Harvard Free For All
This is the build up of one of this 1/06 events. They are trying to make it look like there's hysteria and wild conspiracy theories around this. https://www.newsweek.com/sound-freedom-viewer-says-theater-turned-movie-off-mid-screening-1812688 This is the build up that they created to discredit Pizza gate, then the whole crazy gunman thing.... Hollywood needs a reason to claim that they need protection from the crazy conspiracy theorists just like Biden needed protection from crazy patriots after 1/6
Did you know that there's a faction of ministry of truth called "anti trafficking experts" and their purpose is to torch any thing that brings awareness of human trafficking on the grounds that it will bring more harm to the victims? https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/sound-of-freedom-child-trafficking-experts-1234786352/?_gl=1*1tukq81*_ga*YW1wLUh0UTZrQzNWVUU1b1BFaHhuQUdUT0RTUXo2ejBqbVNfU0l6ZzNrSGJ2N0dSSzJ3eFhQUFBZdHNvWERrb2pVS1E. Now you do, consider yourself enlightened, how dare you further exploit the victims by exposing the perpetrators! Kinda like this headline, "What Haunts Child Abuse Victims? The Memory" then it was all about how to help trauma victims we just need to erase their memories, then they're just peachy, and ready for stepfordburbia. Cause you know it's not like they need that memory to bring people to justice or stop the cycle. Though there is the curious case of a quote on quote old friend of mine that was sexually abused by her stepfather for years, her memory and his admission in front of all of us didn't bring her any justice. Then she lost her mind arguing with and physically attacking the demons within herself, or maybe it was the other way around? Either way she'd beat herself up like in fightclub, when memories of abusing her own children that she had somehow blocked came back to her. I think seeing her, and them now being with healthier family they got some justice, and him being in and out of prison for other reasons and on drugs brought her some, but didn't keep him from having other children of his own that he abused. Part of what kept a lot of it coming out was this idea that it's not classy to air out dirty laundry. My dad used to have no qualms about calling out our illuminati overlords with outrage, local corruption he was always against, yet was against any of us airing it out...
This is an article that I was working on a while back, then stopped
Seems Harvard is purging some bad actors or it's in Free-for-all as it's crashing down.
There's this, a behavior Scientist studying honesty fabricating the resultshttps://poetsandquants.com/2023/06/26/the-rise-fall-of-a-harvard-business-school-superstar/
AND the real scandal a black market human body trade that they uncovered that stretches at least between Massachusetts and Arkansas with bodies donated to science.https://nypost.com/2023/06/16/nh-woman-disgusted-that-dads-body-stolen-from-harvard-morgue/. MA Man disgusted wife's remains sold in Harvard Morgue Scandal
In the articles it mentions that Arkansas was involved. I found This article from 2019
Where they were just setting up Arkansas' cadaver program and said that they had plenty but had been getting bodies from Oklahoma...
“However, to their absolute shock and horror, the families who placed this deep trust in Defendants have learned that…Defendants abandoned them in a facility that was a place of freakish desecration, where…criminals were allowed to roam and pick over loved ones’ remains for bits like trinkets at a flea market.”
“The Harvard morgue was a haven for predators — a place where one could abuse the unprotected remains of loved ones in the worst possible way without any fear of detection or prevention,” the suit reads.https://hms.harvard.edu/news-events/anatomical-gift-program-resources/resources-donor-families/text-letters-next-kin A number of places, I have read the lawsuits claiming that the bodies were "desecrated in the worse possible ways" No offense, I don't mean to be inconsiderate or morbid, but necrophilia , necromancy, and canabalism are the worst possible desecration... But all the news articles keep claiming that it was only "harmless collectors" it's not like there's people like So I suppose that is just a random coincidence that right when the letters said this desecration started 2008 [even though Cedric Lodge worked there 25 years] that we find this: https://www.reddit.com/r/ToolBand/comments/l9tko7/alex_grey_banged_corpses_at_harvard_with_wife/ So apparently the dude JUST PAINTED NECROPHILIA so he went to the HARVARD MORGUE FOR INSPIRATION. So I was working on this post about a month ago and got distracted. Now why would the algorithms suggest this article When I searched Harvard and necrophilia? It ties into what I'm working with on the scarlet threads from the blood boil post. just realized that these things that keep getting removed from here might be able to go up this way: https://photos.app.goo.gl/BjW27s9qQynLRiLcA ...https://photos.app.goo.gl/PWbmXyW9NC6HQMu4A... Look at this fascinating gem I can't believe I have never heard of: https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2023/07/thurneisser-astrolabium/ even more fascinating that it matches the wheels of time concept that I've been dreaming about and envisioning, seeing events playing out cyclically... over the past three years, I've imagined drawing things very similar to, this except, there's a spider on a web on top of the wheels or gears, not a snake.