Makes Your Blood Boil
Want to hear my theory on mutilated cattle? It doesn't serve any type of extremely supernatural need, it's a Mafia among Mafia calling card. They see us as cattle
and cattle are often used as a sacrifice cutting off tongues and genitals are always a warning, one mafia isn't scared of another Mafia unless theyseem to be so powerful that their own Mafia is under them, or they play on their superstitions. Not ruling out them having high tech or supernatural means to do it, but I think that the intended audience knows what it means.
The thing that really bothered me about treating COVID patients is that I could literally see how the measures we were taking were not working, and everyone seemed baffled as to why., Yet I could also directly see that if the measures were stopped, then the patients died faster, so it seemed like the measures were working and should be continued. So many times in my career, I have seen that there's a delicate balance between having a patient undergo a torturous shortlived treatment in order for the long term goal of being healthier, it is a given and comes with the territory. When I've seen this balance deliberately ignored and patients undergoing long-term unecessarily torturous 'treatments' then I've raised a fuss or quit. With the COVID patients on ventilators, everyone at some time or another desperately questioned if we were unnecessarily torturing them with the ventilators. What we kept seeing with the COVID patients was that their arterial blood gases showed that they were getting enough oxygen, sometimes much, and they would have to lower the oxygen, but immediately upon removing the BPAP [Always started with BPAP, not quite a ventilator, but usually progressed to one] Their oxygen would drop so dramatically that they would start to pass out. Removing the BPAP aon non COVID patient was not like this, it's a slow gentle decline and it's obvious that the patient needs the extra uumph(the patients would all remove it themselves at some time or another, because on BPAP you aren't fully sedated and they felt like the machine was suffocating them not helping) Non COVID patients on the BPAP we could put on high flow oxygen for short periods so they could eat, drink, talk, bathe etc. COVID patients that were fully aware and capable would be desperate to get the mask off (usually yelling), but would start to pass out just taking a sip of water so often we'd just slide the straw in under the mask, because if we took it off and gave them the straw, they
would just sit with it in their mouth, not sucking eyes glossed over and passing out. So it felt like to me that somehow their blood oxygen levels were somehow being kept artificially high, where it passed all the tests, yet somehow wasn't accurate. But what could be causing it? I doubt testing error because of the sheer number of tests that all came up consistent, though I really only ever had errand duties for the lab os I couldn't rule it out. But it more likely pointed to something in the disease process or drug, or the breathing machines. I had a number of questions about logistics with the machines, and every time that I tried to ask, I got shut down as it being insubordination because I wasn't trained on the ventilators. The biggest thing was seeing the CO2 traps were often removed from the machines and they're pumping air in and out of the patient from one long single tube. Well if anyone has heard the story of trying to use too long of a bamboo snorkel for both exhale and inhale they should have a problem with a 6-8ft hose used for both the exhale and inhale withouta CO2 trap.
here it mentions about pressure, ( the machines had pressure settings ) But when I would ask the respiratory therapists about the CO2 traps they would act exasperated with me and show all these ways that because of this or that on the machine the
trap was redundant and they would throw it away, then they would point to the arterial blood gases as proof that they weren't needed, I didn't have any ground to stand on to prove otherwise other than claiming why aren't you using them and why are they there if they aren't needed I only ever got redundancy, yet often redundancy IS A NECESSARY FAILSAFE.
As for other sources of what could artificially inflate the tests. I have to put a side note here that apparently bad actors in China have been thinking up ways to artificially inflate test results in order to kill people. I'm not just talking about the flood of fentynal that's reached even teenagers here. Kill babies to be more specific. Numerous companies in China were putting a known poison in baby formula, the excuse was that they didn't know it was poisonous (later proven to be a lie) and they were using it as a cheap alternative to raise the protein levels in order to pass tests.
Read all about it here it's nauseating reading how some people tried to raise alarms years before and investigations were squashed, a recall was held up for over a month because they wanted to wait until after the Beijing Olympics [the games needed their child sacrifice quota?] and there's estimates of almost 300,000 victims and the number isn't really known. That was melamine formaldehyde (and has to be mixed with the formaldehyde in order to be used like that) it causes kidney stones and kidney failure.
