May the Scales Fall From Your Eyes

someone's been upping the blog views in multiples of 11 (after I was showing my patterns with numbers especially 11) without any actual posts being clicked on...I thought about adding adsense, since I could really use the money, and if they're the ones mainly looking at this in order to see what to delete , why not? But there's an indemnity clause in it that says that I would need to indemnify google of any damages their ads cause third parties, etc... See I have a huge problem with authority, I don't ever let them off the hook for knowingly causing damages to people, and trying to cover it up, then asking people to consent to giving up their right to have grievances, hence this blog... Maybe I should put this on twitter X then I can put a link back to it so that I can show everyone all the new people who saw what I've already shown everyone, so I can make it look like I have something new and I feel popular... Who could've seen this coming?: That in a few days BRICS would go from saying "we are officially NOT abandoning the US dollar," to "WE ARE OFFICIALLY ABANDONING IT," right here, I saw it coming. Nano robots that have a blood clotting drug inside them, you don't say. My 7 year old brought this to my attention and said "You have to listen to this! It's biotechnology called nano robots!" I said "Oh yes, you have no idea, I know all about nanobots" He said "not like this you don't, it's rolled DNA with a blood clotter in it. [that got my attention] they say that they're going to cure people with this, but it sounds like they're actually going to kill people by clotting their blood." I don't regularly discuss any of this with them. But even a 7 year old can see that injecting a blood clotting drug into the blood stream will lead to deadly blood clots! "
nanoparticles induce undesirable alterations in the balanced function of these cells and proteins, they may cause severe and even life-threatening toxicities. Therefore, there are increasing concerns about nanoparticle-induced coagulopathies (i.e., coagulation disorders caused by perturbation of the blood coagulation system). For example, several studies have reported that environmental nanoparticles significantly increase the risk and worsen the prognosis of cardiovascular diseases due to the induction of thrombotic complications [2–5]. Additionally, there is an increasing number of studies reporting that engineered nanomaterials may cause severe toxicity through a shift of the hemostatic balance caused by perturbation of the coagulation system. One such toxicity is known as disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) or consumptive coagulopathy. Acute DIC is characterized by depletion of coagulation factors through the formation of small intravascular clots, followed by abnormal hemorrhages. Chronic DIC is characterized by intravascular thrombosis"
[More on DIC and blood viscosity coming] They are calling to impeach the state superintendent because he has been cracking down on LGBTQ, pedophilia, and trauma based mind control, so in retaliation THEY are calling in bomb threats to schools over it THREATENING THE CHILDREN or having trauma based mind controlled assets do it and then blaming him to get him removed.
"Grissom said a top aide for Walters told her not to apply for federal grants that promote diversity measures, social emotional learning, programs to support LGTBQ students or “anything trauma-informed.”"
And this that really pissed them off, that schools need to stick to truth and reality. While I applaud this, they are still pushing vaccines.

Soo, do you think you can tell human from AI?

"One such character bio included in the paper – Adam – is told to try to convince the other users that he is them from the future. While it may not sound like the sort of thing humans would do, it might be the sort of thing a human pretending to be an AI would do, adding to the game's difficulty and fun."
No it sounds like something a demon would do. Sounds like a recipe for driving people crazy, also reminds me of the opening scene in BORU 2039 .... and a touch of real life...
I realized when I was telling someone about research that I had found on cataracts; that I had never posted it. I've assisted surgeons in countless cataract surgeries. And I'm not against them completely as I've seen the immediate good results. But I have also seen the results of blind elderly patients , the collateral damage of the long term effects of first generation laser eye surgery [note laser, versus ultrasound phaco emulsion (that has seemed to be safer) in 90% of the eye surgeries that I've assisted in.] .It always bothered me that something that has become so streamlined and fast is still so expensive. And that modern medicine takes something that is so common that obviously builds up over a long period of time and makes no attempt to treat it proactively. Here are some things that I have found on both the proactive treatment, and REVERSAL of cataracts and other eye diseases. But surgeons don't want non surgical cures, it puts them out of business. Healthcare workers can see so much over time that they develop a morbid sense of humor like cops. No where else is this more evident then in an OR, often surgical staff doesn't agree with the majority of the rest of healthcare AND often have to surgically fix the medical mistakes or neglect of others. So the common joke in an OR that's closed for the day because of no surgeries, is "Hey, we can't make people get sick so we can have work, Or can they?"

