The Solomon Files

I miss the days when LL's story legitimately sounded crazy. Now we have all the evidence that technologically BMI is not only possible but a reality. BUT DO NOT FORGET THIS IS A SPIRITUAL WAR FIRST AND FOREMOST IT IS THE "QUANTUM" PART MOST DON'T UNDERSTAND, WHAT GOVERNS THAT WHICH IS OUTSIDE OF TIME AND SPACE. IT HAS TO BE ETERNAL, OUTSIDE OF TIME AND SPACE, YET HAVE RECOGNIZABLE AND TESTABLE LIMITS AND LAWS THAT IT OPERATES ON. If the singularity comes about it would also operate along lines that culturally make sense for it to operate in an area and reflect aspects of the groups of people interacting with it. So the FIRST STEP IS GUARDING THE SPIRITUAL, but that requires knowing yourself and the spiritual. Under the incarnation that you are in, there are spiritual laws governing it that go along logical lines. How do you identify them? It comes down to listing all possibilities then narrowing them down. But there's no need to chase down every single possible, there's a logical way to find the most probable possibilities. As evidenced through epigenetics and religious teachings, and nature versus nurture, genes etc. The most evident lines of the laws of the universe or spiritual world will fall along family ancestry. Then there will be natural laws governing the spiritual aspects of a certain place, these will go off of the history of a place and who lives there/ owns it/ has jurisdiction over it, events or beliefs that make the place sacred. Despite the beliefs that you hold, any spiritual event that you come across will be operating under the jurisdiction or allegiances of the entities operating and the place. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy and is like roko's Basilisk, or the idea that to observe the event creates the event. There is no objectivity or control to the experiment, it's that it becomes discovery that this is how the world always has been, yet you can't prove that by you discovering it that you didn't call it into being in your world. So it is very important that you guard your mind from madness or illogical labyrinthal thinking or religious indoctrination and guard your soul, as well as your heart ( but im still working on that.) Ritual is integral to most if not all religions and spiritual practices. That's a good place to start. Ritual is used to mark different events, we use it all the time but don't realize the symbolic or spiritual aspects to it. One way to think about it is in terms of money. The act of buying something is a ritual and it represents an agreement (that you agree to trade one thing for another thing that is symbolic) Don't believe me? walk into a store, take some things add up the prices and put the exact change on the ground and walk out. The ritual was not carried out according to the customs of the locale, Even though the same trade happened, the clerk did not witness to it, nor provide you a receipt to prove it, therefore because you didn't carry out the ritual properly the entity that originally had claims of ownership to the property (the store) can legally under the jurisdiction that it falls under (local, state federal laws) Can call on entities/officers (spirits/Angels/demons) to reclaim the property and or exact punishment (curses) Still think ritual is evil and only witches use it? Jesus did ritual, and now I'm not talking about the laws of the land rituals. After all give unto Caesar that which is Ceasar's. No Jesus Created rituals, guided by God and passed them to us. Or do you deny that communion is a ritual? It's an abitrary act that is meant to symbolize accepting of the covenant. Jesus The Great Magician
So you have homework, identify the spiritual terrain you are in, what jurisdictions do you fall under for what reasons, what entities can lay claim to you, your property, your labor or fruits of it, and what entities /agencies/groups can you expect to be able to use or be protected by. NO I AM NOT SAYING GO OUT AND JOIN A GROUP. AVOID ANY AND ALL FAUSTIAN DEALS, OR OATHS THESE GROUPS WILL EXIST REGARDLESS OF YOU JOINING THEM. The example of the store is able to use the police to go after you, but the police shouldn't belong to the store or vice versa, but because of corruption and mafia sometimes they do. Now I'm going to suggest a ritual to do that I believe came from a counsel of souls. Then I will tell you the symbolism. Get a candle in glass and light it, then smash it. This is to represent that you recognize that God lights the spiritual flame in the body and intends to destroy the body/vessel/glass container but you still choose to experience this incarnation because you also recognize that you are not the body and it is as fleeting to the eternity that is possible only within your soul, as the ritual is in your life. It is to