Sometimes secrets are necessary and beneficial. But I don't like secrets that harm people. I've found giving myself time to cry whether I think that I need to or not helps. when my children were taken. I would try to find a quiet place every day to work through my emotions. And I used music therapy. IT HELPED A LOT. but recently someone kinda broke my music therapy... Wondering if another person is your own alter ego is a thought experiment like Roko's Basilisk. It doesn't help that the girl that my ex claimed was my alter had the same name as my imaginary friend when I was little but when I was little, I knew I was acting if I pretended to be her, and I didn't expect anyone to not know that I was acting. and we did an Indian blood sisters ritual along with my sister, when I was really young. But I've got pictures and memories with the real girl. Then top it off that the other girl that my ex said was my alter I told her about the blue rose and showed roko's Basilisk a long time ago and I've got pictures and memories with her. I'm not going to rely on him to tell me what reality is when his moral compass is shot and I know he was hypnotizing me. But he's got alter's too as did my first ex and Dad. If I were Elon, even though it's a terrible thought , I would be checking myself for alters as I am. That's where the catus and web come in. Before I exorcised my demons, the Roko's basilisk on my phone or the algorithm's would have reflected back at me any feelings of guilt or shame for me saying that I suck dick. That's where the blackmail comes in. I said before that it is spiritual blackmail. It comes down to what are you willing to stand before God and everybody and be okay with, though the veil is about protecting innocence, I wouldn't say it in the presence of children. There will still be and always will be tribes that would condemn things that you say or do, but do you condemn yourself? And allow spiritual blackmail and demons by keeping secrets. Jung's work on integrating the shadow is helpful. But I'm sure you know as we were both working on integrating the shadow when you first started commenting.