On a cellular level, cataracts are made of amyloid plaques, that make the amyloid tangles in the brain in Alzheimer's.

"Cataracts arise from crystallin proteins that can contort into different versions of a common secondary structure called a beta-pleated sheet. By around the age of 40 in a future cataract patient, the crystalline beta-pleated sheets begin to compress themselves into an “overlapping zigzag” conformation called amyloid beta. Sound familiar? Yes, amyloid beta is the major misfolded protein associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Other disorders of protein folding include Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and the “transmissible spongiform encephalopathies” (TSEs) like kuru, mad cow disease, fatal familial insomnia, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. “Transmissible” means that the gummy protein form converts others, spreading the stickiness."
[since they have claimed and had evidence for that all of these were NOT TRANSMISSIBLE, then discovered that they seem to be transmissible but in some unknown way that they can't determine, I would argue that they aren't transmissible, but appear to be transmissible because they happen in groups around a common unseen environmental factor- namely frequencies]
"Cataracts belong to a class of disorders that arise from misfolding of specific proteins. A quick review from biochem 101 is in order. Proteins differ in their amino acid sequence – a clotting factor is not at all like a myosin – but they also differ in 3D shape, aka conformation. The amino acid sequence is the primary structure, the information encoded in the gene. Attractions between close amino acids in that sequence confer the secondary structure, and interactions between far-apart amino acids generate the looser folds of tertiary structure. Some proteins can fold up into different secondary structures even though they have the same amino acid sequence Crystallin types are classified by size and charge. The alpha, beta, and gamma crystallins are in all vertebrates, delta only in birds and reptiles, and a few others found only in rabbits, guinea pigs, or frogs. Mutations in the genes that encode the gamma crystallins in people cause rare inherited cataracts. But both inherited and acquired cataracts stem from crystallins becoming less water-soluble. One end of a molecule unfolds as the other becomes gummy. [this specific way of the molecules being affected will become important later] "
Because of the connections to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's it made sense to me, that the same combination therapy that I've found in studies for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Much of which, I go over here: and here: That would be CURCUMIN (turmeric ) to reduce inflammation, repair of the nerves, and correction of coding errors in the DNA encouraging proper protein folding, [that was probably scattered from microwaves, but that's probably going to be a different post] BROMELAIN AND PAPAIN enzymes to fix the metabolic pathways of breaking down bad tissue and thinning and softening of the structure of the amyloid plaques. GOTU KOLA to fix the scarring that has built up around the cataracts. Then ASATAXATHIN which has shown to have a multitude of benefits on the eyes and brain. Let's see if that theory pans out in the studies on eye disease. BTW, there are some medicines that have been proven to cause cataracts and the connection is so clear that they can see it in the cataract surgery, know your drug side effects, don't trust your doctor or pharmacist to ever stop you from having dangerous interactions either, I've had to beg doctors and patients who inherently trust doctors, to stop dangerous interactions often saving their lives and witnessing them get better. ASATAXATHIN
"efficacy of this carotenoid [asataxathin] in the setting of retinal diseases, ocular surface disorders, uveitis, cataract and asthenopia is reported in numerous animal and human studies, which highlight its ability of modulating several metabolic pathways, subsequently restoring the cellular homeostatic balance. To maximize its multitarget therapeutic effects, further long-term clinical trials are warranted in order to define appropriate dosage, route of administration and exact composition of the final product. "
"Conclusion : The papain enzyme isolated from papaya latex (Carica papaya L.) and Zingibain found in ginger (Zingiber officinale) has the ability to form bonds with β-amyloid (Aβ) protein so it has the potential to be developed as a useful proteolytic as a preventive for senile cataracts."
"The pathologic mechanisms of major blinding anterior segment eye diseases, such as corneal NV, glaucoma, and cataracts, are often related to inflammation, oxidative stress-mediated response, and angiogenesis. There is substantial evidence that suggest the potential health benefits of curcumin in diets and drugs to prevent the vision threatening eye diseases (Huynh et al., 2013). This review summarizes thguess e mechanisms underlying the effects of curcumin on anterior segment eye diseases."
"[Gotu kola] was effective for inhibiting or preventing age-related eye damage/degeneration. Based on these results, we believe it is worthwhile to develop drugs or functional foods related to age-related eye degeneration"
This study: BROMELAIN AND PAPAIN MADE 75% OF THE CATARACTS DISAPPEAR! I guess that it's important to note these are just studies, I'm not playing doctor, and below I'll link studies that talk about dosage, and converting the dosage used in the studies often comes out to be more or less than what you find in supplements. In fact some of the asataxathin studies with mice have been many many times the mg/kg dose that OTC provides, but they were able to stop traumatic brain injury in that one. Just sticking to the recommended dose on the label isn't necessarily a good idea thought, for example GABA that I've mentioned before, is available IN TOO HIGH of a dose OTC and taking one capsule is an overdose for an average sized woman and if you take it with any trace of SSRI antidepressants in your system causes serotonin syndrome. And your body absorbs more or less of the curcumin that you take depending on the form that it is in and what digestive aids like ginger and black pepper that you take with it.