represent your desire to be your soul and free your soul and a desire to have your flesh and spirit for the time that God ordains regardless of how it ends for your body. Then is ritual to get your claim to the body/vessel recognized. A lot of people fall under Hebraic law, most laws have contingencies for times of war or if the legal system is compromised by enemy forces. This is explainable later, but suffice it to say that we are in a spiritual war, and normal laws have become corrupted by forces that we are ignorant of, and read my mirror cave post for proof that the entire justice system is compromised. So we need things that fill the requirements of what will make it legal. witnesses, a method of marking it 'filed' and protection from enemy action. So the intention is to call your soul into your vessel and have your soul then lay it's claim upon your vessel, (there will still be work to do later expunging other claims, a lesson for another day but remember they are there) Ritual is very much like cooking remember that. get the ingredients: salt, scissors, pen, paper, and a strong smelling purative thing like essential oils, use something that has good symbolism. Draw a circle of salt around yourself (this is the protection from enemy interference.) smell the oil or incense, then knowing that this is but the body smelling it, you don't know of being anything but the body but you desire to. call out asking for the Original Soul meant to carry out the best possible soul path to lay rightful claim to it's vessel, all others warned off. Then call non enemy witnesses. As acting agent for your soul through your body write out the claim. Write I AS A LIVING WO/MAN WITH MY ETERNAL SOUL CLAIM DOMINION OVER THIS VESSEL ACCORDING TO ORIGINAL RIGHTFUL CLAIM. Then file it, cut a slit in the paper. What do you have to lose? What do you stand to gain? Your soul? Exactly, Jesus offered salvation of the souls freeing them, this is different, the saving of the flesh, by the souls otherwise there would be no flesh left. Then ask your soul to guide your current consciousness through the spiritual war and breaking chains and claims against your soul, spirit and body. This all represent s the circular nature of the salvation, and divinity. God loves us enough to become embodied, We love God so much to allow the body to be destroyed to return to him. The holy spirit and soul mediate and save the body and allow it to be symbolic.
Next comes laying claim to your children. What they are doing should fall under Hebraic and Admiralty law. (There's a reason why Ghislaine Maxwell had a private admiralty law expert, not just to find legal ways to operate, but to be able to operate on a spiritual and soul level.) Under that children are referred to as property. Whether you believe in this or not is irrelevant, if you fall under their jurisdiction, claim your legal right through their court, but recognize that according to their own rules, their court system is no longer legitimate. For example someone from another country coming here, even though they don't know anything about our laws, and even if they don't believe in our court system, they can expect claims to be filed in our courts and have to answer to them on their terms and grounds. Unless, that person finds a loophole in the legitimacy of the jurisdiction of the court system over them, an example is diplomatic immunity, we are using the loopholes of war, and that the physical legal system is under enemy conquest, according to OPUS it is now part of the beast system and thus illegitimate under it's own biblical based origins. So you lay claim to your children under SPIRITUAL LAW. Write I AS A LIVING WO/MAN LAY CLAIM TO MY RIGHTFUL PROPERTY. I ON BEHALF OF MY ETERNAL SOUL THROUGH ME, LAY CLAIM AND TAKE DOMINION OVER MY OFFSPRING, THAT THEIR RIGHTFUL SOUL SHOULD EMBODY IN THEM. Then cut a slit in it. Next you will be faced with a series of fighting off all the entities that also have claims against you and your children. This for me came down around my head in a series of mafia hits from ancestral curses. EVEN IF THE MAJORITY OF THE MAFIA DON'T SEEM TO RECOGNIZE THE SPIRITUAL, THE ONES CONTROLLING THE MAFIAS ARE OPERATING ON SOUL/SPIRITUAL/ENERGY SYSTEMS THEY WILL RECOGNIZE THE CHANGE AND WHAT SPIRITUAL LINES THEY CAN USE AGAINST YOU. It's important to find out both your ancestry and your children's ancestry. Next, buy yourself some time, put the burden of proof onto any entities that say they have claims. Write I WAIVE ANY AND ALL CONTRACTUAL CLAIMS THAT ARE AGAINST ME OR MY SOUL ON THE GROUNDS THAT THEY WERE EITHER UNDER DURESS OR THIS PARTY ENTERED THEM UNDER FALSE PRETENSES OR THE OTHER PARTY KEPT THIS PARTY IGNORANT OF THE CONDITIONS WITH PURPOSE AND MALICIOUS INTENT. then cut it. SIGN ALL OF THEM!