Do You Smell That Smell?
Late Spring 2020, after getting a phone call with missing time. I purposely messed up a phone call, then waited for the fall out. It came with my 'husband' on the phone setting up plane tickets for us. I caught him and he got off the phone. He claimed that his mom wanted us to fly out and take care of his estranged grown son since he was alone with covid, but that we weren't going to go. Huge red flags we'd never flown anywhere, he was deathly afraid of flying, and hadn't spoken to his son in years. Then he made arrangements for us to go to his mom's, of which I don't remember much, by design I'm sure. What I do remember seems fake because his mom a bitter viscous woman that's tried to kill me before, was so genuinely sweet and everything seemed to go perfect and we gave each other a huge hug at the end. Riding in the car on the way home I felt light and airy and not in my body, in fact I found myself starting to float out. My husband panicked and said. "Stay with me, what do you see?" I realized that I didn't see Oklahoma, in fact the street signs were wrong, when I focused on them definitely, one said Nashville, I said "Why are we in Tennessee?" He said "Shit!" and I went out. I came too to smelling salts. My husband had the air conditioner blowing on me and was wafting the air at me. He said "Do you smell that?" I said "yeah I'm just wondering where you got smelling salts from." He said "I thought I lost you. It's not smelling salts, it's peppermint." with that the smell changed to peppermint. I thought 'This must be hypnosis'. He said "Do you smell the peppermint?" I said "Yeeaaah I do," then I willed myself to smell what it actually was. It changed back to smelling salts. The thought crossed my mind to do something crazy, then I thought, "I know I'm under hypnosis, I don't know if I'm actually in a car or not, and I don't want to find out the hard way." So I figured 'well if this is created by my mind, I should be able to manipulate it.' I experimented with it, and had fun making the people's faces in cars shift like in the matrix. Then we stopped at an unfamiliar gas station. That I never could seem to find until years later I went to the same one and recognized that I was in a hypnosis again and had to start over on some things.
Driving again, I thought about what could I do to break the hypnosis without it being dangerous, even though I had made people's faces morph, I thought there's still a chance I'm on a hallucinogenic. I settled on laughing. I started laughing and would not stop for anything, the more that he started saying hypnotic triggers the funnier it became. Now we were coming close to home and it was 3am. We were driving through the town I lived in with my first husband, and this one had recently made friends with my first ex husband's ex best friend. Recently enough that it was weird and telling that he was going to swing by his house now at three am. The three of us stood outside for twenty to thirty minutes with me laughing as they both tried numerous inductions and triggers. Finally his friend says "Im at a loss dude" "Have you ever seen anything like this?" "N,o she's broken." "You hear that, you're broken, I blame your Dad." We got home and I put the kids to bed. Then shadowed him laughing. He turned on and said "Do you feel okay? You look sick." Suddenly I was nauseous I took my nausea medicine and fell asleep. I didn't remember any of it until the next time that I broke the hypnosis, then when the memory of that night came back, I realized that I would need to take measures to hang on to memory.
The next time that we went to his mom's apartment, (I didn't remember the car ride back from the last time) I felt kinda high and airy on the way, I chalked it up to new spiritual awakening and learning that I had started, I felt like I was on cloud nine and pure love. His sister was there and her and his mom were obviously spun out. I turned to leave as I didn't want my children around it and it led to a fight and me finally giving in. Then some really strange things started happening, I saw some things, that despite all this, I don't think is safe to talk about anytime. I tried to take my children and run, they stopped me. My husband told them that they wouldn't need to kill me, he could control me. He put me in a trance and I forgot about wanting to run, I felt good, everything was right with the world, and I was thinking like a child. Then he walked me through what I now know was supposed to be programming and triggers for changing out my core personality, apparently it didn't work, I tried faking and they saw through. Then they drugged me with datura. The next two weeks, the world became the twilight zone on every level.... I'm not quite ready to go into all of it, but they used it to try to convince me that I was dead so that they could kill off the core personality in my brain and reprogram me, absolutely twisted, but it's coming from empty vessels, souless people so they didn't know what to do when they came across an original soul claim.