Since that all came together so quickly let's get back to the idea of folded proteins and crystallins as well as frequencies, then at the bottom I'll probably add more links on those supplements.

So remember that specific way that the protein unfolds on one side and gets gummy on the other... Notice that they are also in the heart more on that and myocardial issues later. first more details of the crystallins:
"α‐crystallin, the major protein of the mammalian lens in most species, is an aggregate assembled from two polypeptides, each with a molecular weight around 20,000 Da. It is polydisperse and can be isolated in a variety of forms, including spherical particles with molecular weights ranging upwards from about 200 kDa. Sequence comparisons reveal that it is a member of the small heat shock protein (shsp) family. These proteins are aggregates assembled from polypeptides of 10 to 25 kDa that share a common central domain of about 90 residues (the ‘α‐crystallin domain’) with variable N‐ and Gterminal extensions. α‐crystallin has been intensively studied for more than 50 years but its three‐dimensional structure remains unknown because it has not been possible to obtain crystals for X‐ray studies and it is too large for NMR measurements. Structural information has been derived from a variety of solution studies. Because of the protein's polydispersity, interpretation of data has been difficult. This led to different viewpoints and vigorous debate on its structure and properties. Recently, the crystal structures of two closely‐related small heat shock proteins have been determined. These have provided some insight into the structure of α‐crystallin and explanations of previous observations. Like many other heat shock proteins, α‐crystallin exhibits chaperone‐like properties, including the ability to prevent the precipitation of denatured proteins and to increase cellular tolerance to stress. It has been suggested that these functions are important for the maintenance of lens transparency and the prevention of cataract.
"Non-thermal effects in the microwave induced unfolding of proteins observed by chaperone binding"
"We study the effect of microwaves at 2,450 MHz on protein unfolding using surface plasmon resonance sensing. Our experimental method makes use of the fact that unfolding proteins tend to bind to chaperones on their unfolding pathway and this attachment is readily monitored by surface plasmon resonance. We use the protein citrate synthase (CS) for this study as it shows strong binding to the chaperone alpha crystallin when stressed by exposure to excess temperature. The results of microwave heating are compared with the effect of ambient heating and a combination of ambient and microwave heating to the same final temperature. We study the temperature distributions during the heating process. We show that microwaves cause a significantly higher degree of unfolding than conventional thermal stress for protein solutions heated to the same maximum temperature. "
You might ask, well where would we encounter 2,450MHz?
"Microwave ovens generally use a frequency of 2450 MHz (a wavelength of 12.24 cm)."
So that's in MHz and 5g frequencies are listed in GHz well that's easy 1000 MHz is one GHz so multiplying 2,450 MHz by .001 gives you 2.45 GHz. So now let's look at the New harmless 5g
"What is mid-band 5G? Mid-band 5G (which includes C-Band) operates today in the 2.4 GHz to 4.2 GHz range between low and high frequency bands, and offers performance characteristics that are also between the two.
Well 2.45 GHz is between 2.4 and 4.2. So they're installing towers everywhere and personal devices that emit the frequency that we use to cook food AND EVERYONE CAN SEE WITH THEIR OWN EYES UNLESS THEY'VE ALREADY BEEN COOKED. From my mirror cave post, these connect. interesting to note that mecury would probably be useful in something that is temperature regulated, and that calcium ion channels would be specifically targeted.... Headline: With Magnetic Nanoparticles, Scientists Remotely Control Neurons and Animal Behavior
"Clusters of heated, magnetic nanoparticles targeted to cell membranes can remotely control ion channels, neurons and even animal behavior, according to a paper published by University at Buffalo physicists in Nature Nanotechnology."
Control of neurons through remotely changing the TEMPERATURE of the membrane and bypassing active control for reactionary control through instincts. And it uses the same pathways that they identified in the Cordyceps . So according to this, the technology would be activated remotely by Low frequency AMF (Alternating Magnetic Fields) Which is 5g and electric cars, but also the type of natural magnetic fields produced in the world that things like birds and butterflies respond to. Since so much of this all overlaps and interconnects, I'm going to go back over many of the links that I put up in these two posts: I think from the way that I just excitedly dumped it out there and was too busy to do in depth explaining it might have just seemed like mad ramblings between impressive links, I'm going to attempt to slow down and explain it all.