Now we have the advertisements of "if your baby got necrotizing enterocolitis (literally the toxin in the formula eating through the intestines and any other part of the body it got to (slow, perforating the intestines first, smaller molecules of it eating then at the blood brain barrier)
Convincing someone that they have no hope in this world makes people a crybaby. When you have an enemy to fight and you see a way to fight them, you have hope, it gives you energy and drive even when your life is in danger or hard. Having the very people that you turn to for help turn around and show that they are your prison guards is a con designed to make someone abandon lal hope and maybe depattern, if it's done right with finesse, then they latch onto your power with trauma bonding and even though you were the one that took the world out from under them, they still latch on to you through Stockholm syndrome depatterning creates infantile states. Trauma doesn't have to be physical, it can be emotional. Then after the trauma they use triggers to reinforce it. These are personalized to the trauma. So when I have personalized trauma triggers being used on me that go back to a specific person and the things they said, like 1000% I guess I should be thanking my lucky stars that I have such considerate masters that they only want to control me through emotional trauma and show me their power not really harm me, not like they tried to kill me like my ex husband. I should just 'get over it' and I shouldn't think things like wondering if they get pleasure out of it.
[side story: (I never made this connection before, but the crystals in the urine made me think and it's embarrassing but it is what is) in 2009 I developed a a series of cascading health problems following one of only two shots I ever got.-that's the only connection I made before- many had a servere sudden appearance and I became really skinny and weak, horrible rashes, seizures, migraines, vision blackouts (going completely blind for a few minutes unexpectedly, I almost crashed one of the times, I eased my car over to a guardrail I knew was on the right instead of any other traffic and sat crying and praying until suddenly it was back) one of the symptoms that gave me the most emotional grief was that I suddenly started having bladder spasms that were excruciating
and impossible to hold my urine in. For about 6 months I had to wear a diaper. The doctors said that I had interstitial cystitis and my kidneys and bladder were so covered in crystals that they had never seen another case like it, yet I went from no problem whatsoever to that within weeks. Needless to say as a single mom
just starting college in a town where I knew no one it felt like a death sentence and it was a huge relief to have friends then boyfriend that would let me fall asleep on their couch (sounds bad, I had my own apartment the whole time) while they helped me with my son, and it seemed providence that my new boyfriend's mom was a nurse and his ex wife had had all the exact same health problems to a tee completely that I had suddenly developed right after I met them so they knew how to
treat it, Whereas I knew absolutely nothing about medicine at the time. (the doctors reassured me that it was probably building for some time before and wouldn't have just exploded) Before all of this the only doctors I'd been to were when I had my son and for pinkeye, and ringworm (not that I was never sick, just my mom used alternative medicine) Suddenly I was getting ushered from one specialist to another so fast I couldn't keep track and when your faced with all that you tend to be pretty dismissive at the time of weird anomalies and coincidences. Like falling asleep and waking up already in the throes of passion if you catch my drift, to realizing one day I had an unexplained small incision (about what would be needed for a hip scope or biopsy ) and stitches in my hip. What's more literally lifelong pain in it had disappeared. Right at the height of it all before the doctors had any answers for me aside from that they had caused some of later symptoms by giving me medicines that I had reactions to, I lost my insurance and couldn't afford to go to a doctor, but miraculously I got all better, my bladder function returned. Over the years I had a repeating cyclical pattern of this. The doctors were convinced that it was multiple sclerosis, and that still fits down to two specific symptoms that had since I was a child one that putting my chin down is painful all down my spine, and two that I get phantom cold water running down the outside of my legs. (I felt that again recently though this time with the feeling like I was actually experiencing it somewhere and this is the dream, then what I was reading and listening to synched up saying something about feeling your other life, then I dozed off and my dream was something about someone torturing me saying "we've got a live one here, a true believer")
