Another Bedtime story got me thinking about another story about stand ins or deep fakes, or holograms before there was that technology. A naval intelligence man, I knew that's dead now, that was involved in some operations in Cuba in the 60's and 70's once told me "I really don't know the extent of what was attributed to me, versus what I actually did because they were using doubles of me or holograms, hypnosis or something to make people fully believe that they saw me, and I know it wasn't a case of MKULTRA and I actually did it, then forgot, or an Alter ego, because at the time they claimed, I didn't have a blackout and was in another state. One time they approached me and wanted me to fly down to Ecuador, and I told them to go to hell, it was a suicide mission. They kept on pestering me claiming that it had to be me, and that I was the one person in the world that could do it. I said 'What do you mean I'M THE ONE PERSON IN THE WORLD?' They kept sticking to it, but I didn't go, later I found out that they used someone else and I met him, he was a lot like me, but he was a pilot. Another time they told me that they wanted me to do a lecture, I said, 'I don't do lectures.' I was in another state doing something else and when I came back, I kept getting approached by people telling me about how I'd given such a great lecture, apparently they were able to convince even people who knew me that I gave that lecture."
"So much of the operations were so poorly ran and they grabbed up so many hippies that everyone kinda took it as a joke, we're all sitting around drinking and smoking hash and taking LSD in the Florida swamps with crates of weapons around and someone's saying that we're going to invade Cuba, and people are hysterically laughing about it. I could see this wasn't really a millitary operation. But something that was meant to fail. I was serious though starting ,out. Before I came in, I bought maps and a compass, shovel, machete, flashlights, everything that we could possibly need. See they had gathered together all these different anti communist league groups that all wanted aa piece of the action but they had different reasons for it and ideology, so they were smart enough to keep them somewhat segregated into different platoons, I ended up with the anarchist group, and since anarchists don't believe in government they hadn't assigned anyone to get supplies, so when we were going through the swamps and they were asking who's got a map? No one thought to get a map, but I pulled one out, compass, right here, etc. Since anarchists elect leaders by merit, I was made their comadant. Then I was really thinking this was a joke or exercise, when they set me up at an open air desk and had me signing requisitions, they brought me this poorly mimeographed one for these military trucks and I signed it. Later when it all fell through, I was court martialed as the trucks had gone missing; and I signed for them. I thought it was a joke, an exercise. They found one of the trucks sometime later in little Havana, these two Cuban exiles, brothers, had turned it into a Cuban food truck, I don't know what became of the rest." "One time they sent me in to meet a person under a tree and when I there, there were three of us all walking up at once instead of 2, we all pulled guns on each other, the next few minutes there was a Mexican standoff, of one of us claiming to be on one side then the other two claiming it, then claiming something else, CIA, Alpha 66 etc, until I finally said, since ew don't know who's who and I don't want a shootout in the park, especially when we might all be on the same side, why don't we all back away, and go back to who sent us, so we did."