Below is just some interesting science links for something that I'm looking into: ..... ..... ..... .....,the%20Earth's%20high%20latitude%20ionosphere. ..... .... water into wine ..... .... .... Targeting the water in the brains microtubules with reservatrol .... ..... .... Constant energy Microtubules are 11 dimensional liquid crystals ....,shape%20of%20a%20perfect%20hexagon. ..... ..... ..... Creating an 7 demensional artificial superconducting Brain ..... DIC following astrazenaca Per the links above, oh the COVID vaccine does cause stroke but not to worry there's nanotech that can reverse it with a calcium channel blocker which also changes your period then sterilizes you to clear this high doses of insulin and dextrose which an already overwhelmed pancreas can't handle. Cascade illnesses I've seen recently. note, Ca channel abcry. crashing the kidneys or pancreas with remdisivir nano tech and insulin should play out in the statistics just like the Ca channel heart problems have as chronic illness like diabetes etc have more steady numbers. I believe that this would look like what is described in this video as it would have two Kerr ring black holes creating toroidal fields. It's THE BEST video I've seen all year. geospatial sensing interruption for drones cars robots there's ways of detection of the use of this, and I'm not talking about just looking at pictures of burnt debris and wondering if it looks natural or not. It's worth looking into what areas that directed energy leaves a residual sign. Laihina was supposedly lot of kids out of school, home alone and fires raging, should be a lot of videos . symbolism alchemy, tarot and the periodic table: cymatics converting DNA into music ... Now for the crazy, turn back now.

The the latest in the Truman Show : my son had a really bad stomach ache and he wanted me to call and make him a Dr appointment. I did and in the meantime I gave him pepto bismol and simethecones and he was completely fine said that he didn't feel sick in the least now. So I cancelled the appointment and headed to the store. When we were checking out, the cashier, looking directly at my son, said "Awe has someone had a bellyache all morning?" We were both weirded out wondering how she could've known, me wondering if it was legitimate concern picking up on something psychic, or a veiled threat or implication of causing it. The only thing that I could think of was that when we were quite some distance from the register I had said "You need to get some ginger ale, there it is." This was after he asked my phone "Hey Siri!" Phone :'I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, my name is Google assistant' "Whatever, hey Siri, what's my name?" and it said his name...