Over the years my symptoms have came and went in varying intensities though it's been 10 years
since my vision has blacked out. 9 years since I've had
paralysis, a few years since I've had a seizure, 8 years since my hair fell out, 8 years since I had whole body swelling, a couple of years since I had brain swelling, 8 years since I had double vision and my eyes not tracking together. 3 years since having tonic clonic and amnesia. But what makes all this medical history all the more disturbing is that in so many instances my symptoms turned out to be a cascade of one medicine actually causing the next problem etc. For example I was put on steroids that made my whole body swell and every nerve in my body inflamed because I have a Cushing intolerance. Secondly that my ex husband was my constant companion in this, only telling me after I'm having extreme side effects of each drug, "Oh yeah they put my ex wife on that medicine and she had the same reaction. Like when I was put on dilantin, well it stopped the pseudoseizures and double vision that I was having that might have been caused by a previous medicine but then my hair started falling out, and Chad said that's what his ex wife had happen. I flushed the medicine, but didn't know much about medicine still, dilantin has to be tapered down, so I had extreme seizures with short warning auras one waking up with complete amnesia not knowing my name, country, family, or any single specific memory, or quality about any specific person ever. I was rushed to the hospital in the beginning of status elepticus (back to back seizures, each seizure feels like you are being electrocuted and is as painful as it looks -some you lose consciousness so fast it's painless, in back to back ones they don't want you to lose consciousness, you might not come back the same if at all) They started me on an IV of a dilation analog,
eventually things calmed down and I felt great, ready to leave and was talking to the doctor about leaving...
When suddenly I had what felt like a niacin flush and it felt like I was burning on the inside and as it was coming up to my skin it was tingling. I kept telling the nurse that something was wrong. He kept saying, "it's normal for the medicine to burn some" It kept getting worse, it was beyond any niacin flush now I felt like someone had put hot coals and my vagina, mouth and eyes while being sprayed by boiling oil all over my body, (it is to this day all the pain I've ever experienced all together times 1000). I was fighting to pull out my IV and screaming and he was holding me down calling for help saying that if I pulled out my IV, I could go back into constant seizures and die. While I'm fighting him saying that this was killing me! When there where other people holding me down by now, the doctor pulled a new doctor aside and had a quiet fast conversation with him
. Suddenly the same doctor who had been trying to restrain me from pulling out my IV, pulled it out himself with no decorem spraying blood. They quickly bandaged it up and immediately rushed me into a wheelchair and outside to the helipad with a waiting helicopter. I thought oh good at least they already had the helicopter, but man they must've really messed me up bad for it to come to this. But no I wasn't going on the helicopter there was Chad helping me into the car, while the Dr gave my home care instructions at the car door. I was shaking, in shock, tears of pain still streaming down and I ad was seeing and hearing everything way to loud and bright, yet through a tunnel. A nurse ran outside with my discharge paperwork I remember the white of the paperwork being so white it hurt my eyes more, the sound of the paperwork and my footsteps to the car, I shouldn't been able to hear over the chopper, yet they somehow seemed louder and right by my ears while the chopper and the yelling dr and nurse seemed far away and tinny. Later studying the medicine I found out that all my symptoms were of a usually fatal overdose of that drug, that night I knew they knew they messed up and the last conscious thought I remember was thinking that they are sending me home to die to cover this up, yet ironically the pain is so bad I welcome .death.. Another time before at that same hospital they gave me a lethal cocktail of drugs but I caught it and didn't take it. The way it was missed supposedly was because they already gave me the dose of one drug in IV and then sent me home with a prescription that would have been deadly to combine. Barbiturates are a go to drug for treating seizures and for cultists. often if I lost my medical insurance, then it seemed like my medical problems would improve for some time. Chad not only has an ex wife with the same medical problems, two other friends that also did, one died.
