I'm sorry it's bugging the shit out of me that you all are seeing, (if we are to take him on his word, and we all know it's plausible at this point,) A dad asking us to help him save his son from this madness and there's barely a blink. I might be fighting my own battles, but I'll help any way that I can, i can't seem to comment though or call. But as far as the physical legal aspects go, after you handle the spiritual, I've got some advice, take it or leave it. So unless you have signed away your rights (DON'T EVER DO THAT BTW) then the parent still has medical rights even if they are facing any charges or in jail. Contact medical malpractice lawyers get copies of ALL OF YOUR MEDICAL RECORDS (EVERYONE) AND GO EVERYWHERE AND ASK TO WAIVE OLD MEDICAL CONSENTS. ANYTIME THAT YOU SIGN ANY NEW ONES ESPECIALLY FOR YOUR CHILDREN, LINE ITEM VETO ANY QUESTIONABLE PHRASE. Get in contact with medical ombudsmans, they are volunteers and can be absolutely invaluable. If you want to share information, I know how things work from the inside on the medical machine I will help where I can. Research all the laws regarding consent and other things. Contact every single person in the chain of command of every single part of the hospital, (and I mean every, janitors, cooks, etc. but don't make it creepy stalkerish, just get to know them) I know from experience that their are plenty of legit people that are there because they want to save lives, make alliances in the hospital, as much as it makes your stomach churn, if the only face they see is your ex, than that's all they will believe. My ex and his family would do this, talk to everyone about me then stop me from telling my side....Look at patterns of behavior with your ex and identify the warning signs that led to this. The way our system is set up is corrupt but we have to play by their rules within their game. What happens to us when we grow up? Back in highschool, I'd have curbstomped some bitches for taking away my best friend, now I'm all grown up and civilized and I get my children taken because 4 guys with guns and clubs jump me on my property and I have to do their little fucking charade for months to get them back. It's all the bully in the playground, except now we've graduated, the bullies are sanctioned;).
Do not ever expect them to play fair, but ALWAYS deal fairly yourself. One of my best friends said something to me that I thought was a profound metaphor for life: "My older brother taught me how to play board games, except he would tell me the rules wrong so that it would set me up for failure and him to win. What it actually did was make him lose and me win, because I learned the right rules better because I had to get them from other sources and use discernment, he would end up confusing himself about which rules he could use with who." https://aging.idaho.gov/stay-safe/ombudsman-2/ I know it's through the counsel on aging, but they are are a great resource on patient advocacy and rights, throughout my years in the medical field I've seen results when I've referred patients to them. Unless you and your son fall under military, that's a whole nother ball game. Get copies of all written rights. Hey, HEY ALL THE GUYS! If we are dealing with an 11 dimensional technology, how would it come across to us in minds or rather states of minds that can't comprehend 11 dimensions. In dreams? What if someone is able to inject a version of you in one multiverse with something that can affect a version of you in another? But it's not the first time that I had apports from dreams, or medical experiment dreams/weirdness. In 2010 i believe, I woke up with a little incision on my hip with stitches in it. Have other people noticed being able to bring things across from dreams? it usually doubles it, and I don't seem to have much control over it. once I got four copies of one thing from carrying it on my and bringing it through my dream. https://www.thehighersidechats.com/grant-cameron-ufology-consciousness-the-alien-apports/?highlight=Dream%20apports When things were going strange in 2020 everyone was having really strange reactions about people sleeping. Think dreamtime, and skinwalkers... But for where the spiritual is headed. Once you're soul lays down dominion over your body, then you can leave your vessel to go to other dominions, incarnations...