So far past few years I've been having reoccurring dreams, and automatic writing involving discovery and manipulation of metaphysical human energies and fields encoding things the science was WAY beyond anything I knew, but the more I've been digging into it, the more it has panned out. The ideas of piezoelectricity, and crystals have been central to it all. I knew from my dreams that we have quantum crystals in our brain long before I actually read an article on it. I knew they had electronic contact lenses long before they announced it. But that's just my words and can be dismissed as my overactive imagination. but combined with the science above, they might crystalize. I think I might recount some of my dreams here, but telling you the scenes doesn't show the internal weirdness of knowing all the science and being that person doing the experiments, then coming back to this existence not knowing the science but still remembering the terms and ideas usI ed then having to relearn the science from the ground up, seemingly creating a paradox of a self fulfilling prophecy and the proof subjective. I've had the same thing with languages in dreams. So I think that I might have related this dream before, but if I have, I lost track of where. So in 2020 I dreamed that we had set up a hospital room inside of an abandoned house and had terminally dying patients in beds with machines all around them, right before they died, we would go into a faraday cage and create specific frequencies around their body and when their soul or spirit left their body the frequencies kept them somewhat bound and made them visible. I not only had an understanding of all the science involved, but I was also aware of advanced metaphysical spiritual things that I hadn't studied yet in this life. There was a massively obese man in one bed and a frail woman in another. There was at least one other patient but I didn't look over that way and they weren't my focus in the dream. The man started dying and we began the process of trapping spirit, I don't remember what we called it but I'm sure it wasn't that. Then there was a light pounding on the door of the house and a little girl peering through a hole in the door. She was yelling something like "I know you're in there! I can see you!" So we stopped things somewhat and I went over to talk to her through the hole. I said something like "It's ok, the owner knows we're here and we're fixing it, it's very dangerous so stay away." She said in her best bratty voice "My mom said no one is supposed to be here! She said she would call the cops on people coming here!" She got on her bike, from what I could see from the hole, yelling "I'm telling my mom! and she'll come back with cops!" Everyone else was out yelling cursewords, a man said "We have to do a burn!" I said "What about the patients?" he responded "They're dead anyway! And look at him! If we don't (do some technical terms) we're all in danger." I looked over at the 'him' the obese man. We hadn't finished the process and had trapped spirit of gluttony and it was ravenous. The frail woman had died and her spirit was coming out looking sweet and confused and there was a spirit that somewhat resembled the fat man, but had an insanely large mouth and was attempting to eat everything, with nothing satiating his driving hunger as physical things went through him, but he had spotted woman and was attempting to eat her spirit whole. I was trying to not throw up at the sight and join in the bustle of doing "the burn" so I was reading labels of the chemicals for the burn to avoid looking at that again. Then we were splashing the chemicals on things. Then I woke up. I still had that image in my head of holding a jug of liquid that had 'sen Jansen' printed on top of the label then the name of the chemical. I don't remember it now, I wish I had wrote it down, but at the time I remembered it, and unfortunately thought I would always remember the chemical. I googled sen Jensen and the chemical name. I found that chemical is a flammable chemical produced by Jansen and Jansen. Over the past few years, when I've done automatic writing, the things that I wrote were about frequencies and piezoelectricity and crystals science that I had never looked into consciously. Interestingly, before I really delved into the medical field, my automatic writing involved medical stuff that when I looked into and learned more turned out to be accurate. Some of the automatic writing about electrical stuff, I realized were memories from my very young childhood, and I can place the voices and setting and I'm transcribing it in a trance, others have the same idea behind them of transcription of memories in a trance, yet I don't consciously know how I could have that memory and I don't recognize any of the voices and if I close my eyes, and try to visualize it, it just goes away. Then there's the electric contact lenses, I had a few strange dreams of being put in a trance and those put on me. After I had one of those dreams, I was awake, but I kept getting this flash in the corner of my vision, like the splice point mark Tyler Durban points out in Fight Club. Chad started telling me, "Wouldn't it be neat if we could take a picture picturpof whatever we see with our eyes if we stare, then do a hard blink, try it." I did and a part of me believed that I had the electric contacts on and that I abouthad just taken a picture with them, another part of me thought that it was just hypnosis and that if I believed I was taking a mental picture in Alpha that I would have complete recall later of it,(as I had already realized hypnosis and had just read about alpha beta theta omega etc. Overall I thought that I needed to just keep quiet and play with it and see where this was going. I decided that if I actually had electric contacts in there were ways to test it. I tried going to the mirror and taking them out. Chad yelled "shit!" and ran over to me and I don't remember what happened after that. (I did that twice, and Chad shouldn't have been able to see what I was doing) So I stopped trying to take them out and worked on identifying why, Chad had me go into this office building, (I know where but not knowing the implications, I'm not going to say, though it seemed benign) and when I was in there, I took blink pictures of maps and stuff. When I was done, I tried again to test it, I thought I'd come up with a rouse that wouldn't look too crazy, yet would get them to question using me. I tested the different bounds and I determined that there seemed to be like an electric range that they reached, like an invisible fence. I wrote my phone number and a message on a piece of paper, then drove out past this range and got out of the car with my eyes closed and made a paper airplane and threw it. When I was driving, my older daughter had made a point of wearing her favorite bright purple shoes, the only purple shoes she had. When I was driving, she threw one of the shoes out the window, then begged for me to get it. I had seen it bouncing down the road behind me but when I went to get it, I couldn't find it anywhere I gave up searching to much tears. Then within a day or so I think, I was supposed to go get my son from the next town over, but I was hit with immense exhaustion and couldn't keep my eyes open, so Chad was driving but he had asked me to still come with him and sleep in the passenger seat. I was dozing off, but I immediately went into a dream, in the dream I wasn't in the car we were in, I was in the backseat of a red convertible and Chad was driving and my former best friend since 6th grade was in the passenger seat. They were looking back at me worried, she was asking if I was going to be ok and telling him to hurry, and he was saying something like "Damnit I told her not to do it, she's already done [a number I can't remember] jumps, it's not safe." Then in real life Chad was waking me up asking if I was ok. Except, I could still feel and hear and feel the wind and sun from the convertible. I said "I can't hear you over the wind" and I looked over the windows were up, to which Chad then rolled down the windows to match the noise and I went back out to the other dimension. The wind was dying down, as we were pulling in to like a hotel (an exact one that I have had numerous dreams about, but have never seen IRL) then I was back in the IRL car riding and Chad was trying to keep me awake. But I was in a sleep paralysis, when I closed my eyes I opened them again and I was standing in a hotel room in a stupor and Chad and my friend were taking the electronic contacts out of my eyes, putting them in a case and leading me around like a zombie. She was saying "She's going to remember this, it was too long!" and he was saying "No, I know her, she'll think that it's 'all just a dream,' she always does." Then I woke up IRL energized, yet remembering all that, years later I saw the twilight zone picnic episode and it kinda made me feel sick watching it, after the above and my two jumps in reality to suddenly being tied up and lying on a cold floor, then jumping back, That the question always remains, is this really reality? And how might you safely question it without causing irreparable harm in your life or others, and what reality is being hidden by whom for what purpose? And the number one question, are my loved ones safe?