I have no proof other than my testimony that I know Chad's mom knowingly gave someone a lethal cocktail of ,drugs they survived but only through drastic surgical intervention. I had a huge problem with this and we had had it out because I had told her beforehand this two couldn't be used together and shown her the proof, then the same hospital that intervened in that case where I had started asking questions from the doctor that did the surgery to save her, if he believed that the medicines could have done it, then tries to kill me not twice, but 3 times, I also found out that
my home paperwork said
they gave me 12000mg! of a drug that I had listed I was allergic to. I called them up
freaking out and they told me that if my symptoms of the allergic reaction hadn't started yet, then just large repeated doses of benedryl should compensate, it did. Ironically Jeanne gave the patient benedryl (for sleeping only mind you) because it's easy to claim that you don't know it can have deadly interactions with some .medications, but I know she knew because I made sure she knew trying to prevent it, then I watched her crying to the surgeon that she had no idea. Next came a series of Chad and his mom trying to set me up. The car lot who was a friend of Jeanne's (she has three car lot friend connects that she's so buddy buddy with that she can get continual new cars and paper tags all around, Chad's Aunt and Uncle on his dad's side have a tag agency) suddenly the car lot started having mix ups, like claiming they already gave me my title and didn't, like towing my car while I was at someone else's house mind you on a Friday night, so even though I had all the receipts that I had paid, I had to wait until Monday and pay to get it out of impound.
Around that time someone I loved told me that they had made a devil's deal and the bargain was that I was that that the only trauma they could inflict on me would be financial, then supernaturally since then, there have been times and warnings and he said it again so much spookily never saying who or details, but it actually instilled a fear in me of ever trying to get to comfortable financially because of how many times that it's ended in very orchestrated things of losing every single thing that I own. I always thought that Chad was suffering through it all with me. In one of his extremely extremely rare moments of admitting things to me and apologizing he told me how he was complicit in orchestrating bringing us down financially on purpose. He said that he would take money out of my purse then gaslight me claim my son did it, or watch me count the money take some then convince me that my memory was wrong. I was a polymath And at the end of it I was so traumatized about money I couldn't add the simplest numbers, Chad and others used the word itself as a trauma trigger. because I knew that it was being used as weapon against my family but yet I couldn't pin point it down
how the strings were being pulled because I couldn't fathom that it was coming from Chad. That loved one that did the deal had originally came to me years and years before saying that he had put contingencies somehow (core programming ) that they couldn't hit me, I didn't understand until years later that meant my first ex husband and he worked around this by inflicting pain in any possible way except punching or slapping me because he 'wasn't allowed to' but I guess no one thought to tell him that he wasn't allowed to whip, rape, strangle or shoot at me! And the reason that I was able to break out of it was when he did me up and slap me, suddenly something snapped in me and I could hang on to my memories and fight him. When I told a little bit of the abuse from my first husband, he came back and said that he had made deal that they couldn't put me through anymore abuse, I thought it strange at the time of, how could he be so sure that there was some supernatural deal that any new potential boyfriend's wouldn't abuse me, but if they were planned marriages and I'm the fool... Apparently the work around that they did was medical experimentation, until they tried to kill me. Then he made a new deal, any type of trauma could only be inflicted financially, but the workarounds of this
was continuously losing my jobs or cars or houses through set ups. Chad driving my friends away over financial things that he caused. (one time it was really obvious that he had driven away my friends on purpose over money because, there was no real point to why he did it, really it hurt no one all the money went to where it was supposed to, just used it to intentionally start a fight with them.
Also apparently when I got word that the deal was off upon his death, since then my children were taken I was assaulted, then I was rear ended in a set up.
The thing is that I really don't care about money, give unto Caesar's what is Caesar's, and it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven, for a long time I saw being rich a sin, that was drilled into me but I never really understood them until recently. See the first one is that the money is the chips that the powers that be require to play their game and when it was needed it was provided just to give back what is there game, not what is really needed. Secondly they used to use camel hair as threads for a needle, all that is needed is the hair, the whole camel doesn't need to and won't pass through the needle meaning that we shed what material riches that we don't need to take with us to heaven, and if the hair is still attached to the camel, the hair breaks off the camel (riches) are left behind not that it is such an immense sin that you forfeit heaven.
