarrhea RLS, then other times their 'allergies' present in the same way opiates would with itching all over especially their nose, glazed eyes, and repeated throat clearing etc. and they say that it's that their allergy medicine is working) ..... don't really agreed with that, you should have compassion for innocence, pity for maliciousness. I've got friends who followed this about forgiving and forgetting those who sexually abused them as a child to the point where they accept them into their family and allow them around their children. This is stupid and dangerous. That's the thing is that molesters are taking something. I realized in oversight in my last post I forgot to add the dongs I was writing about. While I wholeheartedly agree with Martin Luther and I think that they reap what they sew. I'm sure that if you dig far enough back you will find that these sisters of perpetual indulgences are funded by the indulgences that that the Catholic church allowed. I think that it is all part of the process, making those that call out the institutions for wrongs more perverse than them. It whitewashes the institutions. Now I'm sure if you look up Catholic church and indulgences you get this stupid display, not that a religious institution that held sway over millions allowed rich people to pay money to be allowed to commit crimes. ..... ..... My son was asking me what is the worst torture I've ever seen or heard. I realized that the worst torture I've ever seen was the worst tortures that I've ever heard of. And it happened at the hands of the medical field, with me helpless to do anything. There was a patient that had most of the skin missing from his testicles and just the two inner testicles exposed without a most of the outer sack. I had to assist the nurse in packing the wound to prevent it from getting worse. I had to hold his arms down while he fought. I asked the nurse who had tears streaming down her eyes if we could stop and give him more medication as apparently he was in immense pain and aware. The nurse shook her head crying more and said she had given him everything that she was allowed to. Over the next few days, I found out that the doctors were not allowing the nurses to give any pain medications, numbing medicines, or sedation. and it became an all out fight between the nurses begging the doctors, the doctors firm in refusing and the nurse threatening to quit over it until the patient was transferred. I didn't have any influence on medication at all, but I know purposeful torture when I see it. That was very eye opening of that this went beyond simple malpractice, I wondered what this guy had done to deserve that, maybe he did but who were we to blindly carry it out? I'm constantly torn between seeing both the good healing that I saw every day in the juxtaposed with the horrible tortures I saw so often in the medical field. It always comes down to a thing of well if we go after them for all the horrible things that they have done, then we'll lose all the good that they do. Just like in this post: After the news of this hit, at first his practice took a huge hit and there were much less patients. Then when people found out that he was still doing surgeries, there were a flood of people wanting to hurry up and get it done before he went to prison, as he is the best in the region and one of the only ones for hundreds of miles. Since that post, there was a guy that was telling me (during a case while still workin with him) that he would go out for drinks with that surgeon and it had always bothered him how that surgeon talked about women as if he believed they were all lesser then men, and consent means nothing. Rereading that and thinking about all the duality that I saw in the medical field and so many not standing up to it, or often me standing up alone to it, makes it all the more chilling of recent events where apparently even our own side won't stand by what's right over power. Granted at work, I never would have been drinking before I called someone out and if I was they would have a right to fire me. But going to the extent of saying that men were right in pulling a baby out of a mother's arms and creating paranoia because quote "people should be paranoid" I can't get behind, even if you can convince people that there were altruist reasons for doing away with me. This is the admission that mentioned at the bottom of the Moral Dilemmas post, notice the dates:
He never give me an explanation for why he hypnotized me and tried to remove any memories of betrayal, or all of it the concerted effort to run off my friends, try to convince people that I was crazy, and trying to drive me crazy and being involved with people watching me and following me. .... I forgot to mention that in that moral dilemmas post, that after working under the mother of the DA, that she was an absolutely phenomenal nurse, one of the best that I've ever had the pleasure of working under, with a good moral compass and always put the patient's first, we never had a conflict, and she helped me outside of work with things. I never had the courage to bring up her daughter's involvement with it all though.