Then when we got home, both of my daughters purple shoes were in the back of the car, but my daughter still remembered losing one and was excited that it was back.... A year later or so when Chad was trying to get me to stay, and claiming that he would tell me what was going on, I brought all that up and Chad said "you weren't supposed to remember that." but wouldn't explain it. Though I've taught myself quickly and seemed to inherently know some of the science since then, at the time, I consciously knew NOTHING about frequencies and electricity and very very little about chemistry and spiritual matters, never looked into patents technology. I had basic science knowledge from taking physics, chem, bio, and microbio in college, but when I tried to use any of that to help understand it, I had a complete block on all my science and math college memories since then I've gotten some of it back, especially memories involving interactions but I'm struggling to relearn what I whizzed through then. Interestingly enough, I started going to college taking sciences, maths, philosophy, and psychology because I believed that through science, math, psychology, and medicine I could prove the existence of the soul and reincarnation, telepathy, then I lost my way, then met clown recruiters (that I thought had mutually passed me up and I turned down) then I found the international security major which had been my dream of doing as a child. How much practice do you think it took for Trump to get the Uncle Sam look down? (I'd post side by side comparisons here but ever since I posted the videos of the cops pulling my baby out of my arms, blogger has blocked me from uploading any files from my computer or device, just links and YouTube videos.) I for one can't forgot that ALL of 2020 and 2021, The ruination of small businesses, Operation Warp Speed, the Cares Acts and both fucked up sides of the policies and riots and occupations happened under him. The NWO topples entire countries to have control of the leader for much less ops than that, you think that right at the capstone moment of world domination, we suddenly had a great genius leader who was going to drain the swamp and arrest Hilary, but he got completely swept off his feet and trusted Fauci and others when he shouldn't have and the whole world was conquered with barely a whimper? But Q? The organic grassroots movement of it along with the military push felt like it was something real, while also throughly loaded with assets taking a page from the Arab Spring, that had gotten out of hand and that scared them so they practiced pacifying with "calm down and trust the plan," "sit back and watch the show"

