Mercury Rising Just saw an ad for "the Tylenol autism case" in order to prove that Tylenol causes autism, they would need to prove a mechanism of action (you would think) and I don't know how they can, when the systems that Tylenol affects aren't changed in Autism and Tylenol doesn't cross the blood brain barrier to affect the ones that are. Meanwhile links have been consistently shown between the mother getting vaccinated while pregnant or breastfeeding and the baby getting vaccinated, but the vaccine companies can't be legally held liable. The issue is that Tylenol is used to counteract the brain damaging fever that the vaccines cause so thus it's use looks linked to it but it is too widely used in other cases and it's detrimental effects in overdose or long term use do not show what I believe would cause autism. Over the years, I've worked taking care of and teaching autistic and mentally challenged children and adults. I can't count the times that I heard that the child got vaccinated and developed a high fever that was kept down by Tylenol but still caused brain damage. One was from a group of a high number of babies in Texas that received a bad vaccine batch about 30 years ago that gave them all encephalitis. The one I was caring for (as an adult) was the only one that survived, albeit with brain damage after a 40 day fever. When I look into the pubmed analysis they all seem to have cherry picked the results, instead of saying that 20% of the studies showed this, then we analyzed those, they said 80% of the studies were ineligible, then ALL OF THE STUDIES SHOWED, intentional cherry picking bias. We do not need to lose the ability to have ready access to Tylenol as can be life saving.
"64 studies were retrieved and 55 were ineligible. Nine prospective cohort studies fulfilled all inclusion criteria. Data pooling was not appropriate due to heterogeneity in outcomes. All included studies suggested an association between prenatal APAP exposure and the neurodevelopmental outcomes; ADHD, ASD, or lower IQ. Longer duration of APAP use was associated with increased risk. Associations were strongest for hyperactivity and attention-related outcomes. Little modification of associations by indication for use was reported."
This is interesting : ...... Don't know why they made them look like zombies and mermaids. Where's the housekeeping robots? Those are going to change the world;) Oh? The polio vaccine eradicated polio? The poor children of this country that died poisoned by the vaccines were what? Collateral damage until they had it perfected to safely eradicate the disease? What bullshit the idiots that these vaccine manufacturers idolize poisoned himself with drinking mecury blended monkey brains, it's a death cult at it's core. This is nauseating reading how they play on parent's emotions to protect their children then put out lies to convince everyone that the people with the truth are crazy or lying. it's an abuse of power, but one of the oldest plays in the book.
"False: Mercury in vaccines acts as a neurotoxin"
Mercury has many direct and well-recognized neurotoxic effects. However, its immune effects causing secondary neurotoxicity are less well-recognized. Mercury exposure can induce immunologic changes in the brain indicative of autoimmune dysfunction, including the production of highly specific brain autoantibodies. Mercury, and in particular, Thimerosal, can combine with a larger carrier, such as an endogenous protein, thereby acting as a hapten, and this new molecule can then elicit the production of antibodies. Methods: A comprehensive search using PubMed and Google Scholar for original studies and reviews related to autism, mercury, autoantibodies, autoimmune dysfunction, and haptens was undertaken. All articles providing relevant information from 1985 to date were examined. Twenty-three studies were identified showing autoantibodies in the brains of individuals diagnosed with autism and all were included and discussed in this review. Results: Research shows mercury exposure can result in an autoimmune reaction that may be causal or contributory to autism, especially in children with a family history of autoimmunity. The autoimmune pathogenesis in autism is demonstrated by the presence of brain autoantibodies (neuroantibodies). Conclusion: Recent evidence suggests a relationship between mercury exposure and brain autoantibodies in individuals diagnosed with autism. Moreover, brain autoantibody levels in autism are found to correlate with both autism severity and blood mercury levels. Treatments to reduce mercury levels and/or brain autoantibody formation should be considered in autism. "
From the vaccine myths article again:"Yet according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta and the World Health Organization, no evidence exists that thimerosal from vaccines causes health problems in kids."
