What Have I Become My Sweetest Friend

What have you become if you say that you are for protecting women and children especially those that speak up, then you silence them and condone men beating them? What have you become if you say that you are against trauma based mind control and then you perpetuate it? What have you become if you say that you believe someone in private then call them out as crazy in public? Jesus Christ learned a lot in the temples and said that he was there to fulfill the law, but he still called out hypocrites within the the temple. But whatevs it's been rehashed fifty diff ways, we all know the truth now it's just pitiful. I personally enjoyed being on the other side better than being forced into this role. Moving on, I was thinking, when it comes to people who are actively and knowingly squashing information to the detriment of humanity Snopes is the Queen Bee. These people need to be investigated : https://www.snopes.com/team/... I've seen enough evidence of there being irrefutable evidence of something that even the most challenged or novice investigator or reporter can't deny, yet Snopes comes out with a proveably false arguments to 'debunk' it not refute it, then it uses it's power to influence the public with what they know are lies. It's been a long time since I looked up, Snopes so off the cuff, I don't remember specific examples from the past, but it's rife with them, let's see if we can come up with some of absurdity, and show that they should be charged with knowingly lying and abusing their power to influence the public to believe their lies.: Here we go, I forgot about this hilarious example NY Post Snopes ruled the story that that the Biden Aministration is giving out free crack pipes as 'mostly false' because of omitting that they were giving away needles also. My liberal extremist family members think Snopes is sacrosaint and they used it to fact check a NY post article that I sent about Ashleigh Biden, it showed Joe kissing her on the lips in a photograph. They wouldn't open the article because they treat everything I send as if it's potentially radioactive and Snopes as their geiger counter. When they did finally look at the picture, they said while it does make them uncomfortable, they said the party line that the pedophiles are pushing it almost feels like they see something then only form an opinion after they have asked some liberal narrative generator how are we supposed to feel about xyz? Their response : "Everyone has a different culture, it might be perfectly normal in their family to kiss on the lips. Even though it makes us uncomfortable we must respect everyone's culture." Here's some of the holes in it's process of 'fact checking' and it's leadership. https://medium.com/@Dissension/how-snopes-lies-and-misleads-readers-2b06f4cab9b4 ... https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/13/business/media/snopes-plagiarism-David-Mikkelson.html
David also did not respond to a request for comment on why Snopes fact checks rarely mention that they reached out to the authors of the article being fact checked to get their side of the story. Indeed, Journalism 101 teaches you that when you write an article presenting someone or something in a negative light, you must give them the opportunity to respond and provide their side of the story. Instead, Snopes typically focuses on the events being depicted in the article and contacts individuals and entities named in the story, but Snopes fact checks typically do not mention contacting the authors of the articles about those events to see if those reporters claim to have additional corroborating material, perhaps disclosed to them off the record. In essence, in these cases Snopes performs “fact checking from afar,” rendering judgement on news stories without giving the original reporters the opportunity for comment. David did not respond to a request for comment on this or why the site does not have a dedicated appeals page for authors of stories which Snopes has labeled false to contest that label and he also did not respond to a request to provide further detail on whether Snopes has a written formal appeals process or how it handles such requests.
I can't say much, I guess you could say I kinda do that, but, I viewed it as I show articles and pass my opinion along with pointing holes if I find them. I heard news on the radio 2x (it was a double airing) that Rob Malley was actually missing and there had been a missing persons case opened just in the past couple of days, after he had been MIA in general since his security clearance was revoked. Then when I tried to research the story, I couldn't find that, instead they have been focusing on the why but not answering it...https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/12/gop-angry-over-biden-team-handling-iran-envoy-probe-00106023 storm 0558 https://www.nbc15.com/2023/07/12/china-based-hackers-have-breached-government-individual-email-accounts-microsoft-says/ Remember Solarwinds hack? But did you even know about the Kaseya hack?Gizmodo largest hacks of 2021 So here's a thought, the plandemic was all about mass medical experimentation. And LotsaLoosh was saying that his infant son was enrolled in a brain machine interface experiment. If they want a lot of children to experiment on, then they need women to give birth to the children. Well a birthing center is unfeasible, ahem Epstein, But, if you suddenly create situations leading to children put up for adoption... like abortion being made illegal... That's not to say that I'm for abortion, I very much think that it is human sacrifice, but I've already seen statistics everywhere of the increased births. Who is going to protect these children heading to experiments and pedophiles or slavery? Certainly not the mother's that were going to kill them and are angry that they couldn't....I know first hand that the adoption process especially through DHS is not well regulated...I used to work filing all the paperwork for the special education cases for one of the largest counties in OK, with the biggest special needs facility in the state. The paperwork came to me in massive stacks in no real order and I had to create an organize the files and put them in empty filing cabinets. I filled a few filling cabinets, I read a lot of cases. I used to teach at that specilal needs facility. I've worked managing group homes for special needs. Between that and too many personal stories I've came across, I know that the adoption system in this state is a black hole. On top of that, there the 'boys Homes' in this state. Both of my ex husbands spent much of their teenage years in 'boy's homes' and made 'a ward of the state'. They both said that everyone there had been molested, they made them all go through Alcoholics Anonymous even if they didn't need it. Alcoholics Anonymous has came up before with things I've found related to a form of mind control programming. What better way to have boys that the parents have given up their rights and signed them off to be a slave to the state, who have already had trauma, and are cloistered away yet exposed to regimented group programming.... Now if you have a number of children that you experimented on or killed what do you do with the documentation? (granted it doesn't have to be a big institution, Epstein is proof that just rich connected people with time, money and means could and want to be running trafficking.) Anything that can be a paper trail, well you could sell it, or you can reintroduce sleepers in under their auspices. So all the transgender agendas of trying to get states to allow people to change their birth certificates takes on a n ominous light and why does it remind me of this: https://www.roadandtrack.com/news/a44473910/vermont-closes-loophole-allowing-out-of-state-registrations/ ? https://www.actec.org/diversity/transgender-trans-how-to-change-name-gender-legal-documents/ Notice that it's estate planning lawyers. We've had 40 +Trillion dollars stolen from United States Estates through POA scams with estate planning lawyers, that were often involved in ways that look like they facilitated their deaths. If you haven't watched this video you must: https://sarahwestall.com/20-to-40-trillion-stolen-to-destroy-america-weaken-society-strip-wealth-assets-w-dr-robert-sarhan/ https://ktul.com/news/local/oklahoma-for-equality-hosts-name-change-clinic-with-entertainment-industry-attorney-joshua-payton I don't know about in other places, but I keep hearing more and more instances of people that I once knew, that weren't gay then as far as I know changing their name and gender, then sex change surgeries. It's beyond insane. So to a man becoming a woman: Why do you think that chopping off the body part that brings you the most pleasure, and replacing it with a hole that might grow hair or maggots inside of it and will probably be painful for the rest of your life; so that some man can dry hump your painful hairy maggoty wound and get off? As a woman, I say How dare you compare that disgusting shit to my vagina that has created life and think that it is anything remotely in the same realm? I heard other women talking about how they are fed up with men not protecting women and children from these predators as they said, it's not the other way around, there's not women fighting to be able to be in the men's locker room. Gain of function research in Lyme disease and Rocky mountain spotted fever creating a hybrid of repeated fever and Lyme Disease:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14731275/ It's not the corruption, and fighting, starvation lack of clean water etc, that we need to worry about in Africa, it's that they can't keep their bioweapon cold in order to injects babies with it. Pray for them. https://apnews.com/article/niger-coup-unicef-vaccines-5e7d6610635b0aa2ffe6570cc417930e