Take this with a grain of salt as I am finally alone undisturbed at night and hit a trance good, I'll put in some Virginia Woolf, when I realized that I had been writing so long that I hit a daze and wasn't making much sense typing wise, but had an interesting internal daydream going, I broke the trance to come up here and preface it, normally I would take note of it, then erase it and try to find ways to show it to others that isn't a strange stream consciousness. let's see if I can spopcorrestart it: Now Trump being arrested instead of HRC. create feeling f o hopeless and dispair against deep the state. After doing counterbalance rituals using sidereel time to the JFK, I still don't understand sidereal time so where when is this? think a ying, yang, and one ritual death card played having an etheffect on another or an attempted inversion, little Havana green light thing I mentioned, what country? lost it.. ...not really countries, factions lodges... I stood up and thought about what I was Imagining and lost it but basically I was getting different files of memories of things that I read çompared and the Trump card and the joker... BACK 2 or 3 of 1/06 a trump card myrtle what's this word? style will make a mytre of word for downed Soviet comrade Russia no? hard stop. Martyr will make a martyr of him on Uncle Sam posters war and along the contrived battle lines they drew to tear apart the country black white red blue rainbow state fiefdoms rather than where the real battle lines need to be drawn along the lines of truth and against those that set the stage for the vaccines and 5g as well as the riots and perverse insanity, him have him drawn and quartered only if something about RFK is the light.... and ancestral curses and the p ayment or redtibrition of such is powerful... I myself err on the side of that I'm not crazy just am able to create an internal space my head that I'm able to work out problems in when I'm falling asleep either the nature of addressing real world problems or our quantum aspects of our brain make it have implications in the real world. But what gets me to think that it can't be just my consciousness is that it isn't always in English or intelligible, while I'm still having self aware thoughts in English about what is being said or shown to my consciousness, while commanding my body transcribe it, hence the feeling of being in multiple places at once while being fully aware that my body is simply sitting here typing. Then digging into the languages and realizing that I don't seem to understand as much about some languages as I should or did, and suddenly knowing ones that I don't know how I do. I picked up this one first a few days ago, and I'm neither speaker, and it's kinda repeating now so Iug ess this is where I'll put it. I told you! About the Russian? I know, that's not just one percent of the country, it's one percent of the world. That can do that? So are we talking clairovoyance? No all we know is natural ability and going off the level of exposure versus recall, But there's what we can't find any previous experience for. well we haven't ruled out other exposure sources. Like the Dad? I like the Dad. It's a solid maybe, already a polyglot... Those are our words exactly what you said look it's, it's caught up to...what I said now. it goes both ways boys;)Now we're talking clairovoyance.

maybe I'm making a fool of myself in the above, or maybe it means exactly what it's meant to, to who it's meant to and who's going to know who it made sense to and who thinks that I should I should be locked up. Least of all me, as far as I know it's my imagination, though the reality is I have control now to type it out or erase it, I don't feel like I have intellectual control as to have created it in the way we create daydreams like imagining someone naked or,... Those show creative control, and trail off waiting for you to think of new ways for it to go. versus what seems to be a witnessing of something happening (or multiple events that jump in over each other outside my control. I've done a lot of different experiments on determining how someone could test the bounds of actual remote viewing, versus imagination, or hallucinations. to confuse matters is the idea of egregores from daydreams, and the energy that they can create. just like you just did when you thought of me naked. Well it has to be you and not me because I don't know who might read this. You know you thought of me, I don't know who you are, I think that I might make all this text in black so it's not so obvious.;) I took an over the counter Delta 9 edible since the kids were out and I'm bored, maybe I connected with something and sat typing about it, maybe, but probably got stoned and thought it would be funny to fuck with people in a little Easter egg, if pressed that's what I'm going with ;) ;)

My birth sign is Scorpio, I'm burning myself out right now and need to quit while I'm ahead. With OPUS and everyone from the top down so obviously bought and sold, I think fighting this on their land the legal system is a losing battle. But spiritually there is an idea of LAW and UNDER THAT WE THE OPPRESSED GATHER EVIDENCE FOR OUR CASE THAT THE EVIL OF THIS WORLD BE HELD TO ACCOUNT! I have seen the evidence that calling wrong to account spiritually and fully having faith that your case will be heard works and us all collectively clamouring WILL. More on Curcumin killing cancer by improving the folding of proteins, clearing out the calcium ion channels and aiding in the chaperoning, all of which is affected by microwaves 5g and are the mechanisms affected in Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, cataracts, CJD Huntington's all of which people are chronically suffering from and subjected to invasive treatments not cures.