" Thimerosal (an ethylmercury-containing compound used as a preservative in vaccines and other drugs that metabolizes or degrades to ethylmercury-containing compounds and thiosalicylate). The results indicate that ethylmercury-containing compounds are actively transported across membranes by the L (leucine-preferring)-amino acid transport (LAT) system, the same as methylmercury-containing compounds. Further, 22 studies from 1971 to 2019 show that exposure to ethylmercury-containing compounds (intravenously, intraperitoneally, topically, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or intranasally administered) results in accumulation of mercury in the brain. In total, these studies indicate that ethylmercury-containing compounds and Thimerosal readily cross the BBB, convert, for the most part, to highly toxic inorganic mercury-containing compounds, which significantly and persistently bind to tissues in the brain, even in the absence of concurrent detectable blood mercury levels"
Oh! What disgusting Eugenicists! Oh what great philanthropists! They wanted to Kill off protect the developing countries more!
" When addressing toxins, one unmistakable parallel exists between biology and politics: developing children and developing nations are those most vulnerable to toxic exposures. This disturbing parallel is the subject of this critical review, which examines the use and distribution of the mercury (Hg)-based compound, thimerosal, in vaccines. Developed in 1927, thimerosal is 49.55% Hg by weight and breaks down in the body into ethyl-Hg chloride, ethyl-Hg hydroxide and sodium thiosalicylate. Since the early 1930s, there has been evidence indicating that thimerosal poses a hazard to the health of human beings and is ineffective as an antimicrobial agent. While children in the developed and predominantly western nations receive doses of mostly no-thimerosal and reduced-thimerosal vaccines, children in the developing nations receive many doses of several unreduced thimerosal-containing vaccines (TCVs). Thus, thimerosal has continued to be a part of the global vaccine supply and its acceptability as a component of vaccine formulations remained unchallenged until 2010, when the United Nations (UN), through the UN Environment Programme, began negotiations to write the global, legally binding Minamata Convention on Hg. During the negotiations, TCVs were dropped from the list of Hg-containing products to be regulated. Consequently, a double standard in vaccine safety, which previously existed due to ignorance and economic reasons, has now been institutionalised as global policy. Ultimately, the Minamata Convention on Hg has sanctioned the inequitable distribution of thimerosal by specifically exempting TCVs from regulation, condoning a two-tier standard of vaccine safety: a predominantly no-thimerosal and reduced-thimerosal standard for developed nations and a predominantly thimerosal-containing one for developing nations. This disparity must now be evaluated urgently as a potential form of institutionalised discrimination. "
Still think that it isn't by design? Oh but it's not the mecury!
The brain pathology in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) indicates marked and ongoing inflammatory reactivity with concomitant neuronal damage. These findings are suggestive of neuronal insult as a result of external factors, rather than some type of developmental mishap. Various xenobiotics have been suggested as possible causes of this pathology. In a recent review, the top ten environmental compounds suspected of causing autism and learning disabilities were listed and they included: lead, methyl-mercury, polychorinated biphenyls, organophosphate pesticides, organochlorine pesticides, endocrine disruptors, automotive exhaust, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, and perfluorinated compounds. This current review, however, will focus specifically on mercury exposure and ASD by conducting a comprehensive literature search of original studies in humans that examine the potential relationship between mercury and ASD, categorizing, summarizing, and discussing the published research that addresses this topic. This review found 91 studies that examine the potential relationship between mercury and ASD from 1999 to February 2016. Of these studies, the vast majority (74%) suggest that mercury is a risk factor for ASD, revealing both direct and indirect effects. The preponderance of the evidence indicates that mercury exposure is causal and/or contributory in ASD."
Get that? a review of 17 years worth of published studies point to that it's definitively from some sort of introduced injury to the body, and 74% of them point to MERCURY.
"Mercury Rising" & "he's autistic" this where they tested hair samples for Copper, lead, and Mecury among 1700+ children more than half autistic, the rest control. They found no connection between Copper, a slight connection with lead, but such a definitive connection between mecury and autism that they claim their results show that autism is a side effect of mecury poisoning. I wonder what this would look like if they tested szchiophrenics for copper.