What if the submarine thing and the freakouts on the plane are the lead up to some large information explosion about the blood and the vaccines.
nitrogen, the bends, blood viscosity, I've got the skeleton of something I need to repeat a lot of the research that was deleted and compile .it maybe tomorrow....
this felt fitting
seems I feel that someone who has never known the lack of money, questions how money can be truamatic. I don't question how, I question why, what purpose does it serve the powers? Money is traumatic when you have family members that make enough money to go on vacations all over the world, have their own companies, That want to tell you about their travels and lecture you on how inappropriate it is that you asked them for a job or a small loan and don't I know any better. money is traumatic when you're pregnant and work 92 hours in one week in order to cover the bills and the boss says that since it's illegal (even though I was forced to stay, because my relief didn't show up) so he's giving me a vacation and putting all the overtime on the next check. Then the check won't quite cover the bills unless we make some sacrifices, but I have the money for it, only for my 'husband' to take it and gamble it away. Money is traumatic when you're working full time and supposedly so is your husband but you both just started the jobs after a job search that depleted everything and the jobs hold back a part check so you have to work the first month on no pay. A DHS worker said that she wished that she could have gotten free food and scholarships when she was in college and if she could do it then I could, so she was going to open an investigation on me as her 'duty to purge people who abuse the system', so we had no food stamps and ever possible dime had to go towards gas to get to work and food for my son. After getting the food bank, it was only enough to feed my son, then, Chad and I would split his leftovers in secret telling him that we already ate our portions. Eventually we both became malnourished. and I ended up asking Taco Bell for free food then breaking down crying when they said no, so they gave me a taco, I brought it back and we shared it. (for a long time after that if I went to Taco Bell, I would pay for the car behind me's order and asked them to find someone who needs something and give it to them. Often Cggedhad begged me to ask my family and I told him no because when I had and they helped me, my sister would complain that I thought of my bother as an ATM and my sister in law would tell my brother not to help me or that I should work for it, even though I knew my kind hearted brother would and has given me plenty. My sister in law had me pulling weeds while I was starving just so I could earn enough gas to get back and forth to work but not cover our food and I was too proud to tell them that even though when I had plenty, I had her over to eat numerous times, I'd had them over for my first Thanksgiving dinner in my own place. Money is traumatic when you scrounged change to have gas for a 2 hour trip in a car that you can't afford to fix the radiator so it's overheating but you don't have enough money for antifreeze or water. I'm going to business after business in a fast food district begging for Free water and being denied over and over. Finally I lost it on the workers telling them what all I had been through and there's a thirsty woman and baby in front of them in 100+ degree weather being denied water for the sake of 'the company' finally they gave me a cup of water. Money is traumatic when your pregnant and living in a hotel because you moved for work, but can't afford to house yet and waiting on your check to cover the next couple of weeks and whatever you can save back towards getting a house and your work says 'oh there's a mix up on your check we don't have it, but not to worry you'll have it on Monday. So you go to the hotel manager and tell them that you have the money for Saturday and Sunday, but you don't have enough to pay for Monday until after you get off work on Monday, so could she see it in her heart to not kick my son and husband out while I'm at work? And since a week was the price of 3 days, if I paid the third day on Monday would I get the week? "That would be a flat no, but I tell you what if you give me Saturday and Sunday now, then I'll give you to Saturday morning to pay Monday and it count as a week. Back at the hotel I decide to make a sign to beg and I walked up the street. I start to realize just how humiliating and Shameful this is. I think I need to suck it up for my family, I decide that I'm going to send the shame right on back and proudly look the next driver in the eye and hold up my sign. The next car that comes by, the way that it's facing I can't see the driver, but I can see a woman laying across the back seat. I dropped my sign and ran back to the hotel. In the backseat of the car was a woman tied up screaming "help me!" I didn't have a cell phone I couldn't afford one. I marched into the office ready to put her to shame for not having mercy on a family. instead it ended with pregnant me bawling and her calling the cops to escort us out of the hotel and her keeping every penny we had with no refund as the cops said that she could do it, legal theft, I'm very familiar with cops backing this. and her making fun of me calling me a crybaby. The cops wouldn't believe my story about the woman in the car and threatened to charge
me with prostitution. So yeah my blood boils when I hear people saying not to give money to people holding up a sign because they probably make more money than you do.
Money is trumatic when you realize that you didn't shelter your son from the suffering as much as you thought and he tells you that as a young child it made him suicidal and that he considered selling his soul for money, not for himself but so that that I would never be crying about bills and keeping the family together every night and so that Chad and I wouldn't fight.