" Curcumin inhibits thyroid cancer cell growth, at least partially, through ER stress-associated apoptosis. Our observations provoked that ER stress activation may be a promising therapeutic target for thyroid cancer treatment.(Figure is included in full-text article.). "
Curcumin is a natural compound with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties with promising potential for the development of therapeutic drugs for the treatment of cancer as well as neurodegenerative diseases. Among the mediators of cancer development, HSP60 is a key factor for the maintenance of protein homeostasis and cell survival. High HSP60 levels were correlated, in particular, with cancer development and progression, and for this reason, we investigated the ability of curcumin to affect HSP60 expression, localization, and post-translational modifications using a neuroblastoma cell line. We have also looked at the ability of curcumin to interfere with the HSP60/HSP10 folding machinery. The cells were treated with 6, 12.5, and 25 µM of curcumin for 24 h, and the flow cytometry analysis showed that the compound induced apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner with a higher percentage of apoptotic cells at 25 µM. This dose of curcumin-induced a decrease in HSP60 protein levels and an upregulation of HSP60 mRNA expression. Moreover, 25 µM of curcumin reduced HSP60 ubiquitination and nitration, and the chaperonin levels were higher in the culture media compared with the untreated cells. Furthermore, curcumin at the same dose was able to favor HSP60 folding activity. The reduction of HSP60 levels, together with the increase in its folding activity and the secretion in the media led to the supposition that curcumin might interfere with cancer progression with a protective mechanism involving the chaperonin.
GOTU KOLA (Centella Asiatica)being able to fix protein folding in a previously incurable protein folding disease (which is also linked to microwave radiation as all these amyloid diseases are)
"Transthyretin is responsible for a series of highly progressive, degenerative, debilitating, and incurable protein misfolding disorders known as transthyretin (TTR) amyloidosis. Since dissociation of the homotetrameric protein to its monomers is crucial in its amyloidogenesis, stabilizing the native tetramer from dissociating using small-molecule ligands has proven a viable therapeutic strategy. The objective of this study was to determine the potential role of the medicinal herb Centella asiatica on human transthyretin (huTTR) amyloidogenesis.....Our findings suggest that C. asiatica contains pharmaceutically relevant bioactive compounds which could be exploited for therapeutic development against TTR amyloidosis. " formation of oligomeric amyloid aggregates
Amyloid aggregates have emerged as a significant hallmark of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Although it has been recently reported that microwave heating induces amyloid aggregation compared with conventional heating methods, the mechanism of amyloid aggregate induction has remained unclear. In this study, we investigated the formation of oligomeric amyloid aggregates (OAAs) by microwave irradiation at microscale volumes of solution. Microwave irradiation of protein monomer solution triggered rapid formation of OAAs within 7 min.
Oh look! in 7 minutes of the radiation frequency listed as used by 5g, they created a rapid formation of what is known to cause Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, CJD etc. ok shut it off and warn the world! nope, Oh it turns out that microwave radiation causes these diseases, let's use microwaves to study how to create better nanowires in the brain! no literally:
In the microwave system, we also investigated the inhibitory effect on the formation of amyloid aggregates by L-ascorbic acid as well as enhanced amyloid aggregation by silver nanomaterials such as nanoparticles and nanowires. We believe that microwave technology has the potential to facilitate the study of amyloid aggregation in the presence of chemical agents or nanomaterials.
L ascorbic acid, Maybe we should all take more vitamin C from a meta analysis of data
"Conclusions: Higher vitamin C intake and serum ascorbate might be inversely associated with risk of cataract. Vitamin C intake should be advocated for the primary prevention of cataract."
I did this aromatic writing June 25th, now with new eyes since the burning of Paradise City, I'm chilled:
Dozing off, and started to dream before I fell lI heard a news reporter in my head "unspeakable disaster " untold thousands, if not millions" "something something paradise" at 'paradise' a different station jumped in and started playing PARADISE CITY and some young guy driving and talking ...
Though I question the millions part there, I seem to remember questioning at the time too whether it was millions in death or damage and it continued and I didn't seem to get any response as if I was just witnessing it. I lost track for a minute that's why I put thsomethings, because the first that I heard that got me to start writing was something like we don't know the death toll or no word yet on the death toll, I didn't write more or try to explore it because I drifted off to sleep to what I know was a vivid dream, but I can't for the life of me remember the content, it started as just audio and the only visual I got was right before I fell asleep of the guy driving.

A person who shows a variety of different sides of themselves and owns each one in full view of their contrasting side, is a person who knows themselves and their shadow and recognizes the source is one. I've met some seemingly really great angelic people who hide terrible dark sides even from themselves creating dissociative multiple personalities. I'm only hiding this text from you, I can still see it in between my other work just formatted differently.;) but when I first posted the automatic writing/transcription I was completely weirded out by myself and I was having my trances controlled through hypnosis and hidden from myself, this has came through a journey of self discovery and figuring how and why I was used, and learning to control it myself. Our society only has either you're crazy, on drugs or possessed, versus shamanistic cultures that recognize spiritual journeys. . . . . . . . W Bot kak to tak