So I definitely planned on having a groundbreaking new post fighting what's going on in the world. But my battle fatigue is getting the better of me. I decided to start digging through defunct blogs, instead of reliving the trauma of some demonic something posing as my friend saying that he wants me dead and in hell. It's viscousness and hatred will be it's downfall... A friend of mine that I worked with once said "You know I've been watching you and the other girls for months now, and it doesn't matter what shift (we both did swing shifts) or who you are working with, you're the first person everyone turns to for help and you always help, I've never seen you treat anyone bad. But everytime that you aren't around, the girls conspire against you, and it's only you. Like that write up you got the other day? I saw those girls do the exact same thing. Hell we all have, yet they planned to get you written up for it and told admin. It must be something in your nature that rubs people with a bad nature wrong." Later I came in to work and the boss had her cornered in a room screaming at her, I listened and found out the boss was wrong and she was right, so I stood beside her and supported her. The boss called security and tried to get the men to physically remove us, and they tried. We walked out on our own AND didn't get fired because everyone aside from the 6ft+ security guard trying to manhandle us, knew the boss was wrong and we were the two best workers, though we both eventually quit. The problem is not that I'm paranoid, it's that because I don't conspire against people, that I get blindsided a lot by being conspired against. But it's not worth it to become paranoid, aware but not afraid is the goal. That wasn't the first nor the last person to come to me and tell me that things I was blindsided by were actually done with the purpose of attacking me, and they named names or groups. But it also happened all through school, must be a curse that I need to break.... I can't stomach anymore conspiracy or evils for the weekend and I've had enough of reading JB's spam to last me years, hell I've read the same shit of his repeatedly for years. I read the Secret Sun for years before I ever posted no matter how great the comment in mind, because I was always discouraged from seeing it full of the exact same things from JB. For the longest time I thought he was a bot, then I thought he was a little boy, then I watched as he would copy and paste other people's stuff repeatedly. Then he started being hateful to people and went around saying that he had a big dick, that '"the sex bots have betrayed us!" etc. I only recently saw him put out anything beyond comics or twitter. I stand by my comment of the real question is why doesn't he get banned? And if anyone earned the right to tell someone else to fuck off... Wwoosaahh, ...I don't have to either politely disregard him or bite my tongue while he gets hateful to me, THAT'S A RELIEF.

On to better things: Here's some of the great gems I've found, the forgotten but not gone word cemeteries that my and many of your, words will one day become. Yet somehow through the power of the Logos, they say exactly what you need to see in the moment outside of time and space that it is read:

And before I forget, plug any blogs you would like in the comments, new or old. I'm just focusing on the little guys, old blogs that look lost. So don't feel slighted when I don't post the greats.

Danny Hope will like this one: http://myfavoritemonsters.blogspot.com/?m=1

Particularly haunting words regarding my endeavor here:"Do the bones haunt you?" "fleeing predecessors" "Ok now you're just showing off" http://benjibopper.blogspot.com/2016/01/guilt.html?m=1

Dig through to the older stuff, it's better, unless reading about movies is your cup of tea, not so much mine. http://ittakesahero.blogspot.com/?m=0

Not quite so old or little, but she hasn't posted in a year. Ahhh good times, this witchy woman dancing alone naked under the midnight moon;) Old friends are fun and I miss her. http://zeldadelwest.blogspot.com/?m=1

Here you go Word's Are, since that thing spoke for you, here's some Kierkegaard. https://sorenakierkegaard.blogspot.com/2006/04/fear-and-trembling-has-three-problems.html?m=1 It's a philosophical question that I was having in my head the other day, that don't the stories of Issac and Abraham, and Job show that we were seen as an experiment to God who saw himself outside of ethics and morality? Until he experienced it himself as Jesus. I thought about it, that what would I do in Issac's place? If something or someone that I believed to be God or an emissary of God, asked me to commit as heinous an act as child sacrifice. Immediately I jumped on no I would not do it, but then that conflicts with being obedient to God. I would say that the very act of asking me to do it is an indication that it's NOT MY GOD, and not a good god. So REBELLION TO ALIEN ORDERS, WOULD BE OBEDIENCE TO GOD. As Jesus showed by turning over the money tables, that DISOBEDIENCE TO EVIL IS OBEDIENCE TO GOOD. And on a gnostic path that it seems all paths lead me to if the bible is to be followed, then the old testament God is evil, by human standards and these became his own when he put himself in our shoes, but before that he saw himself as acting amorally, because he was above us, his experiment. I knew a biblical literalist that was so married to religion and that the bible was the exact and only word of God that he twisted himself into illogical knots in his thinking, it soon became apparent that he was a multiple personality because of it. If he sinned he couldn't come to terms that he did, and had been taught to hate sin so vehemently yet love himself, that he would go to great lengths to blame others for it, or he would become childlike crying talking and thinking like a child. Spare the rod and spoil the child eh? He was so afraid of his mom finding out that he might have sinned that he would burn any evidence instead of just throwing it away. On the surface they seemed like such a happy sweet family, but what happened to split him and instill that level of fear in a grown man? But, I digress...

This one, not really defunct as it's on Patreon, but the old stuff is great. http://historiesofthingstocome.blogspot.com/2021/01/pivot-point-for-great-awakening.html?m=1

This one reminds me of some of the old UFO blogs I read as a teenager: http://lightsinthetexassky.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2015-05-18T16:28:00-05:00&max-results=7&start=7&by-date=false&m=1 I'm sure I could find more, but I want to dig deeper into these myself as I only lightly perused some.

A word of warning to those who think it's all fun and games. Good luck with that flipping sides, because it always ends with a knife in the back from people who say they have your six while you're busy fighting the good people, who would have actually had your back. 1000% of the time NO EXCEPTIONS. You should know that, how'd you wrap your mind around that stupidity? And how can I be both a crazy stalker obsessed with only you AND sending you texts about my boyfriend's? You have no right to EVER call out any singers as sellouts when you think that it's fun to switch sides back and forth in a war. Go suckle your 'devil's blood' you love so much straight from the nipple. The thing is that I am separating the hatred I have now for this monster, (That literally talked about dismembering me and putting me in hell, in the comms) from the love I had for a great friend, mentor, and hero. Yet they look the same. And the monster's not that same separation by saying that nothing I ever said or ever will say has any merit. At first I wondered if it was healthy, should I allow myself to believe that he was always like that and any good things he said were just manipulations? When I see him get so viscous and hateful to me, then turn around and be friendly and loving to everyone else like he was to me, before he turned.... Definitely looks like that he draws them in, only to strike. Disgusting and evil. And if anyone is letting their demons get the best of them, it's him. If I ever have someone mascarading as me but doing things that make me a sellout, I hope that I would have friends ready to go to bat for my soul and reputation. Though I'm putting my reputation on the line as it's draggied through the mud in order to fight for his soul, but I'm losing sight of it. And Sotogirl, I still can't comment on my own blog but I was talking about when he put out a public comment to schedule meetups then said that it was to the public to EVERYONE, but not to me.