Emphasis on sounding. But at least you're presenting solutions rather than just paranoia or outright lies. I believe that people can belong to groups like intelligence agencies or medical agencies or even secret societies, and hold on to as much of their moral fortitude as they can, but if it is beyond eroded, to where you are unrecognizable as good, then they ought to take measures to save their soul.
And Words Are, that is a good analogy, except for that one of us acting against morals that they claim to profess, which can be dismissed at an interpersonal level, but when it comes down to: Are the people betrayed? When both of us proclaimed to be for them, and one of us stood up for them and the other attacked them and anyone that stood alongside them.... Ammonia and bleach are always bad together, it's not that they are fine together for a long time, then one changes and a toxic mess occurs, why didn't it ever happen before?
This is more like gasoline and a lighter, everything is fine, until the fumes finally reach the light.
My son just now as I saw a fuse fizzling out, (unless there's a need for another fire, then there's a much shorter fuse) Mom, what's anticlimactic mean?
Lesson on how one becomes controlled opposition, and the other a limited hangout. Or how one becomes the dictator and the other the lone wolf.
It still cones down to only recognizing him half the time, now it's up to all of you to watch.
I still can't comment on my own blog, but obviously that is me there. It comes down to that not just am I being called crazy, BUT ALL of my Story is being called into question by THE VERY PEOPLE THAT KNOW WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT THAT IT IS TRUE! AND THEY ARE MAKING IT LOOK LIKE I'M JUST SLIGHTED OVER A LOVER INSTEAD OF WORRIED YET AGAIN FOR MY CHILDREN AND NOW MY COUNTRY. I believed so strongly in him that I thought I needed to check myself, hence the checking for alters and Roko's Basilisk But There's some things that are unexcusable to not be explained. And when suddenly they don't know me beyond a certain point, AND they are treating me extremely different, then that's beyond just it being a LH, I'm sure EVERYONE knew that already, this is different, so I blew the LH. I'm not an idiot, I know what Wordman terminated verges on the dangerous info for selete few, but and private source blown, the cops taking my children, but also already getting all the info, because they already put me in a set up with my phone number, which he knew, or should. So I just crossed it all and myself, not all planned by me, but forseen yes.l